Barisone Criminal Case Update

But it was LK complaining she was getting shuffled off on the second string assistant trainer.


Aw, come on! You can’t be serious! LK is a collector of fancy horses. Period. You’ve said yourself she is not in the same class of rider as MHG. I doubt MH was concerned at MB spending an hour or two a day trying to teach LK a half-halt or whatever. How did this jealousy manifest itself so suddenly between mid-July and August? You are grasping at straws. MH wanted her off the property because she knew she was trouble. Nothing more or less.


Yes, thank you.

But when that changed, things changed.

You seem smart enough that you should soon be getting to an ah-ha moment.

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I think too it’s a bit disgusting at this point to drag in MHG who has not been charged, and has rebuilt her life, and somehow make it seem as if being harassed and targeted by a jealous LK is somehow her fault, or that she’s the mastermind here.

Until the RC trial, LK kept saying RC was behind a murder plot. After the RC trial, that’s obviously not true, so attention has to focus on another woman being harassed by LK.


What I know is trainers were becoming tired of having horses ready for a no-show from LK
you say due to some spider bite (hasn’t she had spider bite issues in the past too?) Trainers don’t like to repeatedly waste their time for students who aren’t fully invested.


I’m sorry, Eggbutt. I respect your politics and I respect you attending diverse holiday parties but in this matter you really have your head in the sand.

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Mkay. Got it.

Um, what “diverse holiday parties”?



It’s interesting how the IM persona has switched over time from projecting a knowing, rather objective attitude to getting into deep partisan craycray and personal attacks on posters.


Let me be perfectly clear
this is on MB
he did it.

However, on thousands of pages the question has been asked
what drove him to it?

Apparently you only like to hear opinions that advance your perceived story line. Sorry you don’t like opinions you don’t want to hear


You said you were attending a Christmas/Hanukkah party a few weeks ago. I think that’s nice.


And THIS is what the majority of the 1000’s of pages have been about. Some still strongly suspect self-defense. RG receives very little attention on these threads except for his lack of a contractor’s license. He has more to do with the events of 8/7 specifically and we’ll have to wait for the trial to learn the extent of his actions that day.


@Inigo-montoya Could 48 hours have a copy of it?

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Yes, that’s true. Thank you.

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Just when I thought i was done

your head is getting buried deeper in the sand.

RG did nothing but help everyone at the barn with anything they needed, fixed MHG’s kids bike’s all the time, took them ice skating etc.

MHG told LK many times about RG
“you got a good one there, Lauren.”

And for the record anyone believing that RG would ever act or speak abusively to a child is insane and doesn’t know him. Kids flock to him.

The lawyer, Deininger, who suggested that in his since dismissed complaint should be facing disciplinary charges for that libel.


I imagine RG as Rip from Yellowstone as far as job duty.

I still question the testimony Heymer gave regarding RG’s actions of the day.


As I recall, this Mr. Montoya was brandishing partisan cray-cray upon arrival in these threads – didn’t he open with a fantastical tale about USEF and Safe Sport knowing all posters’ identities and monitoring these threads so they could punish anyone whose comments might be considered unbecoming of a dignified equestrian?

It didn’t take him long to move on to petty personal jabs.

The interludes of civility and rationality seem more exceptional than the recent hostile posture does.




Which is strange since LK has told us so many times that the recordings are going to prove everything at court time. (Strange because IM says he knows everything, and LK is saying the exact opposite.)

LK said they were never asked to leave, ever.
Does that mean that LK did not know she has been asked to leave? Did MB tell you, IM that LK needed to leave but not tell LK, and that is why LK insists they were never told to leave?

And once again, how does this work with LK insisting they were never told to leave? I believe those posts are even copied into this thread.


I have no idea if it applies in this case or not, but it’s perfectly possible for recordings to contain useful information even if they aren’t admissible.

I use a lot of information (that I most definitely acquire legally) from sources that won’t be directly used in court - to learn the backstory, to figure out who I need to talk to to find info that would be used in court, to figure out if there might be other avenues that need to be investigated, etc.

For example (and this is not related to what’s being discussed in the thread, it’s just an example of when inadmissible material may be of use to investigators), part of my job is to catch smugglers. If someone sends me a video that shows smugglers in the act, even if the video is not admissible, at least now I know what was done, maybe who did it (or at least what they looked like) and probably when and where. I can use that information to start digging for admissible proof. Even if the person who took the video did it illegally, the information contained in the video may be useful for investigative purposes.

(Disclaimer - I am not suggesting that anyone should record anything illegally. Seriously, don’t do it. If someone hands me a recording that was illegally acquired, I’ll either report them to the appropriate authorities or, if it’s part of an active criminal case, I’ll let the prosecutor know and they’ll handle it.)

If there are recordings, it’s likely that there was useful info, even if only to help identify possible witnesses.


It was great. We were about to leave when another rider showed up and asked them to ride with her. All the girls grabbed fresh horses and went cantering around the pasture and then they went and jumped
higher than they do in their lessons. Very good school horses
.they were all ready to move up anyway, just needed some convincing