Barisone Jury Deliberation

The comments are being made on yesterday’s video link.

Yeah that $5/day jury pay is awesome


Well at some point you have to have dinner and breakfast….


Yes, but I don’t see comments either.

Yesterday’s video of the verdict watch. Because Bob combs through all the videos of prior days of this trial, and comments. Sometimes “Bob” snarks at people who think this should definitely be an NG verdict. Other times, “Bob” focuses on people who claim the “victims” were squatters.

It’s on and on and on with Bob.


The Michael Todt feed still has live comments up, and maybe the Johnny Depp feed? Depp/Heard is on lunch right now

Bob seems to be intentionally winding people up on any thread they’re on; even if they’re unrelated to the Barisone trial.


“bob joins the chat”

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were you watching the Depp trial!! OML I was dying


Bob is currently spewing on the YouTube stream for the Todt case


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What was happening??

Bob says that they enjoy a couple of Benadryl capsules along with their evening cocktails. :woman_facepalming:


Interesting choice of words. I wonder how Bob feels about the other attempted murder charge and the gun charge?


And now Bob is deleting comments :rofl::woman_facepalming:


Screenshot 2022-04-13 142026



This is one of those examples of how we, as human beings, are pretty consistent when it comes to instinctively focusing in on key details. That just jump out and tell you “Danger! Danger!” Or “Bull $hit!”

It’s kinda like that lady from the Health Department, and how @ekat brought up her gut reaction to RG, which she testified to.

He just didn’t fit there.

I go back to the actual incident at the farmhouse, and think about it. And I think about violence starting. And I think about the 3 people present. Both LK and MB were in a bad way psychologically speaking.

LKs preferred form of aggression is verbal. Or on social media. Or in terms of calling any number of agencies and starting crap. Her criminal record with respect to assault supposedly involved other people jumping her at a bar.

MB was increasingly irrational and delusional and not thinking in a constructive way. At all. But everyone else was describing him as distraught. Hugging people at odd times. Curling up in a fetal position. Calling the police repeatedly for help.

Also… MB has a 20 year history of mental health issues. He does not have a long history of violence. Not even rumors of it. Maybe some allegations he had a temper at times and yelled? But not violence.

RG though… he’s got a criminal record. I haven’t looked it up. Other posters have though. I seem to recollect he has been charged before with assault.

In my opinion, humans are just another kind of animal. Compare humans to dogs. Dogs with a history of biting? They frequently do it again. When in a stressful situation.

Of the 3 dogs present that day, RG was a known biter. I think he bit first. And the unstable dog responded wildly. And the rest is history.


Big nothing burger

No that means a mod deleted him. If he deletes, it says retracted. He was also removed from the Husel trial chat. Wonder when “Bob” is going to get the message.


For those who are familiar with Jorts the Cat on Twitter, he has a term called Classic Jorts.

So in this case it would be Classic Bob. But with a much different connotation.