Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Yeah I’ve never met MB. Didn’t even know who he was. And I only met LK once, my information about her is strictly third party though I was shown SM exchange that backed third party’s story. Re: bullying.

ETA: her behavior on the forum is what keeps me around.


I thought screen shots were occurring on the regular? Why “QFP” if you have screen shots?

Just to let people know? Are they supposed to be scared? I don’t get it?





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I like to screenshot, then QFP, then screenshot the QFP. Gotta cover all the bases. Them’s the rules.





I see. Fair enough.

This is notice that this reply also serves as a QFP.




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@Moderator 1 QFP (And reported for the accusation of having/being an “alter.”)

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Raises hand

From what has been posted about Peggy by people who have met her, I would say her dislike of him was a BIG point in his favor.

Arrogance from people who have demonstrated their abilities and skills, who have earned whatever accolades and awards that they have hanging on their walls or whatever doesn’t phase me. Warm fuzziness isn’t always an indication of the quality of care you will receive, or the value of the advice given.

Clearly he didn’t handle ongoing interpersonal stress exceptionally well, but from what has been described as happening - many people wouldn’t either. Lauren Kanarek has a lot of practice at making people utterly miserable and that ability and the knowledge to avoid succumbing to it isn’t regarded as a necessary life skill by most.

Standard disclaimer: he shouldn’t have shot Lauren.


There is a difference between implying and accusing. You may want to dust off the legal texts you had to purchase when you attended law school, Lauren. I recall you stated in one of the threads that you had some formal legal training. I may be mistaken.

An accusation is a statement by one person asserting that another person or entity has done something improper.

imply: (of a fact or occurrence) suggest (something) as a logical consequence.


True, what person does handle stress well after weeks of harassment and one full week of ramped up harassment with the FM, CPS, little sleep, and boarders demanding action? As he mumbled, he had a good life until two certain someones arrived to take aim at whatever. Lauren made the choice to stay and read on “her” porch in “her” loveseat with the umbrella and plot her next move.


If LK is so worried about the truth, perhaps she needs to start with herself. She can start by removing any reference to being a bronze medalist (which she is not) from her Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. She lacks credibility and that goes a long way for some people. The fake persona only carries over in some people’s worlds, the rest of us see right through that garbage.


@cutter99 Since you are our referee, are we back to day one now except with two to avoid?

I still wonder why I am the one getting most of the heat? I must be the latest target, sort of like, “tag, you’re it”.


It was mentioned that these threads aren’t doing MB any good. I don’t think that is the intent of them. I believe the posters on these threads represent what a possible jury would look like in each trial…weighing available “evidence” and discussing the various trains of thought. What is missing might be the input of a male perspective (I don’t know the gender of all the posters - we may actually have men posting).

In my worthless opinion, the trial isn’t going to be about what happened, but how and why it happened and who the actual conspirators were to what happened. Of course, no one deserves to be shot. There are a host of things people don’t deserve to have happen to them.


I think it’s making MB into a rock star that put up with a lot! At first, I obviously was just blaming him, but he was completely bullied!!! Shooting is not the answer, but there have been so many story changes just by one person- sitting on the porch reading, inside the house, behind tables…It’s not a simple case at all!!!
Any decisions will be for a jury, judge, attorneys to hash out.