Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Only one poster wants to continue bickering. Imagine being “gratuitously provoked”!!!

Walk on By.

Edited to say the 1st Amendment is alive and well in America, at least for now. I have no plans to file suit against anyone or issue reports against any anonymous person on this forum. I will, however, flag hateful derogatory posts against me or others on the thread. We’ve all tried to be civil for the most part. Calling posters liars is unbecoming.


No. It’s item 1 in the Barisone counterclaim. The entire document is a response to Barisone’s counterclaim to her civil suit.

You heard it Kate, Eggbutt says to walk on by.


They can both deny and lie and evade all they want to in this part while not under oath. What is submitted in the documents can/will be reviewed by the jury if requested when the parties are actually under oath. It is expected there will be denials. No further explanation of facts was given to back up her denials, I surmise because she had stated everything in earlier briefs.

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I’m feeling provoked. You’re a liar. No, YOU’RE a liar.

You know those parents that give their kids whatever they want when they’re screaming in the store? I know of some adults that were clearly those kids.

You’re right Lady De La Duke. Whatever you say, you’re right. Shhhhhhhh now…


@eggbutt thank you for sharing the link(s). It is interesting to see how all this works.


Oh I know they can I just find it funny how when she gets caught in a lie here some jump to her defense. Half the claims in the first section have been admitted to here and elsewhere. My question was more rhetorical in nature.

      Falsely accusing someone is hateful and derogatory. I think it is appropriate to identify the people who do that, or explicitly condone it. Being free to lie with impunity without anyone calling you on it is definitely a good gig if you can get it, so I get where you’re coming from.

It has been “fascinating” learning from the attorneys on this thread how this all works. It’s a shame there won’t be public access like this for the criminal trial. Oh well.


@Joanne I appreciate your posts on these threads more than you will ever know. Heck, you don’t even have to post, just the avatar works.


Yes! I am very thankful for all the information being shared about how both the civil situation and the criminal stuff works.

Oh no, not just the avatar. Joanne’s post(s), at least a recent one, was very helpful and brought up exactly what I was referring to.





Yeah, I thought of reporting the really offensive one about me but I think that’s what we are being goaded to do. Most of us aren’t that person on our own. But, if we can be baited into being that person, hey presto, more mod reports!

I won’t play that game. Let the posters who are inclined to run to some authority at every turn do their thing. Don’t let’s allow them to cause us to play that same sad game. Most are all able to discuss this and disagree and get along without running to mods (or governing bodes (about a BB??!!) or courts or whatever).

    So you want to back down from the original claim by now claiming you were NOT referring to my changing the contents of a quote from the quote feature. Why couldn’t you do that 5 pages ago? Fine.

Hey - #5 of the counterclaim:

  1. Kanarek has a history of tortious and/or criminal, antisocial behavior, including but not limited to stalking; bullying; threats of harm, injury, and mayhem against persons she chooses to target; threats against public figures; gaslighting; fraud; false reports; and other behaviors which are harmful, injurious, and destructive to the people she victimizes.

History of threats against public figures - anyone have any idea who may have been at the receiving end of Lauren’s interest?


All of this. This topic has gotten extremely heated through out the threads. Yes posts have been flagged that go over the line and the mods are quick to dispatch them or close the thread. However, constantly poking the bear seems to be an issue on this one.

It seems to me, that when trying to make sense of LKs posts, putting that into context of the big picture, is the same as victim blaming. IMO it’s not. That train crashed and burned a few threads back.

Now we are seeing the filings pertaining to the civil suit. It is NOT victim blaming to find it funny and see LK lying in her latest brief. I’m quite confident MHM quoted her posts that stated she did exactly what she denies she did.


Would Barisone be considered a “public figure”?

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Why do you have to bleat for five pages about internet strangers being big meany heads?