Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

    I thought her knowing your identity IRL might make a difference to you if you thought she had a cyber harassment complaint against you with SS or USEF.
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An important distinction could, repeat could, also be posters are actually anti-LK ather than pro-MB. Some may not give a dang about MB but would love to see LK face some sort of justice for her past actions.

I wonder if I should have used fist pump emojis? I’m not an emoji kind of girl.


I wasn’t referring to Barisone apologists.

5, 2020, 02:57 PM
The irony in all these Barisone shooting threads, the Safe Sport threads and the Peronance threads is that it’s the apologists who protest the mistreatment of the principals that actually give the threads their life and longevity.
If you took out all the back and forthing with Yankee Duchess, this thread would be perhaps 12 pages long, of interest to maybe that many posters and would have died a natural death with the news cycle.

As is quite obvious from the context.


Oh yes, I remember, she had filed away the post about me hiding in the truck “for future legal action”. LK has many more bigger fish than me to worry about legally.

Plus, USEF would probably just say we needed to work it out between us, like you said they did before with other complaints. Wasn’t it you who said that? I’m so forgetful.


Twist, twist, twist, spin, spin, spin. You would think it would get exhausting.

My vote is to continue to ignore it and let them wear themselves out!


It was Eggbutt’s speculation that Lauren was not posting on SM recently, and generally “behaving herself” because she (Lauren) had received some communication from SS or USEF as a result of some complaint filed against her that started this round of speculation.

So ask Eggbutt if there is any basis for her “speculation” that SS/USEF “communicated” with Lauren on her SM behavior.

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ok, deep cleansing breaths…


People have done it just to demonstrate it can be done.

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Since I was just misquoted, I am sharing the referenced post. Highlighting is mine.

   I apologize for misinterpreting your post. As I now I understand it, you are saying I am an LK apologist?

     But in the SS threads the apologists were Gage apologists and Morris apologists?
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WOW! Lala DELETED her lengthy post!!! Thank goodness @cutter99 QFPd it. I though LK “never” deleted posts. Strange.

That’s not what USEF said. It’s in the NYT article.
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pleople keep quoting her! Meaningless blather! Oh, how I wish some people would please ignore all the doodle. It was very nice when we all ignored that person. Can we start over? Let her talk to herself. Any thing she says is meaningless. Please? I’m trying, myself.


That was a quick save!


Don’t take the bait, eggbutt! She quotes you to bait you!


Really strange! @FitzE and @cutter99 - thank you both for quoting it and noting it had been deleted.


yep…an example. takes a response I made to the Six Fingered One and tries that on for size for bait.

What if some of the things that people are trying to figure out are close to truth, and that’s what sparked this latest flurry? Phone-lawyer-recording-911, I mean.

Could also be that her lawyer advised her to keep away from the keyboard, but she just.can’

I, personally, don’t think this forum is helping MB at all. It’s been pointed out (by me as well as others) that he seemed controlling, that his momma didn’t like him, that he was arrogant, and obviously he doesn’t make the best decisions under pressure (i.e. he should have never driven down that driveway, etc.

And it is legally fine to postulate whodunnits and why they dunnit, and circumstances and scenarios. If you don’t want public scrutiny, then don’t live a public life. If LK had have been a nobody on the social media scene, then nobody would have probably cared, except to talk mostly about MB.


I honestly don’t think of these threads as helping or hurting either MB or LK. The only one that could be hurt is LK IF, IF, IF anything she has stated on these threads turns out to be opposite of what she stated as evidence. Even if she bald face lied on these threads, she’s not under oath and nothing could be used in court as far as I know. BUT, I have no idea why the prosecution or defense would be looking at this forum over other social media such as Facebook or Instagram for discrepancies.

I believe the majority of the posters on all these threads don’t know either victim. Of those that know one or the other, I suspect more know or know of LK’s past behavior over those who know MB. Remember, most all of us have said we would have left if we felt in danger and taken legal action on anything we thought we were entitled to. Therefore, a shooting would not have taken place if you follow that line of thought. But nothing about this situation is what “normal” people do and that is what is “fascinating”.

I agree with you that the discussion of JK seemed to trigger something. That call is out of the ordinary IMO.



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