Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Wow… interesting house guest.

I can’t say what MB’s story is as he hasn’t published his version anywhere. I can say that LK’s story has inconsistencies and doesn’t add up. I don’t think questioning those inconsistencies is aiding and abetting anyone, especially someone who’s name I didn’t know prior to this incident, but please, have SS and USEF sanction me as a non-member! In fact, if you can get me subpoenaed to testify about my questions of motives and timelines of these events, that would be great. I’m working reduced hours and bored.


Getting Teff flour is not easy around here. Near work is an excellent Ethiopian restaurant/market. I go there for the food, grab a few spice blends and turn up my nose at dinner.

Maybe you will have better luck!.

@Sdel - Teff flour is gluten-free!…nt-teff-injera

The naan bread recipe I want to try has yogurt. Good to know it’s headed in the right direction.

So far everything I have tried as turned out pretty good. I’m not not sure if that makes me an under-confident baker or if I just have a family with low expectations.

ETA: I live in a college town. So, while we are small town, we have a decent international student presence and several different ethnic markets. I’m sure I can get teff if I look hard enough.


Not only that, how is anyone aiding and abetting the commission of a crime that occurred months ago? Most of us have no knowledge of or connection to MB. Several have knowledge of and connection to LK and have first-hand experience with her particular MO.

Again, getting shot does not cleanse one of past crimes nor make one a better person. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, sometimes bad things happen to bad people.

Discussing an item covered in the news is not a crime.

   I have never said that anyone has altered the contents of a quote, other than to demonstrate that it could easily be done. 

    I have certainly never altered the contents of a quote, and  am pointing out that Trubandloki is a liar for saying that I have done so.

While we are posting theories, (OK, it was a while ago) I would like to go back to the beginning (I hear y’all groaning—you can cut that out and just walk-on-by :yes:).

I think the issue was originally between LK and MH. I don’t know if LK was jealous of MH’s equestrian life, personal life or all of it, but, IIRC, it was stated that MH is a good rider as, it was mentioned, is her tween daughter and I suspect that both of them are also in possession of attributes that compliment those talents, i.e., hard work, dedication, sacrifice of time, attention to detail, respect, etc, etc, etc! (I didn’t include money, although we know it’s easier to ride the nice ones!)

Was it jealousy that started the whole thing or did MH “do” something to her?

I don’t know if LK wanted more than professional attention from MB, but it has been my experience that any serious trainer will bend over backwards to work with you if you possess the aforementioned attributes. Oh, and keep your mouth shut during lessons.

When LK started her “crusade” against MH, it may not have included MB yet, so he was comfortable taking her to that last horse show. It consequently became his problem because of his relationship with MH who by this time must have been miserable. I’m sure sharing the house was no fun!

So like a lot of guys tend to do, he was just going to fix it!

I wouldn’t think that the plan included a gun, but that is how it unfolded.

(Just a theory :winkgrin:).



I have copied this from another web site - not certain if linking is appropriate. The strikethroughs (attempts?) are mine because I don’t think they apply here very well. They may - I don’t know. At any rate, I think the ingredients in Ego Chow were in play.

What’s in a bag of Ego Chow? Flattery. Attention. [strike]Easy sex.[/strike] Admiration without accomplishment. Shallow attachment. [strike]Infatuation.[/strike] Fantasy. Centrality.

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! I think we have a winner!

Excellent post ohnoO!


This is a lie.

I have never used the quote feature then gone into the quote to edit it, nor have I done so and claimed that I was just clarifying it, nor have I posted later anything like “Oh gee I am sorry”.

Provide evidence of ANY of those posts, or admit you are a liar.

As far as I know no one has done it other than to openly show that it can be done. I certainly never did it.

But thanks for demonstrating so clearly that you’re willing to stoop to lying to try to make someone you don’t like look bad. It makes you look bad.


This is a lie.

I have never used the quote feature then gone into the quote to edit it, nor have I done so and claimed that I was just clarifying it, nor have I posted later anything like “Oh gee I sm sorry”.

   Provide evidence of ANY of those posts, or admit you are a liar. 

   As far as I know no one has done it other than to openly show that it can be done. I certainly never did it. 

   But thanks for demonstrating so clearly that you’re willing to stoop to lying to try to make someone you don’t like look bad. It makes you look bad. 

@ Moderator1

This is a lie.

I have never used the quote feature then gone into the quote to edit it, nor have I done so and claimed that I was just clarifying it, nor have I posted later anything like “Oh gee I sm sorry”.

   Provide evidence of ANY of those posts, or admit you are a liar. 

   As far as I know no one has done it other than to openly show that it can be done. I certainly never did it. 

   But thanks for demonstrating so clearly that you’re willing to stoop to lying to try to make someone you don’t like look bad. It makes you look bad. 

@ Moderator1

Well, my post suggesting such a thing warranted a QFP. Must have hit a nerve. So, I hope your not afraid to be QFP’ed.


Here is an interesting list of posts that may be relevant to a post above.…a-twist/page40

Post # 795. Paragraph that starts with “Hell…”

Post #799. Paragraph that starts with “Sick…”

Post #814

Post #816

Post #817

Post #818

Post #820

Post #822

Post #823

Post #824

Post #827


That is one of my father’s favorites.


Thank you @Joanne .

That is exactly the situation I was referring to.

Being a liar is not really my thing… Ask anyone that knows me. I do not have a good enough memory to be a good liar and I can not keep a straight face. I would so suck at poker or anything that requires one to not express they are not being honest.


I don’t think it is a secret that MH wanted LK & RG out of her and MB’s life. It really doesn’t make any difference why except MB was put in the middle of the mess since they were squatting on his property and disrupting his business and private affairs.

I can’t imagine what would cause LK to think MB would toss MH to the side in favor of her. Or perhaps she believed MH would toss it all in and she and RC would take their horses and leave. Logic doesn’t seem to enter the picture when it comes to LK’s actions.

Additional support for your theory is LK rarely goes after men…in the past she has tormented women only. Women who she apparently is envious of in some way. You can read the bitterness in her posts when she talks about MH’s mother and the apparent need to have a handicapped bathroom installed. I know little of MH’s parents but I don’t think either of them are invalids or disabled.


Oh, snap!!! Thanks for the recall; very educational read.

And there has been some brazen (and really offensive) lying about me on here that I have not reported b/c I cannot imagine being that person.


Thanks Joanne! You are a trooper to ferret out all that!