Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

  Indeed, “implying” is the cowardly way of making an accusation. Happens a lot on this thread.
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Now sounds like wonderful payment!


Although, I am looking forward to this English muffin recipe! I may make me make those instead!

Is there some reason you can not pay yourself both things?

 He had a good life until he borrowed a gun and shot her. He could have gone to the courts for a restraining order if he was frightened when a 104 lb woman was “screaming” at him, refusing to sign a document, or coming to the barn after 9 pm!  None of those provocations warranted calling 911. 

  Aside from being illegal and criminal, shooting someone is not a rational method of getting someone off your property. The big mystery to me is what motivated him to take that irrational step. The only thing I can think of is trying to cover up another crime.
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Okay - rathe than type out the whole recipe, I’ll link to it.

Notes: If possible, use a big clear bowl so you can see the rise and the BUBBLES. The second rise in the refrigerator is key to get a muffin, not a muffin-scone (which is what I got the first time because they didn’t rise enough, nor were they yeasty pancakes). So is a longer, slower cook time in the skillet since they don’t have thermostats. Better to flip it more than once and get maximum rise than get impatient and have them a bit doughy in the middle.

They are very good. Does take time to cook them though, so be prepared.


This is an excellent point. I’m not going to settle for anything less than a brunch of fresh English muffins and Champagne! Thanks, everyone, for helping me make demands of this client in line with my worth!

Your suggestion that you and your cohorts are holding a mock trial on a quasi-anonymous bulletin board is laughable. Jurors don’t spin fantastic, dream world scenarios of what happened, nor do they gratuitously disparage the VICTIM for what she did in normal life before or after the shooting. 

But it’s progress if you are finally figuring out that you’re not helping MB. Or MHG.

If you don’t like speculation why are you here? Why are you holding a grudge from previous threads you didn’t participate in?


Geez guys, I sleep in one single morning and it goes nuts over here!

I am not honestly sure we need a reset because for the most part our favorite spinning twister was not engaged. We weren’t perfect, but we were darn good!

It is really about not taking the bait at this point. I have been sorely tempted to do so a couple times recently. I have actually typed out replies, and gone back and deleted them. Yes, on my own posts, not someone else’s. I am learning that sitting back for a moment, taking a deep breath and remembering I can only control me is a benefit on this thread!

Never on any other thread on this board have I seen anyone say you need to take screen shot of something you quote from another poster. I can say I have never attempted to alter anyone else’s quote as there is an ethical problem in my world with that. There has only been one person here who has attempted to do something like that if I recall correctly, and that person could not seem to understand the quote feature to begin with and was cutting and pasting quotes, which is suspect, especially considering the way they love to spin and twist anything and everything!

The addition of a new poster threatening repercussions from various organizations was REALLY interesting, especially since many of us are not members of those organizations. If anything, those posts were thrown out there as threats and an attempt to shut people up, which I find very interesting.

My vote is on to DAY SIX. We strive to rise above, not take the bait and celebrate with English muffins and sparking wine or grape juice!


Rising above and rising dough sounds like a good combo!


Naan bread for dinner and cinnamon rolls for tomorrow are on my agenda for the day.


Make a batch of injera bread to set aside for the unexpected guest and I’m yours, Sdel. Naan bread is great but injera is my favorite.

I’ll bring a jar of Sumatran cinnamon for the house.

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Inigo Montoya is a character in Princess Bride. In the movie he says, “I do not mean to pry but you don’t by any chance happen to have six fingers on your right hand?”


Did I make any statement indicating these threads aren’t helping (or hurting) MB/MHG? No, I didn’t think so. So much twisting and turning in the breeze.

Today is poem day. Please join in. Here I will share one of my favorites that continues to come to mind when thinking about the decisions made by these folks last year:

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost ~


Fair warning, I’m gluten free and relatively new to the baking. It’s tricky, so I try to stick with known results/ recipes.


Apparently it’s okay for people to call anyone alters except for LK. I’ve been accused of being an alter, should I go tag the Moderator and whine about it? It’s not against the rules.
I wonder what it’s like to be that self absorbed.


@Moderator 1 bandloki;n10629144]

Yes, someone has. The person who you quoted has done it and said their change clarified the quote, did not change it, and then pages later did one of those ‘oh gee I am sorry’ type posts.
As far as I know, no one else has done that. It is just not how one quotes.[/QUOTE]

That is a lie. I have never used the quote feature and gone into to quote to change it. I never did that and said that doing it clarified the quote. I never had a post pages later saying anything like “gee, I’m sorry.”

Provide the posts you are referring to, or admit that you are a liar.

As far as I know, the changing of words inside a quote has been gone by no one except to openly demonstrate how it could be done.

It certainly has not been done by me.

I am happy to taste-test. A family member is sensitive to gluten and dairy too and says that adding Greek yogurt to various recipes has been a boon. Gives things a lift they didn’t get before without buttermilk.


Wait, what!!??? That is one bread I’ve never even thought of attempting!! Ethiopian is must ultimate comfort food!! Is this something you have made at home? If so, please spill!

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