Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

No way am I scrolling by your posts. You have provided us with lots of good legal type information and I totally smiled way too huge when I read about your technical difficulties. As tech challenged as I am, it feels good to know that I am not the only one.

Also, thank you for the update on editing a profile. Did not know that was an option either. I can’t imagine why someone would do that.


Yeah. I noticed that a few weeks ago but thought that person had simply deleted their posts. I guess if you have something to hide it’s very handy.

Also, remember that obtuseness is not feigned. Or “feigned”.

So it’s “shady AF” to set your privacy settings as you wish them to be set?  Seems consistent with all forum rules to me. Interesting that you think I should set my privacy settings in a way that makes it easier for a half dozen people to attack me. 

 Speaking of tech issues, I think I was the one who alerted you and Eggbutt of the fact that posting a message on a forum message board, and leaving the setting on “public” is not the smartest way to insult a poster who is inclined to flag offensive posts to the moderator. That is what PM is for.

Someone thinks their posts are of interest, rather than Lauren Kanarek’s.

May want to rethink that. After all, there can only be one star.


I was just reading about personality disorders. Though not an official diagnosis, I liked this a lot:

“Malicous douche is my go to word that describe someone who twists facts, misrepresents the truth, equivocates to create doubt.”


Well, you need not scroll past them! But then again, you don’t seem to make it a hobby to intentionally misread, twist, and manipulate them so I think they are safe for you.

I like to think I’m bringing down the curve on IT literacy for everyone. It’s just a service I provide. You can always say you aren’t as bad as that woman on that horse BB!

I cannot imagine why someone would make that recent change, either. But then again, as someone speculated, if you have nothing to hide, you wouldn’t need to.

    I’m with you there, Joanne. It’s tedious to deal with posters who twist facts, misrepresent the truth, and equivocate to create doubt.  I understand you’re saying it’s me. I’m saying it’s not. 

    If I were “misrepresenting the truth” or any of those other things, you could respond with honest, straightforward refutations. But I’m not, so you can’t. You have to stoop to the mockery, the name calling, and the insults. 

    I’ll step away so you can have at it and prove my point. Will any luck the thread will be shut down when I return!

The posts are still there, right? Why would anyone voluntarily make it easier and more time efficient for other posters to attack them? That’s just stupid. IMHO.

So now you are attacking me for setting my privacy settings as I prefer them. As opposed to what would be more convenient for you. So typical.


I recommend turning this thread away from YD and back to theories. She’s getting angry and y’all are just feeding it. Focus on the discussion about the topic or she gets her wish and this thread closes.


Agreed and will do!


Instead of trying to shut a thread down, why not walk away. Seems someone has a low threshold of walking away. Reminds me of others.

Anyway, back to the business at hand. I am still confused and amused that only one LK post was deleted, apparently by her. Was it the mention of her dad or the questions about RC’s contractor’s license that upset her enough to delete a post. Of all the other salacious posts she’s posted and allowed to stand, this was the one she regretted posting. Interesting.


GEE, I’ll help…

Didn’t some one drop a comment here, pages ago, about the gun firing blanks?

Was that just speculation?

Are blanks just the shells, no powder, no bullet?


Does anyone know when USEF or SS is coming to get me? I want to get a BA fan but don’t have the cash handy. Debating on just charging it before I lose my member perks.

I’m not usually logged in here because every time I open the forum page on my phone I’m logged out but I do read a few threads here & there. I suspect they will catch me by my IP address since this is so serious.


Blanks would not have done the physical damage that was done to LK.


Living in the Sticks,

Depending on where you live, maybe you can get us the REAL scoop on Jeffery Epstein from the inside!

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The only things I know about lawyers and courts, I’ve learned on this thread and from watching TV. So my very naive question is: what are the chances of this not even going to trial? Could there still be some sort of plea bargain, or MB pleading guilty to a lesser charge and everything being resolved outside the courtroom?


I know nothing about guns but It was definitely speculation. No idea what blanks are.


Don’t forget Don Lewis!

Back to theories: of all the theories here, the one that stuck in the back of my brain has to do with the dog. How much does that play into what happened, I wonder? Was the dog a bite/attack risk?


Let’s please avoid the nit-picking at each other and discuss the case itself. We’ve removed some recent posts.


I’m in the Florida panhandle not far from the Alabama state line. No scoops on anything out here but my horse will be at home soon so it’s a decent trade off.