Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

You are correct; only the poster can edit and change their own original post.

If you use the quote feature, you can go into the quote of the other person’s post and rewrite it as much as you want. That’s why it is not really useful as a “quote for posterity”.

As far as I know, no one has used that technological feature to intentionally distort a quote. A couple people did it very openly to demonstrate how it could be done.

When someone asked if anyone had used the quote feature to distort a quoted post of another poster, Trubandloki volunteered that I had, which is a lie.

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Oh no!!! Someone accused me of something so let’s carry on for five pages and ignore the actual conversation!

Seriously who cares?


QFP is useful when people tend to delete their posts.

Yes, there is quite a lot of adolescent behavior on this thread. :yes:


Question for the lawyers: I am assuming that MB’s custody time will count towards his sentence. What happens if he is found not guilty?

We did SIP karaoke the other night and now Elvis keeps channeling me

We can’t go on together
With suspicious minds (suspicious minds)
And we can’t build our dreams
On suspicious minds…


Oh definitely useful. I just don’t understand the routine posts about it. First it was its stupid because people can edit them. We’ve had many posts about that. Now it’s not that they can be edited it was the accusation that the person edited the posts.

And I’ve never claimed to be an adult at all times! :lol:


I have YMCA stuck in my head from watching the Brits dress up and dance to it while taking out the bins.

   Doesn’t about 40% of “the actual conversation” consist of accusing people you don’t like or who disagree with you of bad behavior?  Identifying known liars seems appropriate to me. 

   Knowing that Trubandloki was willing to stoop to making up a lie to try to make me look bad gives me the information that I shouldn’t trust her accusations (or insinuations) about LK or anyone else. You can take everything she says as the absolute truth, of course.
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When someone gives an opinion, I rarely take it as gospel.


@eggbutt is there a similar link to the one she is replying to? I wonder what the one thing they will admit to is.

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She is replying to the counterclaim by MB which is also listed as a separate document on the same site.

You know what was the best part of LK’s last appearance here? It was how once again, YD dissapeared for the duration. Then when she does reappear, its only to accuse posters of bad behaviour, along the same lines. How fun!


I ASSUME it is in response to Barisone’s counterclaim #LCV2020428787 dated 3/2/20. (Yes, after look at both of them, I believe she is responding to his counterclaim and it is expected she would deny anything and everything his attorneys put forth.

Usually, that first item is something of unimportance such as “resided at xxx address”.


Would it be the facts laid out in the original claim filed on behave of LK?

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I don’t think they are the same person. I have a strong suspicion of who YD is and it is not important at all…totally irrelevant. We don’t really need to know who anyone is. It makes no difference in the grand scheme of things.


No, she is disputing the claims MB made in the 3/2/20 filing.


Oh gotcha. So how can she deny some of the claims when she has written about all of those things here and on FB? I’m talking about the common facts section. Or is she denying the intent of why she did those things?


Thanks. I was asking an even more basic (embarrassingly so) question. One of your links brought the actual document right up on the screen. I cannot find the document to which it is a reply, only the search page of the court system. In putting the party names and playing around with the division drop down eventually got me to something by Barisone with an October 2019 filing date, but I cannot for the life of me open the actual document. You had such a nice, neat link I was wondering if you could work your magic again!


Here are directions to the file:

Ok…go to the link:…sclaimer.faces

click in the robot box.
Select “CIVIL Part”
Select Search by Name
Enter Barisone Michael
Click the robot box
You should then see a list of ONE record. Click on the Blue Docket L-002250-19
You will then see the entire list of documents filed so far in the civil case in descending date order.

 I was minding my own business and not posting when Trubandloki gratuitously provoked me by dishonestly saying that I had used the quote feature and altered the contents of the quote. Rather then take the high road and ignore the lie, I pointed out that it was a lie. I do think that lying in an attempt to make someone you disagree with look bad is in itself bad behavior. 

     What we’re doing here is bickering, which tends to get the thread shut down. Have you noticed how some of your cohorts, who don’t want the thread shut down, are trying to post stuff on the case rather than keep up the bickering?