Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Maybe his dad, or a relative? Goodwin isn’t a rare last name, so Robert C. Goodwin may not be related to Robert G. Goodwin at all.


Has your lawyer not advised you to keep your mouth shut? Because if I was working for the defense…[edit].


La-LaPopRider, If I can ask, curious, what do you do for a living? How do you support your horses and your life?


Wait, how can it be a rumor in the first sentence and then you confirmed it in the second paragraph?


It’s late, I’m lazy but yeah NJ has that treble damages thing. So does Florida. Here’s a peek of snippets of statute without me doing actual research.

“It’s tempting to hire an unlicensed contractor. Their services are low cost, and you are not even legally obligated to pay them. In Florida, unlicensed contracting can be a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the facts. Consequently, unlicensed contractors generally possess no contract or lien rights.”

"New Jersey General Contractor License Requirements. To work as a contractor in the State of New Jersey, you’ll need register with the Division of Consumer Affairs , as well as to obtain a license issued by the State’s Department of Banking & Insurance (DOBI) if you are providing financing."

“Any person who suffers an ascertainable loss of moneys or property, real or personal, as a result of an unlawful practice under the NJCFA may be awarded threefold damages and reasonable attorney’s fees and costs. N.J.S.A. 56:8-19.”

YEAH SO MAYBE THAT’S WHY. [ATTACH=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“large”,“data-attachmentid”:10609053}[/ATTACH]




Treble damages - that is a LOT of scratch!


I was going to point out that same thing.


No, no she doesn’t. With the exception of one other thread having something to do with a SafeSport report on another trainer, I think. I can’t remember the specifics, but nothing else.

No posts about a horse, riding, horse care, barn stuff, breeding…nothing. I got bashed on the last thread for pointing out that she was new to COTH and never posted on the kinds of things that most everybody talks about on this forum.


GUESS WHAT I FOUND!!! The incriminating statement I made about being the bed of MB’s truck!!! I will post the post I was responding to as well for reference. Seems La-La is scraping the barrel trying to make fact out of sarcasm!!

[I]"10. 20, 2019, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by smoofox View Post
That is a very interesting change in your approach to this thread… when nothing you have posted previously was even remotely considered to be dangerous to the continuation of the thread… so what was so different about that last post?

Many pages ago you spewed a lot of details we had not heard before and then to cover for that brain fart insisted it was all in the thread further back… when that was not 100% correct. As Jealoushe and others (including me) have opined, you appear to be far closer to this incident than you are admitting - and have been very disingenuous about that.

If I were to tell you I was in the back of MB’s dually when he raced up to the house to have a shoot-out, would that make you happy or change anything? Nope, it wouldn’t. My identity is of no concern whatsoever nor is whether I was there or not. How is that “disingenuous”? :eek:[/I]

And please refresh my memory…what exactly is “the actual discussion”? Sacrifice paddocks? :lol:"


This was really great stuff, a whole host of admissions of rumors, confirmations of suspicious and threats and intimimdation from LK, which sort of proves MB’s point, there, doesn’t it; plenty more purposefully obtuse and confused useless things from YD, and some pretty good investigative factoids from the rest of us. I’m happy. Nice cocktail to sip, here.


I already asked this, but did not receive a reply. Which is her right, I suppose. She brought it up, and I was curious.

There have been rumours about what she does/did for a living, and she once referenced a career of sorts, but I have no idea what the actual true answer is, and I don’t want to listen to or perpetuate a rumor, therefore I asked directly.

If someone asked me what I do for a living, they’d probably fall asleep from boredom before I finished explaining :lol:

It’s fine if someone (just generally speaking) won the lottery, has family money, a trust fund, an inheritance or pure luck to get where they are now. I don’t hold that against anyone like some people might. If they’re honest about it. We all have different life circumstances and luck.


OMG! THAT was it??? I swear that she and YD will reach for straw and twist it into a pretzel.


@Denali6298, If you haven’t watched Tiger King on Netflix, it’s a serious WTF did I just watch, but I binged the whole thing.

@Knights Mom Thank you for finding that about NJ unlicensed contracting, that’s a lot of damages if something goes wrong.


You’re welcome.

And remember, if the contractor turns out to be unlicensed YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PAY THEM and if they take you to court to get it it’s rude awakening time for them.

This has been a public service announcement.


In New Jersey too?

So - PURELY HYPOTHETICAL question - what if someone falsely claimed to have their license, but used someone else’s name and/or license number? Or said they were working for or under someone with a valid number, but were lying between their teeth? Could the person licensed for real also sue for fraud of some sort? Those license numbers are public info, so IN THEORY, anyone could pass themselves off as an employee of so-and-so. It is super-easy to print out an invoice that looks legitimate.

The all-caps are for those in the back row, who may wish to believe I am accusing any of the principals or intimates in this terrible situation.


This idea is not far off. Since these threads are my morning with coffee entertainment, just want to let everyone know that a dressage friend works at Netflix Hdqts. She knows MB from years ago and also thinks his larger than life personality could be perfect for a future movie etc!


@Jenerationx I am about half way through!

Yes. A person who has engaged in fraud can be sued by anyone affected by that deception. It must be noted that civil courts, depending on jurisdiction, tend to address monies actually spent except in cases like personal injury which awards both compensatory and punitive damages.

Punitive damages seek to punish the person for their wrongdoing. In contrast, compensatory damages are intended simply to pay the person who was injured.

So one would have to assign a money amount and then justify how they came to that amount.

In my HOA all contractors must submit licenses and proof of insurance indemnifying the HOA for damages.


Yes!! I thought I was losing my mind, so I did a search and found this post. It is so diabolical and of such important evidence against me (or someone) that LK has given it to her attorneys, so she says. For what I wonder???

Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up. :eek:


At least we know from the last thread that mods do not consider it a violation of forum rules to speculate on identities, and the rules apply equally to oldies and newbies.