Barisone Criminal Case Update

Didn’t you post that IM drops another morsel? Are there two KM’s here posting?

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@Inigo-montoya You DO realize that although the apartment situation required a process be followed to evict, the horses did not. He could have locked them out once notice expired.


This is a waste of time. After 2 years you’re not accepting that MB did not want them to leave…MHG did. When your landlord says “don’t leave, we’ll work this out” and his girlfriend says “leave” who do you listen to?

It was only in the few days before the shooting that MB asked them to leave and there’s a reason for that…which you won’t accept.

I’m not going to debate with you things that are well documented just because it destroys your “theories.”


Did MB actually say to LK “Mary wants you to leave” ?


I get what you are saying. That said, you or LK or someone said it was widely known of MB’s volatile temper…if that is true, why didn’t you encourage LK to leave after she posted all her fears on FB for all to see? It almost seems to have been another taunt - what was the phrase “guns hot” or something similar. I just can’t grasp not leaving if the fear and danger was that great! Heck, with a Top 5 Global Law Firm on Zoom speed dial, she could have left and taken all sorts of legal action against him. Very peculiar indeed.


So, there is at least one person, on FB, who claims to have heard the tapes in addition to IM here. Maybe they are the same person…I’m not sure how wide spread these tapes were shared……could have been pretty far….

And here is LK gushing about secretly recording someone (MB?) and the juicy gossip she’s going to share with them…

Most of us kind of get that behavior like that isn’t usually considered acceptable and desirable to have around your facility….


Very often in barns or workplaces or organizations, a problem person will target one or two people, but in a way that isn’t really visible to the boss, the trainer, the adults, etc. It can take a while for the people in charge to really see and understand what’s going on.

In the case of a client who is jealous of the trainer’s girlfriend, I can imagine a slowly building pattern of harassment that takes a while to become evident. Also the rage on the part of the client when the trainer finally sides with the girlfriend.

The situation clearly evolved. It reached some kind of crisis the week before the shooting.


Haha hah. That was a keyboard spit.


MB’s violent erratic temper was known to so many people. He’d yell and scream and threaten and huff and puff but no one, not LK nor his past students nor trainers thought he’d resort to attempting murder. But in retrospect, when it happened so many people have come forward to say they are shocked, but not surprised. it was just something no one believed could happen…until it did.
And people keep ignoring this uncontroverted fact…Immediately upon learning that MB wanted her to leave LK engaged a lawyer the very next day to work out a plan with MB’s lawyer…and the lawyers were doing just that.



July 25, 2019 she’s openly posting about recordings that apparently indicate harm, yet SHE STAYED and didn’t call the police!!!


But LK herself has said on these threads that she was never asked to leave. Also that she intended to dig her heels in and take the farm away from. MB. Also that the Sweet grass Farms entity loved her and begged her to stay.

So either LK was lying on COTH or is lying to you, IM, or you are just making stuff up.


But, but, but, she KNEW (apparently per her) she was in DANGER and STAYED! Do you hear yourself? You just posted how MB’s reputation of anger was well known and supposedly she HEARD THEM “PLOTTING” and did nothing but call her lawyer. I don’t buy it. Sorry. She’s not that naive.



Did you see any post by LK on Facebook in which she said she was going to ruin MB?


He will tell you he doesn’t read her FB page.


Ironically I heard exactly the same thing except it was about LK!


You are obviously very smart and I respect that. But consider an alternative scenario…I’ll use your second paragraph…

In the case of a trainer’s girlfriend who is jealous of one of the trainer’s clients I can imagine a slowly building pattern of the girlfriend demanding that the trainer get rid of the client…

And we know in the real world that the party who gets shot 99% of the time is not the jealous person but the person who was the target of the jealousy.

So…you may want to reconsider…or not. But I’m guessing you’re smart enough to understand.


yep…you go with that

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You honestly think MHG was jealous of LK? Sorry…just spewed G&T on the keyboard!


So if MHG was jealous as you say SO WHAT?! You still go! You don’t get between the couple. Put on your big girl panties and go!


Jealous of the time MB was spending training LK? 1000%. There are lots of reasons a person can be jealous. Try to refrain from spewing on your keyboard.