Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

You now owe me an iPad for making spit all over it laughing.

I am shaking in my boots, particularly since I have no ties whatsoever to the dressage industry or any other association.


For the record…I think the results LK got was 100% unintended. She wanted to terrorize MH. Anything involving MB was collateral damage to hurt MH and drive them apart.


Theories YD, lots of people have put THEORIES forward. Try harder.


A lot of people have guessed that he’s innocent. People are tossing out theories, some of which put MB as the real victim. I don’t really know, I haven’t thrown out any theories (at least not that I remember) and I haven’t put much stock in them because I have no clue what happened.
I see what you’re saying though. Just not how I’ve viewed it personally.


By the way, for clarification, Michael Barisone is currently suspended from USEF pending the outcome of the trial and his to be scheduled hearing with USEF pending the verdict in his trial.

Again, innocent until proven guilty.

As far as any defamation of anyone on these threads, LK has been her own worst enemy, just like on FB on various pages.

So now we are aiding and abetting Barisone because we don’t believe Kanarek’s sole statement of events or her insistence it was she who was harassed and threatened. Wow. Just wow.

Don’t we all love the frequent threats by some of legal action against others? I’d call that bullying.


Right. I think you do know who Eggbutt is (but I could be wrong). You would know who LK thinks Eggbutt is if you paid attention to the threads, as she has dropped some not subtle hints.


I have a hard time believing anyone but LK wrote that. No one else in the forum “speaks” that way.


"Since I just left this idiotic thread on safari (search engine I never use) w out bothering to close it & this exact post is what happened to be sitting in front my face when I opened it & I really have no intention of reading anything in between now & last time I commented, (why have 4 separate people doing the same job (??) - Ill just say this:

I have no intention of responding to any “articles,” ever. I’m not “pushing,” anything. Given I’ve said nothing in nearly 40 pages now, nor read them, yet you people are the only one’s still here making up false scenarios & spreading lies to each other- I’d say it is you (collectively) trying to “push,” some agenda. Forty pages later! You must be seriously bored. Unless your real name is RG , Michael Barisone or Jonathan Kanarek, you have no clue at all, whatsoever, of the stipulations & arrangements surrounding the repairs made by RG. That said, you’d be best off printing your “articles,” & using them as toilet paper. I hear there‘s a shortage.

Next, I don’t care how much EMPHASIS you put on the word “IGNORED.” You got lucky. Your comment was coincidentally sitting on page 68. I promise, your all capped “IGNORED,” isn’t what got my attention, though it is ironic, since, normally I would have ignored you precisely because you seem so bothered by the fact I did, in fact, ignore you if/when you allegedly posted “articles,” regarding “permits?” Articles??? Seriously? Hilarious.

Next time, you should add a few “fist,” emojis before and after your capitalized words! Then, you could really drive your emphasized WORD home!! Or, you could opt for clown emojis? Or, save your time. I already know you are clown. Otherwise, you’d know already, no matter how much “EMPHASIS,” you add to the word, “IGNORED,” I’m likely not going to read your “articles,” (what, 50 pages back?? 40??- yeah not happening) and debate the contents with you. Especially, after Angela Freda’s & FitzE’s accusation “B-b-b u t there were inconsistencies in her version of events!!! I even made my very own post-it canvassing board as a DIY project using…( wait for it…wait for it) … Articles!! She was really wearing a light red shirt!!! Not just a red shirt!!!” Yeah, I ll refer to you & them as “Detective,” from now on! You solved it!!! Michael wanted us dead bc of permits! (Actually, you maybe onto something there- thanks!!!)

Believe me, (or not- IDGAS) there are zero “inconsistencies” in anything I have said. If the fact you don’t have the same access I do, to certain evidentiary statements & other critical pieces of direct evidence & that’s upsetting to you, right now is a great time for home spring cleaning! Unless, like me, you have horses to ride & develop. If not, keep at it Columbo!"

I ran this through Google translate, and I still can’t make any sense out of it…


I’m dead. 😂


I thought when certain posters post we were going to put our fingers in our ears and sing la la la la la la


She’s dropped hints but not a name, unless I missed that. I don’t personally know anyone who fits the hints she’s dropped. It is possible I know eggbutt and just don’t know that’s who LK is hinting at. I haven’t asked her who she is, mostly because I don’t care who anyone on here is.


I know who she thinks Eggbutt is. I don’t know if she’s right or wrong because I’m not going to ask someone to drop their anonymity. People know who I am because I flat out said who I was. That was my choice.


If I recall correctly, LK also thought I was hiding in the back of MB’s dually on the afternoon of the shooting based on a wildly sarcastic response I made.

As we’ve discussed way too many times, who I am or who anyone is makes absolutely no difference to anyone and I have stopped speculating on the identity of a specific poster on this thread because it just makes no difference who they are IRL. Lauren can think she knows who I am IRL all she wants. So what if she is right or wrong? The point is, we all know who SHE is and what she does to others to threaten and harass. It’s the thrill of her life to cause drama and bully others when walking away would be so much easier and more productive.

It may surprise you to learn I am actually one of her friends on FB and IG.


Also, USEF and SS have zero influence in my life. I rode exactly one Dressage test. And it was a schooling show. I don’t have any kind of membership.


That was before the threats began again. Obviously attempting to shut the thread down again.


I don’t think the Barisone apologists are doing MB any favors. But I’ve always assumed that they imagined their “passionate” defense was somehow helping him. How do you imagine the constant disparagement of his (alleged) victim is helping his case?

A not insignificant part of the job description of some lawyers is writing letters advising that if the behavior described herein doesn’t stop, the recipient of the letter might find themselves being sued. It’s kinder, gentler, and cheaper than actually suing. Is such a lawyer by construction a bully in your view?

   I agree with you. It does sound like her. My point is that since the QFPer can edit the quote, it can’t be used to prove she said it.
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Seven months and I bet nobody here has gotten a letter from SS or the USEF. And how does COTH know that people here signed up with their real identity anyway. Is the USEF going to have the police track down every single IP address?

I haven’t received a letter. Has anyone else?


Has someone done that? I admit I skim most posts.

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And just like that the topic quickly changed from the strange 911 call made by JK and refocused on my identity and threats to all of us. Absolutely masterful.

I wonder why RG didn’t call 911 when he was inside and heard loud voices?