Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)



There is no evidence he was trying to relay information about a “landlord tenant dispute”. In the same call he referred to it as a “dispute with the barn owner”. If he were trying to “get on record” (as if there were any point to doing that) that it was a landlord-tenant dispute, he would not have diluted the message by later describing it as a dispute with the “barn owner”.

You said “Imagine being nearly 40 years old and needing a keeper to protect [yourself] from [yourself]”. So someone else makes up a claim about someone taking her passwords, and you pile on. Not any better than making up the insult in the first place in my book.

Lots of people try to remain calm or at least try to sound calm in periods of great stress. To criticize him for sounding calm is ludicrous. Was it FitzE would said a couple times that perhaps he was senile? She’s a lawyer, so maybe she has technical expertise that says it’s perfectly OK to go around saying other lawyers, by name, are senile. Oh, she probably didn’t state it outright, she probably just suggested it.

Do you seriously doubt my reading comprehension?
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Here is the “senile” post…


To be very clear - he clearly stated “my daughter is involved in a landlord tenant dispute and my lawyer got a call she’d been shot…”.…1-call-1-aug-8


Clearly to some people that is the same as you calling some random named person senile.




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Well, I’m reading back on page 111, but in hopes of not being too late to post my favorite poem, here it is. I apologize if someone in the next pages have already posted it, but it is so wonderful that I think it deserves repetition.

The House of Belonging.

I awoke
this morning
in the gold light
turning this way
and that

thinking for
a moment
it was one
like any other.

the veil had gone
from my
darkened heart
I thought

it must have been the quiet
that filled my room,

it must have been
the first
easy rhythm
with which I breathed
myself to sleep,

it must have been
the prayer I said
speaking to the otherness
of the night.

I thought
this is the good day
you could
meet your love,

this is the black day
someone close
to you could die.

This is the day
you realise
how easily the thread
is broken
between this world
and the next

and I found myself
sitting up
in the quiet pathway
of light,

the tawny
close grained cedar
burning round
me like fire
and all the angels of this housely
heaven ascending
through the first
roof of light
the sun has made.

This is the bright home
in which I live,
this is where
I ask
my friends
to come,
this is where I want
to love all the things
it has taken me so long
to learn to love.

This is the temple
of my adult aloneness
and I belong
to that aloneness
as I belong to my life.

There is no house
like the house of belonging.

by David Whyte


Absolutely beautiful @Wicky Just beautiful. I can actually picture the surroundings. Thank you for this calming intervention.

     Yes, I remember QFPing YOU when YOU sarcastically referred to your OWN senility. 

      You don’t remember that FitzE in several posts opined that JK was senile because she found the 911 call so “strange”?
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Codependency is always a tough one. I feel for Mr, Kanarek as it’s tough to draw the line between no longer enabling the ongoing behavioral issues while still supporting the individual. It’s a difficult situation no doubt and I feel for the man.


@eggbutt To be clear, when I mentioned some sort of cognitive challenge I was saying: it doesn’t make sense that a legal professional would make that call to 911 unless (i) he was compromised in some manner (e.g., cognitive challenges of some sort), or (ii) he was trying to get something on record via 911. In the absence of some contributing factor (including, but not limited to, (i) and (ii) above), that call doesn’t make sense on the face of it.

I know to you and almost every other poster here, it was abundantly clear that I was saying the above which is distinct from actually saying someone is senile (or has some confounding issue). What I was saying was clear to the normal reader who reads without bias, agenda, and grudge: if JK DOESN’T suffer from some congnitive issue, that call seems highly unusual to another legal professional like myself unless it was an attempt at some sort of “on the record” positioning.

Sorry to see you were dragged into an erroneous (and probably purposefully erroneous) reading of my post.


Yeah, so?


Speaking of technical issues, I’m so tech un-savvy that it’s like a new frontier every day. For instance, did you know you can change your profile here somehow so no one can see a list of your posts under your profile name? I didn’t know that! I just learned it today.

Sure, it’s shady AF, but it does keep people from easily finding your posts and questioning you on inconsistencies. It’s an awesome feature for anyone who dislikes accountability and transparency!

I don’t know how to do this b/c: tech. If you’re happy to stand by what you say and be open and accountable, you won’t need to figure out how to do this, either. But if you aren’t, just a PSA that it’s a feature you, too, can access!


It was FitzE who referred to Mr Kanarek as senile based on his supposedly “strange” call to 911. It was clear that Eggbutt was being sarcastic and did not really want to label herself as senile when she wrote that.

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No problem. Like Obama and HRC, I seem to be blamed for anything certain people don’t like. It’s all good :smiley:



:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Maybe I’m Biden? I mean, he’s coming into his own as a whipping boy now.

I assume from reading other posters’ replies that I’ve got a target on my back perhaps even bigger than yours for our resident Toscanini. How very pathetic to continually reference someone who will have nothing to do with you. I just categorically refuse to read a word or engage on any level. The scroll by will save your sanity, I promise you! Maybe some folks should scroll by my posts.

Edited b/c I shockingly used the singular possessive when I clearly wanted the plural possessive!

    I think the call makes complete sense on the face of it. I think he was doing exactly what he said he was doing:  trying to get information on the shooting of his daughter. 

    Perhaps to a lawyer, suggesting someone has a “cognitive challenge” is kinder and gentler than using the word “senility”, but you did use the word “senility”, no?

     The technique of insulting someone, but trying to package it as compassion and wrapping it up in a big bow, is not all that original. 

      If my reading of your post was “erroneous”, it was not “purposely erroneous”. But thanks for clarifying that you did not really mean to refer to senility, but only to some sort of “cognitive impairment”.
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This is a very long (1 hour) video, but the first 5 minutes are revealing about Toscanini’s personality and demand for perfection. It’s fantastic if you are inclined to listen to the entire symphony. One of my favs.


But he was not the Toscanini of tedium! No, we had to wait until now for that distinction!!