Barisone Criminal Case Update

The hypocrisy, lack of self-awareness, and lack of simple logic expressed by so many here just never ceases to amaze me. You are all really incredible human beings (not parasites - my sincere apologies I was a total meanie and that was wrong of me).


1000 times this! Anyone who would indulge in such an exercise should be deeply, profoundly ashamed of themselves.

But, IM does seem to know, if not EVERYTHING, at least a lot and from several different angles. He says no such suit is being contemplated or prepared and I think we can take him at his word on that, thank goodness.

IM, I believe you are passive-aggressively calling me out with your scumbag reference. I did not call anyone a scumbag. I said, and I here quote:

ā€œBragging about it* or belittling others who work for their keep is just scumbag territory.ā€

*For those who werenā€™t involved, ā€œitā€ referred to RND using the term"burger flippers" as a stand in for unskilled, unintelligent loser. IM buddied up to RND and doubled down by saying certain posters here werenā€™t even qualified to flip burgers. I strenuously and in no uncertain terms stated that I think mocking and belittling people for their honest labour is gross, repugnant, disgusting behaviour.

And I 100% stand by that. I think it is even more reprehensible when people who do not work for a living do so.




Wow where did this come from??? My ā€œburger flipperā€ comment was a LONG LONG time ago AND Iā€™m pretty sure the Mod deleted that post and gave me a slap on the wrist for it. Iā€™m a little worried about you that you even remember this it was so long ago. Why in godā€™s name are you even hanging on to this of all the insults that have been posted in these threads?


You seem to be having a really hard time keeping up here tonight.

IM brought it back up with his coy reference to ā€œscumbagā€. Please read my post again and you will see, I am not the one hanging onto it. He is. I think itā€™s the second time at least that heā€™s brought it up. Iā€™m totally cool with it and stand by it. Itā€™s someone else who seems to have an ongoing issue with it.

Perhaps you can take up you hysterical claims of ā€œhanging onā€ and your (Iā€™m sure) sincere worry about it with him? But, you wonā€™t be doing that now, will you?


Never forget that when you point a finger, three fingers are pointing back at you.


I was not thinking about defense lawyers in criminal cases. I was thinking about lawyers in civil suites. They will often write threatening letters in disputes like libel, etc in the hope this makes everyone back down and play nice, even if they are also advising their clients that proceeding to a civil suit would be a huge waste of time and money.

On a related note, the stuff attributed to the victim here about wanting to sue SS to force them to arbitrate disputes between adults is an example of grandiosity and grandstanding that I doubt any good lawyer would pursue.

Itā€™s the easiest thing in the world for the barn cranky pants to run around saying ā€œIā€™m going to sueā€ over something. It rarely happens.


A good example of late night grandiosity.


You are right it is hard to keep up with who is saying what when you donā€™t use the quote function. Where did you get the part in your post about me talking about burger flipping, and where did IM refer to it?

Donā€™t blame me for the fact that you canā€™t a) properly use the quote function, or b) properly organize your post so that it is clear who you are quoting for which part of your post.

Someone here has continuously made fun of people who donā€™t use the quote function properly; I hope whoever that is lets you have it too.


I stated openly that I donā€™t follow these threads, only the more recent one that got shut down and moved to this one. I clearly stated that I donā€™t know the interpersonal history of people, and can only respond to how others respond to me.

Holy cow, I guess you are an avid LK supporter and from her post to my concern about her giving facts away before the trial which she mocked me about, you agree that Iā€™m so stupid.

Feel free to block me. In fact, please do. Any questions I ask on these threads I want to have answers from non-biased people because I am so new to this situation and havent read any of the previous threads. I donā€™t know your exact relationship in this situation but youā€™re clearly very biased. I take note of your response to me as I review these threads and your personal integrity. Thanks for the quick preview! I donā€™t have lots of time, but I appreciate your time-saving post. Truly, thank you.


Ah, got it. And yes, I agree wholeheartedly with this. Gotta love the cranky pants! (Not.)


Weā€™re closing the thread so everyone can put their focus elsewhere for a while this holiday season.

As in the past, when there is progress in the case, we can reopen the thread to accommodate further discussion.