Barisone Jury Deliberation

Damn, the last time I was called in for jury duty, we did NOT get lunch. We told to bring it or we could go out for 30 minutes (nothing was half an hour from the court house). Feeling a little put out here…


I’m starting to get bummed that my jury duty keeps getting cancelled. Each week I call and they say I’m postponed and to check the next week.

The courthouse is in close proximity to some really good places to eat and I was looking forward to some delightful solo lunches. (I say that now, and they’ll tell me to report next week and I’ll be frantic trying to figure out how to juggle the kids, etc, every day LOL)


I have to wonder if all the white clothes turn out pink, though.


Please do!


I think Bob needs help. A horse attack???

Bob Abooey

15 minutes ago

Barisone was NEVER attacked by Lauren. He was attacked by one of his glue factory horses and he’s trying to blame it on her


Can you imagine the uproar if he turned her show white breeches pink?


When we were sequestered, we did get dinner. There were 3 choices I think? But NO TALKING- NONE. Not about the weather, the restaurant- NONE. We were surrounded by guards, and they even went to the bathroom with us. Men inside the bathroom, but there were stalls. No talking in there either.
We were going to be forced to stay overnight in the hotel, but we did have our answer.


The time I got called for jury duty and then not selected because I said I would not take anyone’s word for anything without corroboration, not only did they not give us free lunch, but by the time they got done with the jury selection and I went out to my car, it had a parking ticket on it.

So they made money on me that day. Lol.


So wait, now one of MB’s horses was up at the house waiting for MB to show up to randomly attack him if he happened to appear at the house? And thank goodness for RG because he not only saved MB from the attack horse but Bob from the gun?


O. M. G. Now the horse should sue Bob for slander. Or the horse’s owner.


Brief sidebar for a little comic relief. Although… slightly dark comedy.

All of this “Bob” talk has reminded me of a classic movie.

“What About Bob”

The character in that movie is slightly more likeable and charming than our Bob. But still a nut job who has a serious problem with boundaries.


**[quote=“trubandloki, post:69, topic:771538, full:true”]

So wait, now one of MB’s horses was up at the house waiting for MB to show up to randomly attack him if he happened to appear at the house? And thank goodness for RG because he not only saved MB from the attack horse but Bob from the gun?

**based on what evidence was collected that just as likely a scenario as any/s


Funny, semi-related story. When we were kids my mom was on a sequestered jury. The bailiff called us to let us know. My sister, maybe 13 or 14 at the time, answered the phone. She had No Idea what sequestered meant, thought my mom had done something awful, and been arrested. Dad had to talk her off a ledge. And since he could barely find the kitchen, much less cook, he took us all out to a nice Italian restaurant for dinner. Every time I hear or see the word sequestered, I see my sister’s meltdown.


Done on purpose to become a trendsetter, no doubt. :roll_eyes:



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I remember the George Floyd jury saying after that they took some time after the verdict to talk about each other. Sort of to decompress and make personal con nections not permitted in deliberations. They bring in good from restaurants so it’s probably fine.

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Wow, there were guards in the bathroom with you? That sounds serious. Was it some sort of major organized crime case or something?

So according to Bob, MB had a freshly dislocated elbow when he showed up at the house LK/RG were squatting at and just shot them out of the blue?


Good one.

They would have noticed the horseshoe footprints, but it rained. Really hard!


Random horse attack - similar to the unicorn attack discussed here yesterday?

Where does Rosie fit into this horse attack?

I’m so confused.