Barisone Criminal Case Update

These aspects of the divorce actually explain a lot. If she (VK) was handling all the barn management, and investor contacts, bringing in an income, and generally keeping everything running so that he could compete, train and teach, the divorce would create financial strain and big management burdens. Horses are expensive.
If he was under a lot of financial stress, I can see why he may have been desperate to keep LK (as a multiple horse, premium package client), but at the same time desperate not to lose MHG (which apparently required getting rid of LK).
Thanks for your posts.


I wouldn’t expect you to say anything to the contrary.

Um, I didn’t repost anything. I simply suggested you read the previous posts and keep up.

And tell us, exactly what did your misunderstanding explain?


100% correct!

People here don’t realize they’re thoughts are so contradictory.

The defense attorney is quite competent. He’ll focus on what he thinks are the strengths of his case

and I’m quite certain that chain of custody of the gun will not be where he wants to go. You don’t create reasonable doubt by insulting the jury’s intelligence.


You believe what you want. So will I.


It is going to be an interesting and complicated trial. There will be no winners except the attorneys.


No because I actually know what I’m talking about. I don’t need to threaten people or try and bend them to my way.


Give it up KM
there is no logical discussion with this one. Brick wall effect.


That is for certain. I cannot imagine how hard this has been for everyone and how brutal a 3 week trial will be for everyone.


You reposted here that LK posted in another thread something that implied SCOTUS was going to hear a case about Safe Sport, implying that you believe she is telling the truth. Yet you completely dismiss her as a liar when she makes other statements that don’t fit your narrative. [edit]


Nope, wasn’t me, sweetie. Look again.
I don’t read the SS thread, I simply read the post Sdel made detailing Lala’s SS thread post.



This reminds me of when my kids were toddlers and they would say to each other “I know you are but what am I???” Except they were cute little toddlers who didn’t know how to argue their point of view with words, instead of adults who didn’t
well, never mind.


@RND for your reading pleasure. You’re welcome. Please get your facts and accusations correct before you swipe at others.


You literally said in your post that I quoted:

“Lala implied that in her post on the SS thread.”

It really is like talking to toddlers here.


Are you truly that obtuse? I just tagged you in the original post (above). I didn’t say I believed anything.

You can get rude and members can ignore your inflammatory statements (like on the thread that just got shut down - calling someone “creepy” for giving a synopsis of what seems to be a well know series of events and statements that even YOU claim here to to have vast memory of) but this insult crosses the line.

You owe eggbutt an an apology. I know virtually nothing about the personal disagreements here stemming from previous MB threads I didn’t read but you don’t get to lump posters into the category of “parasites”. “It’s like talking to toddlers”?

Your blatant insults are unnecessary on this board. Learn to communicate better when dealing with others.


And I just quoted your post that I responded to; I did not respond to Sdel’s post. You seem to be having a really hard time keeping up here tonight.



Yet you didn’t feel it necessary to scold a poster who called people scumbags nor did you think it necessary to scold Ambitious Kate who repeatedly called LK a monster and blamed her parents for raising her.

I think we can ignore you.


 J-Lu made it clear that she had not kept up with all the posts on all the threads
 so she may not have seen the comments you mentioned.

So summarily declaring that she can be ignored suggests that you condone the parasite and toddler comments? I would hope not. Scumbags, parasites, monsters, toddlers
 all of it (and a lot more of the taunting, sneering, sniping etc.) is completely unnecessary.

I so wish that those who feel the urge to insult, taunt etc. - no matter who they are or what their position is - would just refrain from doing so. It does not help the discussion in any way and the majority of the posters reading and/or participating in these threads would be grateful not to have to wade through back and forth exchanges and the hypocrisy that often results from same.