Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Oh, you’re the best. Thank you!

It is on and I’m on every day, but it constantly times out (even though I’m actively on it and using it) or just “loses connection” or freezes. Grrrrrr. But once in awhile it just won’t function. I get through log on, connect, then the link for the remote desktop shows up in blue and I click and…nothing. I have to restart. But today the restart didn’t even work. I finally had to do the dreaded hold the power button down until everything goes black. Boo hoo for me.


This tech discussion makes me laugh. My mom constantly asks me technological questions and I’m almost as clueless as her.
My roommate had her computer wired to her TV for gaming…I was trying to play when she was in class and I turned on the TV and the desktop and couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t see anything. I didn’t turn on the actual computer, just the computer screen. 😂


I have legit done that but opposite: turned on the computer but not the monitor!

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Thank You. I cannot believe how hard it is to find this document with out your help. Enjoy reading the actual documents.


Yeah, but for me, its still up in the air whether or not he really did shoot her. The trial will find out. Just because LK says he did, doesn’t make it true. There are a whole bunch of other ways this could have gone down. I don’t think assuming he intended to shoot her, or even actually did shoot her, is a given, here.


Total trivia, but the lawyer who defended Charles Manson in the 1960s was also named Kanarek. Famously obstructionist apparently, and suffered mental illness himself later in life.


Wow, thats interesting.

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His nephew wrote a brief piece about him too.…epage&q=irving kanarek daughter&f=true

Not in that piece but elsewhere, he started out as an aerospace engineer who became a lawyer. That explains a lot about his legal strategy.

Kanarek’s first career was as an aerospace engineer working for North American Aviation where he invented Inhibited Red Fuming Nitric Acid for the Army’s Project Nike. On 12 July 1954 the US Air Force revoked Kanarek’s security clearance and he was dismissed from NAA.

Rocket fuel. Who did he have to **** off to get thrown off thrown off the project?
[h=2]US2760845A[/h] Inventor Irving A Kanarek Paul E Friebertshauser Current Assignee Boeing Co [HR][/HR]Worldwide applications
1953 US [HR][/HR]Application US352996A events
Application filed by North American Aviation Corp
Priority to US352996A
Application granted
Publication of US2760845A


Fitz, I run into the same issue from time to time. All my apps are on my desktop in the office, and I connect to it from my laptop via VPN and RDP. Every so often, the desktop machine just will not respond and even though I can get onto the network via VPN, when I try to RDP to my desktop, I get error messages such as “The computer can’t be found on the network; the computer isn’t turned on,” etc.

Sometimes our help desk can’t even ping it. They can SEE it on the network, but it doesn’t respond to pings even though it is turned on (it never gets turned off). I once had a colleague in the office do a hard restart on it (that was before the lockdown), and when it came back to life, she told me it was installing updates. So now whenever I can’t reach it, I figure it is doing updates–IT pushes through updates almost daily (usually security patches since we run in a super-duper security environment due to the nature of our business). Usually if I just wait a while, it will finally come up but one time it took THREE HOURS to come to its senses. That turned out to not be a security patch–they were updating it to Office 365, at 9:30 on a Tuesday morning! Why they couldn’t have done it overnight, I will never know, but if I had known it was going to take that long, I would have gone to the barn to ride. One of these days they will finally issue me a new laptop powerful enough to run my apps so I won’t have to keep using my dinosaur desktop (it’s from 2014). :rolleyes:

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@DownYonder thanks for the solidarity shout out. I know what you mean about if I’d known it would take X amount of time I’d have enjoyed that time rather than been freaking out at my laptop! My IT is nice enough but he’s just one guy and he only speaks Italian and Japanese. Interesting combo, for sure. But both my Italian and my Japanese are shaky at best. And business forms of either of those languages? Yeah, no. So I muddle through.

I’m honestly thankful that I can do my job at all from thousands of miles and many time zones away especially in these difficult times. So I must make peace with cranky VPNs and unstable remote platforms and just buck up! At least that’s my attitude until the next crash and burn. :lol:


So interesting. And that was over 20 years ago. I wonder what became of him.

My favourite takeaway from the article:

“the Toscanini of tedium”

I’ll just leave that there without comment.


'morning all! Gosh, so many sisters and clones I obtained overnight!!! Be careful though, sometimes you get what you ask for and the rath of two may be directed at you for whatever reason! :eek: Thank you for that show of support!

I’m still wondering what was in LK’s long post that was so revealing or important she had second thoughts and deleted it? I feel certain she was bothered that we were questioning her father’s actions…at least most of us would be bothered about having our dad’s picked apart.

We can be ridiculed for our onesided “mock trial”, but I would expect everything we’ve all discussed will be fair game in the courtroom.


My guess is some one does finally have her under control as far as social media posting goes.


Apparently he is still alive. At least his name isn’t on the Social Security Death Index. He will be 100 shortly. His ex-wife has an interesting life story. I hope she and their daughters are well and healthy too.

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It must be someone she respects or has great authority over her if that’s the case. She is her own worst enemy at this point, at least on social media.


My guess - it is someone who has her passwords.


Oh, that is a smart idea. Someone is just going in after her cleaning up the posts she makes in various places. It would be good if someone in her life cared that much for her.


Brilliant. That wouldn’t stop her from making new accounts/alters unless her entire phone and computer system is password protected. Imagine being almost 40 years old and needing a keeper to protect you from yourself.

LK has made a lot out of the times MB reached out to others from her past to understand how they dealt with her behavior and she actually makes fun of his doing so. It is apparent he was searching for anything he could find to stop the madness. I would think he also reached out to her father for help and perhaps that prompted intense anger from LK that her father even considered helping the situation or even talked with him (speculation on my part, but logical if he reached out to people he’d never met). Jonathan Kanarek’s call to 911 is still confounding. Heck, most of this situation is confounding.


This idea that she has a “keeper to protect [her] from [herself]” is something you made up in order to disparage her.

She posts and you dump on her for having no self control.

She doesn’t post and you condescendingly start “speculating” about someone taking away her passwords.

Re the posts on her father, the man attempts to get a referral to the correct non emergency line by calling 911, and successfully obtains it, after unsuccessfully trying the published non emergency line first, and your cohorts have to speculate that it is some kind of “set up” and the man is “senile”. What crimes has he committed on social media to deserve the hate?

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I don’t “hate” Mr. Kanarek. I find it interesting he very calmly called 911 after a lawyer called him to tell him his daughter had been shot and he called 911 to relay info about a tenant/landlord dispute while calmly attempting to learn if his child had been shot. I also never said he was senile. Far from it. The man is wily like a fox. EDIT: I actually respect Mr. Kanarak’s attempts to protect his daughter from all she’s done over the years. It must be exhausting. He seems to love his daughter immensely and enables her by bailing her out OR intervening on her behalf in many instances. I get that. Tough love is hard.

BTW, I didn’t make up the idea of a “keeper” - it was suggested someone has her passwords. Reading comprehension. It works.