Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

If he had been subject to prolonged stress from a family member earlier in his life is it not possible that he could over react when put in a similar situation?


Yes, someone has. The person who you quoted has done it and said their change clarified the quote, did not change it, and then pages later did one of those ‘oh gee I am sorry’ type posts.
As far as I know, no one else has done that. It is just not how one quotes.


Eh…waggles hand

I doubt his mother used the same strategies that Lauren appears to favor. Besides, his mother appears to have been more consistently unkind and cutting. Coldly calculating. Coming unglued, recording everything and everyone (possibly illegally) and talking about a strange black SUV is a different kettle of fish, behaviorally.

His father was an engineer. They are not noted overall for finding particularly volatile partners to marry.


Stress comes in many forms.


Yes and pain has different flavors and intensities.

Pablano peppers have heat but compared to a Ghost pepper they are weak as water.


I do not know about his relationship with his mother. However, she did seem to be proud of him. I believe she pushed both him and his sister to excel. I HIGHLY doubt she bullied them like LK, or that she was any cause of this!


My first time!!! For the record, I never mentioned anyone being an alter ever on this forum. I have actually never even participated in discussions of anyone’s identity. Ever. Quote it or go away.


How come no one ever quotes me for posterity! I’m feeling left out. Cutter99 for the win quoting the post that ultimately LK decided was a bad idea.

USEF and SS monitoring this thread? That’s cute. People’s imaginations running wild being shut it.

I don’t think MB’s mother can be blamed for his actions. And why is always the mother that’s blamed?

Mom!!! We all want to know if the clock has been reset.


Well, I got reported for something I didn’t do (suggest/accuse someone was an alter) so maybe you can get QFPed by mistake, too. Never lose hope!!


If USEF/SS is monitoring anything, it would be the vast trove of information on FB (probably now deleted). Perhaps many of the most offending FB posts were sent to them as screenshots with timestamps when they were made. One of the Chronicle FB posts had many ugly posts by LK.

If MB’s mom can be blamed for his actions, who is to blame for the years of LK’s actions? At a minimum, MB had great success in his life before August 7, 2019. Can the same be said for LK? I suppose it depends on one’s definition of “success”.

A nerve seems to have been touched with the recent comments about daddy’s 911 call, which seemed unusual to say the least.


Maybe you can take legal action! :lol::lol:


What does “six fingers” refer to?

I’ve just made an appointment to formally engage myself on my behalf. I have to come up with a retainer to send me, but I’m going to give me a substantial discount on my billable rate.


It is a “Princess Bride” reference.

Hahahahahahahahaha! Oh my. Nothing specific just amazed and found a post funny.

   If you really want to document something, you would need to use a screen shot. The QFPing is just a meaningless gesture of hostility.
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I am shocked that a poster on this thread would accuse LK of repeatedly participating in “a meaningless gesture of hostility”. Imagine that.


Can’t you pay yourself in ride time? Or maybe freshly griddled English muffins? I think I have perfected the technique. I’m cooking up the last of the batch now.


Recipe PLEASE!!! Oh man, that sounds absolutely delicious!!! Please, please!!!


Well, those posters who went to law school know I can give myself a peppercorn!

But, thanks for the suggestion. I’m going to offer to take compensation in the form of sparkling wine.