Barisone Criminal Case Update

I don’t follow these threads as I mentioned on the recently closed thread.

Is this case actually in court now? I’m confused.

And LK had to push just a bit more to rid herself of MHG and called CPS, or caused them to come. So many people there love little children but she would risk them being put in foster care for even 1 hour to get her way. Thankfully they were already back in NC. Shameful.


word is, the trial was pushed back due to other cases lingering longer.

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I believe the last date mentioned for the upcoming trial was some time in March 2022.


Jury selection begins 3/21/22 with the trial beginning 3/28/22.


Hey, look at what all the bad kids are getting!


She can have any “status” the two of them agree on. What status do you think she needed? Are you suggesting that unless she’s married to him she can’t handle any business or something?


Sounds right…I have three chestnut mares.


I am always very behind behind when I read this forum so do not like to post replies so late BUT your statements are fallacies so I feel compelled to respond.
It could be true that MB may have been an angry man, he may have had a gun, and he may have had a horrible temper and could have been a bully, but this matter is not about who is the bigger bully or about good and evil. It may also be equally true that MB may have been scared, he may not have had a gun and he may have been bullied.

It appears some posters, including yourself, want to find MB guilty without a trial. Furthermore they/you believe MB is not entitled to a vigorous defense.
The US has laws that state innocent until proven guilty. The prosecution is supposed to prove innocence beyond a doubt. That is their JOB.
I am sorry that LK was shot and I am sorry that MB is in jail without bail but neither of these statements have anything to do with evil vs good.
Nobody, in all the threads I have read on COTH, has condoned attempted murder for any reason let alone because one person was angry.
MBs lawyer has admitted that MB suffers from Complex-PTSD. MB lawyer states MB has had therapy for this illness. " PTSD has been recognized by appellate courts in U.S. jurisdictions as a valid basis for insanity, unconsciousness, and self- defense "
So far not one post that I have read implies MB or his lawyer are lying about this.
So self-defense is certainly a possibility in this case.
Taking a “fresh look” includes learning about Complex-Ptsd.
From her posts it appears LK believes it is very straight-forward. It is NOT. There is nothing simple about Complex PTSD and this case is not simple matter of one person shooting a gun at another person. We all care about motives.
If after the trial it comes out that MB was a “violent erratic man” for no reason we can start a new thread about how wronged LK was. Until then this/these thread(s) appears to be about MB and not LK.
If you were a true LK friend you would encourage her quit reading this forum and to find affirmation from inside not outside.
I have never met MB or LK. I follow the Barrisone thread(s) because I have always found law cases interesting especially when they involves horses.


You have heard the audios??




This brings up an important point: Until there is a definitive ruling on the legality of the various recordings, one should be very cautious quoting those recordings in order to defame MHG.

It is illegal to share such recordings if such recordings were obtained illegally. It seems that someone has been sharing them with several people. Those commenting here who have heard these recordings are categorically presenting a negative picture of MHG who, herself, is not charged in connection with this case. Those posters are also, repeatedly, alluding to the fact that even worse information is going to come out about MHG in future based on those recordings, which is rather threatening.

Again, until there is definitive clearance that those recordings were made legally, sharing them is not legal.


Beyond a REASONABLE doubt. Had to correct that. It’s was too incorrect to ignore.

Also, surely you can see that while a US citizen IS entitled to “effective,” counsel & due process of law, a victim of a crime such as this, can still firmly believe in that while, at the same time questioning any outcome besides a “guilty,” verdict. Having BEEN there and knowing exactly what went down, it would be dubious proposition at best, to believe we would approve of an outcome other than “guilty as charged.”

But, that is not what some are here for. They are here to twist words and victim blame. [Edit]
Night check! Early morning training and life n stuff so…. gotta go now. Mkay? Mkay.

One last thing…… Brendajane- DO stop lying. My post referencing “Misery,” was a very obvious mockumentary of what a lunch date with EB, HB, GJ and ex MIL might look like. There were zero “threats,” of “hobbing off legs.” Ridiculous. I literally said: “here is how that lunch party (or whatever) would go: Then, I explained exactly how I would’ve expected it (made up lunch date) to go. GJ has forced our friend to amputate his leg. Way before it was necessary. IRL. I’m a family friend of his and have been for 25 yrs. Do not twist my words. Do not pretend to know situations to which you are not privy.
Especially, EB. You know nothing. You have zero clue whether anything I’ve said or done on SM was “unprovoked.” You don’t know any of the players (IRL) OR the situations. [Edit]


as if it was one last thing.
Maybe pickup swimming…your backstroke is record worthy.






Backstroke? Are you making fun of her bc she is limited in lets say, “breastroke,” due to two gun shot wounds to the chest? What’s next? Telling war vets who lost legs to go for a run? Absokuteky gross. I’m horrified by your post.


Having not followed any of these threads but happened upon the meat tonight, you do know that you, who I’m informed on the threads may be a defendant, could very likely have all of your posts admitted into evidence? Perhaps admitted as potential jury tampering because of your opinion to strangers on COTH - a public internet forum? You seem to have so many statements that the defendants might use.

Are you this…uninformed in life?


ah…a devious mind sees mischief behind every corner, but no, Backstroke, similar to backpaddle…


She may not know what backpaddle or backpeddle is. Might be too young to know those actions. :wink:

Backpeddle: to retreat from or reverse one’s previous stand on any matter; shift ground:
to back-pedal after severe criticism.