Barisone Jury Deliberation


The time suck that watching live trials could become for me is going to be problematic…

(and for those playing along - see how posters who have been on opposite sides of the Barisone/Kanarek debacle can find common ground :grinning:)


It was singular. Only guilty of one attempted murder charge.

Maybe somehow, someway Bob actually does have an inside source on what is happening with the jury?

That seems crazy and unlikely to me. But this whole thing is so weird. And JK does seem to be connected and influential in that area.


I saw that and that guy is a PSYCHO!!

To be fair… that’s somewhat Classic either way for here too :wink:


I don’t think she cares one way or another what happens to the charges related to RG. I sometimes even wonder if she remembers them, which makes me wonder about that alleged 3rd shot.

Michael Barisone has to be found guilty of attempting to murder her so she will be vindicated in her own mind.

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If you want to watch a great stream with fun commentary and a live chat, go to Rekieta Law. The dude is funny


Why wasn’t the jury sequestered? We were when I was on a jury…Plus our cell phones were taken away.

the trials are soooo addictive! I’m kind of shocked I hadn’t paid closer attention to Law and Crime before lol

Unbelievable asking the questions about whether Johnny texted his friend that Amber was a big C. :skull: no shame in that trial!


I agree with that. She definitely cares nothing for RG. He’s merely a source of narcissistic supply. And occasionally useful. That’s it.

That’s as close as it comes to “love” with some people. They aren’t capable of love.


But Bob says they never edit or delete comments.


I wouldn’t think so. I think they all know the evidence on RG is super flimsy. Even the prosecutions plea deal dropped the charges for RG. And, it’s been shown more than once that he’s really considered to be nothing more than the servant boy.


Can you QFP on YouTube ? & should we teach them LOL


He does do laundry :joy:


Never, based on Bob’s observable history.


But he can’t unplug a dryer lol :woman_facepalming:


It would be hard to call anyone a keeper if they are not able to unplug the dryer.
So who blames Bob for that choice? I don’t. I mean clearly Bob needs someone with more skills.


I bet if you ask, he’ll say he never lies, either.


Well, except where Bob admitted on the stand that they are not always honest on social media.


I came into this thinking that unless LK and RG were wielding weapons, the only one responsible for shooting LK was MB. I still believe that. But after watching the trial, I do not believe the evidence presented convinces me beyond a reasonable doubt that he should be found guilty. There are too many holes, too many contradictions.

And I have always thought she was nuts - from the first day I saw her FB while she was in the hospital. I think that even more so now after watching the trial. And I 100% can see how her actions could have driven him over the edge into insanity. I feel for him and everyone affected by the drama she stirred and terror she unleashed.

Ultimately, it’s too bad that all parties involved let it get to the point it did, that several people made terrible decisions, and that LK was so driven to get her way. She really was unrelenting in her harassment and refusal to leave. I found the testimony that the negotiations were taking place for her departure and that she had been asked to leave after all to be particularly compelling. It’s just shocking that she still refused to accept the writing on the wall and continued to make things miserable for everyone around her.

Also - This jury watch is stressful!!


I’ve just been made a Trust Level assistant here…thanks for the promotion. Now what does that get me? LOL.

I think Bob Abooey needs to be reported to Safe Sport