Barisone Criminal Case Update

The words “ruin your universe” sound like a threat. They don’t to you?


Ahhhhh… the recordings!!


Yes they very much do. And, I assume you understand who said she was going to ruin LK’s universe? And why that, given what happened next, might be a blight on someone’s future.


Yeah, ok, you go with that. Remind the defense attorneys…because even they are not going with that.


I am going with that
It is something called “due process.”
MB has not been found guilty of anything .


I have no idea who said it. Enlighten me. The words would sound like a threat no matter who said them except for a minor - they are prone to spewing stupidity.


I agree with the part about a minor.


Hmm. In a prior post IM said the prosecution wasn’t using the recordings and didn’t need them.

This of course may or may not be true. We won’t know until the trial.

If it is true, it could mean that the tapes contain no useful information for the prosecution , or that they have been ruled inadmissible, or both.

It’s also possible that whatever is on the tapes is normal barn bitching that it takes a stretch to put a criminal intent on.

“She’s got to go. We need to get rid of her.” That kind of thing is said when you want to evict someone not murder them.

I somehow doubt that people who lived in a separate suite at the back of the barn were hanging out by a boarders tack locker to concoct murder plans.


So @Inigo-montoya who said they would ruin LKs universe?


It is now fairly obvious he is referring to MHG making remarks on the illegal recordings. If they aren’t allowed in the trial, I suspect they hope 48 Hours is champing at the bit to use them.

BTW, @Inigo-montoya can you tell us the results of the ballistics and GSR tests on all three people?


I can picture MHG on the witness stand, looking gorgeous as always, batting those long eyelashes and turning on her charm in her soft voice as she explains her frustration, fear, depression and great stress regarding any recording statements. Gonna be interesting for sure if it makes it that far (recordings being introduced).

I can also imagine if these recordings are as damning as we are told, the Gray family will do everything in their power to prevent any media from airing them.

By the way, MHG has posted on her FB pages that her mother is very ill awaiting a transplant. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.


Sorry, can’t help you there.


And just like that, IM undangles the morsel.


Good… the better she looks the more likely the jurors will believe that MB would do ANYTHING to keep her from carrying out her threats to leave him if he didn’t get rid of LK by any means necessary.

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That’s silly IMHO. He was the property owner AND the trainer. Once he wanted her gone, she’s gone. The ONLY item in question was WHEN.

“By any means necessary” was never required to get her to go.


I’ve never known her to not look as though she just stepped out of a modeling shoot. Any photos of her will always show her looking like a million bucks.

You are assuming a sexist all male jury it appears.

Edited to say, before anyone says I’m now on the MH bandwagon…far from it. I am strictly speaking of her always beautiful appearance.


Haha…what morsel? I don’t know about the ballistics stuff.

But I’m pretty sure neither the ballistics nor the audios will be important in MB’s criminal trial.

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You responded to the wrong person.

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That jumped out at me as well. And one that is completely swayed by looks.


Based on the three “snippets of conversation”that have been shared here that have been seriously spun to try to make them sound nefarious ……I’m going to go with this one.