Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

At close enough range, the expanding gases can cause even fatal damage. Blanks wouldn’t leave any exit holes, though.

Anyone remember the handsome actor Jon-Erik Hexum?


Yes, a plea bargain can be made up to the very last moment (when jury has already been sworn in and is waiting for the trial to begin). No idea of the odds.


Love this Wicky! Thank you for sharing it!

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I know less than nothing about guns, but someone mentioned different kinds of ammunition do different kinds of damage. Perhaps there were not full-on bullets (yes, I made up that category as I don’t know anything about ammunition) but also not blanks. Something in between 100% lethal (someone said something about hollow point?) and non-lethal (rubber bullets like LE uses in crowds maybe)?

I believe she was critically and severely wounded and it is very lucky she didn’t bleed out at the scene and that she came through surgery. I think that is not even remotely in doubt.

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I think that YD assumes that things are about them when they have no evidence that they are. So that makes it hard to turn a thread away from YD since a post not about YD is turned into a post all about YD in YD’s eyes.

Interesting information about the blank bullets. Stuff I never knew.

When is the last time a plea deal can be made? Not after the trial has actually begun? Or any time until an actual verdict comes out?


Wow! What a rough morning here! Can we try again?

Judged on behaviors, we know certain posters only want to argue over minutia that they have misconstrued, passive aggressively attack others then go running to moderators, and want to get this thread shut down.

The only rational and logical way to handle someone like this is just plain ignore them! Don’t engage, don’t comment! Although I would definitely QFP, because we know how they love to spin and twist everything!




I believe not only was it a bite/attack risk in the past (LK was prohibited from having it out of her living area unless it was leashed), but LK also confirmed it was biting/attacking both MB and RG while they were on the ground on top of the gun. So, that’s an affirmative. I do know some people with a fear of dogs who would carry a gun if they felt an unrestrained and aggressive dog was on the premises.


And there was even speculation that the dog was sicced on MB when he arrived. Could be a possibility except LK says that is definitely not what happened.


People close to MB have said he does not want a plea and wants this to go to trial to prove his case. I hope his gut instinct is correct. At least he has an extremely capable criminal defense attorney to guide him and maneuver this situation. Based on the civil documents, it seems he may go for a diminished capacity defense but I have no idea how the two cases and pleas are related. Remember, HE was in fear of LK and RG at the time.

To our lawyer posters, does it make a difference if there is one plea in a civil trial and a completely different one in a criminal trial?


According to Wikipedia he is still alive. At least no death date given.

There is no information on his personal life and family, any descendants. He seems to have spent his whole life in the Los Angeles area. I don’t know how common the last name is. I do know both lawyers and personality traits tend to run in families. It would be a great American Fable if he was actually say a grandfather, but life is rarely plotted that nicely in Family Saga Miniseries style.


I just quoted Ghazzu since it was the first instance I could find of LK’s post.

The 4 separate people doing the same job jumped out at me, she could have just butchered language and meant something else but it sounds like she has 3 people keeping tabs on updates on this. Maybe not significant at all, but it was the only comment that seemed potentially like sharing too much info to me.


Without being accused of victim-shaming for the umpteenth time, I wonder if Mr. Kanarek wasn’t surprised that LK was injured? I can’t imagine he wasn’t fully aware of things going on at Hawthorne Hill. Obviously he was aware of many of her past actions, certainly not all of them, but her reputation of harassment and pushing people to their limit was documented. That may be why he seemed so calm on the 911 call.


This is several pages late, but Bob’s Red Mill carries teff flour.


His ex-wife is Sally Nava. She ran a charity to help struggling parents (mostly mothers) for a time. She is now a licensed insurance agent. She and her sister were raised in an abusive family and her sister committed suicide when she was 23 or 24 years old. There is at least one article where she refers to that being what got her involved with advocacy.

Irving’s daughters are Irvina and Walesa Kanarek. Irvina appears to be an interesting person.


Thank you for bumping this forward!! Notice also she clearly specifies her dad knows details too: “Unless your real name is RG , Michael Barisone or Jonathan Kanarek, you have no clue at all, whatsoever, of the stipulations & arrangements surrounding the repairs made by RG.”


He is still alive, wheelchair bound, and living near L.A. in a nursing home. He had a wife and two children. I don’t think he’s closely related to the LK’s father, unless he is an uncle or something. When I was in high school, I was fascinated by history and the Manson murders. I knew about Manson’s attorney, and recognized the name, but didn’t associate it with LK. There are quite a few Kanareks around.


Since we’re putting out theories …

MB went to the house to confront LK. He took a gun and bandied it about as he approached LK who was on the porch. She rushed him,with or without the dog. He fired, maybe by accident (hair trigger finger), maybe in self defense. That’s how all of the blood ended up on the grass - LK was now off the porch. Bullet that ended up in the house could have been the first shot or the last. MB realizing what he did froze, allowing RG to pin him to the ground. Cops came.

In this scenario he should not have brought the gun.


In 2014, there were 637 Kanareks in the US. Poland had the largest population with 1,305.

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… It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.