Barisone Criminal Case Update

How did this even become a thing that anybody here actually believes is happening? Seriously - where is the evidence that anyone on this entire planet has mounted a full legal assault to make Safe Sport police bullying between adults?


I fully encourage everyone to read the thread for the full context. It is kind of hard to read and follow because she starts talking about the Jane Does in the RMD case and then seems to midstream shift to actions that involve her or her experiences that she objected to

I don’t really follow the Safe Sport thread but occasionally, so, no comment from me on the validity of any complaints about Safe Sport’s rules and their interactions in legal battles based on their quasi-gov’t status.


I think that those posters who were thrilled are still equally thrilled.


You’re right - I do remember several posters being quite enthusiastic in their belief that RC’s testimony would help the defense and hurt the prosecution. I haven’t seen any recent enthusiasm on that topic. Good memory.


I highly doubt SCOTUS is going to hear the case that SS should also be used to heal adult drama.


Is anyone even asking them to?

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Now why on earth did you enter this post? Simply to provoke? My question was sincere
has anything changed that would damper anyone’s excitement and @Inigo-montoya responded respectfully. I can only assume you thought you were being cute.


Had you read the previous posts you would see Lala implied that in her post on the SS thread.

Snark away.


I keep thinking about him losing his wife who took care of all the details that allowed him to teach and compete, her share of the assets that they owned together, her contacts for investors in those assets, her management skills, and her income. He suddenly had squabbles per LaLa and others with a well heeled client, a big loss of funds from the freeze, and loss of use of basement apartments because of only one egress (that is the only vacate a poster who said they were there mentioned way back in the early posts). MHG had her kids living in a barn and I wonder what her ex and both sets of the kids grandparents felt about that and how much pressure she was under from them and her kids. She was allegedly threatening to leave and he had given up everything for her.

Controlling significant others kill their partner every day when they try to leave, it’s the most dangerous time. MB just had significant losses and was threatened with more. His income and assets took a big hit. He lost control of his wife and was about to lose his girlfriend. VK and MHG are lucky to get out of there. LaLa just seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and maybe very well raising cane at the changes and having to deal with other than MB and VKB without realizing how dangerous the situation was.

RG saved her life and kept MB from having murder charges. I don’t think anything in the charges show anything other than MB fired the weapon at LaLa hitting her in the chest twice.

I still can’t figure out RC letting her weapon out of her control. Maybe she trusted him to keep it in the safe. Maybe MB without VK was a different person than the MB with VK.


Just as he was a different person before LK came around.


Wow! You must be a joy IRL.

Please, carry on as you see fit.


How? The gun was empty apparently. What did RG do to save her life? He took the dog in the house. Unless you mean both of them beating MB to the ground with the dog biting everyone. Not deliberately trying to be snarky but Heymer is the one who saved LK’s life.


I can’t quite tell what you are referring to with that statement, but if you’re saying that the fact that a defendant has a competent lawyer indicates that they’re probably innocent (or committed the crime but have a likelihood of winning the case), I’m going to disagree with this particular point, at least in terms of criminal defense attorneys.

There are a lot of very good defense attorneys who will eagerly take on cases where the defendant is, in fact, guilty of the offense, so it isn’t possible to determine that someone is innocent just because they have a good attorney. [Edited for clarity - they may very well be innocent. But the fact that they have a good attorney doesn’t indicate either way whether or not they did what they’re being charged with.]

This article describes one defense attorney’s interesting viewpoint on the question of why defense attorneys will represent people in even cases where the evidence of guilt is overwhelming:

I have been a criminal defense lawyer for more than 30 years, first as a public defender and now as a law professor running a criminal defense clinic. My clients have included a young man who gunned down his neighbor in front of her 5-year-old daughter while trying to steal her car, a man who beat a young woman to death for failing to alert drug associates that police were coming and a woman who smothered her baby for no apparent reason. These are the kinds of cases that prompt people to ask: “How can you represent those people?” All criminal defense lawyers are asked this; it’s such a part of the criminal defense experience that it’s simply known as “the question.”

Most of us have a repertoire of stock replies about how the system can’t work without good lawyers on both sides, or the harshness of punishment or the excessive number of people – especially minorities – locked up in this country. Capital-case defenders such as Tsarnaev lawyer Judy Clarke tend to cite their opposition to the death penalty.

But our motivations are usually personal and sometimes difficult to articulate. I often say I was inspired by “To Kill a Mockingbird.” There is no more compelling figure than Atticus Finch defending a wrongly accused poor black man.

Innocence, though, is not a chief driver for me. To the contrary, I often call my life’s work “the guilty project.” Criminal defense is, for the most part, defending the factually guilty – people who have done something wrong, though maybe not exactly what is alleged.

That works for me because, as it happens, I like guilty people. I prefer people who are flawed and complicated to those who are irreproachable. As legendary American lawyer Clarence Darrow put it more than 80 years ago: “Strange as it may seem, I grew to like to defend men and women charged with crime. 
 I became vitally interested in the causes of human conduct. 
 I was dealing with life, with its hopes and fears, its aspirations and despairs.”

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I think you will eventually come to see that is not the case.


Well we are pitching scenarios but this is one I’m not so inclined to see as plausible as other scenarios.


My answer was sincere - I specifically remember several people expressing enthusiasm over their belief that RC’s deal with the prosecution was going to be a huge help to the defense while hurting the prosecution. I admit it was perplexing since so little about what RC actually said was released publicly (not to mention the deal was made with the PROSECUTION), but that’s how these threads go. It’s funny how a post that doesn’t fit the accepted narrative on these threads is automatically seen as provocative and meant to cause a stir. Closed minds think alike I guess!


Someone implied that SCOTUS is going to hear a case about SafeSport and you believe it and repost in another thread? This explains so much - thank you!


No LK thought it could happen and to me it presented as she was suggesting maybe she’d be the one to initiate that endeavor or help it along somehow.


To you it presented as she was suggesting maybe she’d be the one to initiate that endeavor or help it along somehow.

Just like many here think that maybe somehow RG and LK were the ones that probably maybe had a gun and they could have possibly potentially been the ones to shoot LK and then they might have possibly put the gun underneath MB right before the cop showed up and then when the cop was distracted RG probably maybe made the dog bite the cop so he would have an excuse to go into the house for 2 or 20 minutes and hide the gun that he probably used to shoot LK accidentally because they likely could have lured MB down there to try to shoot him but somehow it all went wrong because MB showed up with only 3 bullets so OBVIOUSLY he didn’t do it no way no how that’s just crazy because come on ONLY THREE BULLETS???


Why do you continue to believe some of the things you think she is saying, while completely dismissing others? I mean really, has she even come close to taking your farm yet?