Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Love MacBeth!!

So if LK’s father was involved in the stipulations surrounding the renovations, and RG is unlicensed in NJ, where does this put JK, especially as an attorney, in this mess?


Are they no longer out of it? Hurray!

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Funny that Lauren goes on and on about the use and overuse of emoticons. She very frequently uses them herself. Sometimes to the point of unintelligibility.


You’re limited to two bags of it at a time. There may be other sources, too. Plum market, World Fresh Market, others.


Hollow points generally do the most damage because they expand and remain within soft tissue. Full metal jacket ammo (also called ball ammo) tends to go through the target. The former is usually recommended for hunting and personal defense carry as it expends all its energy in the target, so the target drops quicker. Ball ammo is not recommended for personal defense carry because of increased risk of the round going through the target and then also hitting an innocent bystander. Oddly enough, some states ban hollow points for personal defense carry–NJ may be one of those states (I’d have to look it up to verify).

LK commented in one of her rambling posts somewhere that LE “located the exit wounds.” so I am guessing she was hit with ball ammo or possibly snake shot (as I speculated earlier). The latter is more like a shotgun shell–each round contains multiple pellets. It’s handy for dispatching not only snakes, but also small vermin. Snake shot would not penetrate as deeply as ball ammo or hollow points, but a few pellets may have penetrated deep enough to cause lung trauma. And some pellets may have gone through her breast tissue, therefore causing “exit wounds.” (Again, I am speculating about the ammo–I have no idea what load was in the gun.)

Edited to add: rubber bullets are sometimes carried by huntsmen, who use them to “discourage” hounds from getting too interested in the wrong scent. I can totally see someone living on a farm carrying a handgun loaded with snake shot but I’m not sure rubber ammo would be much benefit on a farm.


Hmmmm…Maybe the other 3 are the other “personalities over which [she] has no control”!


I just found this and I will be ordering the sample pack. Four pounds, four variations. I am excited to try it.


Meh. If you do an advanced search on the COTH forum for any specific poster’s name, posts show up no matter what the security settings seem to be.

Just a reminder that any conversations you put Out There on the internet are ever really hidden or deleted.


Imagine having 3(?) other people monitoring an anonymous forum gleaning details to attack with or sue or threaten or whatever. Perhaps USEF and SS are two of the 3!!! If USEF/SS is interested and/or concerned about anything in these threads, the entire equestrian community is in danger!


No kidding! So we are paying them $25/year for membership and $50/year to monitor SM?


But LK also commented she was shot 2, 3 and 4 times. In another thread I recall her saying even surgeons weren’t sure how many times she had been shot. Really???

I’m not sure I would take anything she says as gospel.


I’m with Down Yonder- maybe LK counted each pellet mark as a separate shot.


Since she had monitoring equipment everywhere, can’t she at least count the number of rounds fired?

I doubt they don’t know how many bullets hit here if they were solid bullets (versus pellets). The police would have recovered the casings, so that tells you the number of rounds fired too if her sound recordings didn’t capture them.


@MorganSercu you bring up an interesting point. If she had recording devices everywhere at the house as she had at the barn, why would she need to record the conversation via her phone with her lawyer? Unless it was to capture everything real-time with a witness. Imagine staging that performance.


Maybe sound was for where people would be out of ear shot, though. So in the barn, tack room, etc. But where she lived they wouldn’t need recording devices b/c they would be there.


So, back to theories… I suspect it’s dawning on LK, JK, and RG that unlike her previous rants at people on SM and cyberstalking/bullying charges (which are hard to get to stick), the current set of rants and allegations, in the current setting, are very problematic and likely will stick once someone gets around to them.

I’ve got a new twist on the insurance fraud allegation.

In the previous threads it was assumed that the insurance check received in September was for the burst pipe over the winter. And in this thread we learned that RG was most likely doing renovations as an unlicensed contractor, and therefore most likely doing un-permitted work. Based on all the hoopla surrounding that conversation, LK is mad that RG got found out and they have no way to get the 50K she was planning on and so she thinks it’s insurance “fraud” that MB filed and received a claim for the damages to the house due to the un-permitted work. If all of RG’s work had to be “undone” in order to properly inspected then depending on the coverage, the insurance co might pay out for this damage and subsequent repairs. If needed I can provide thread and page for my supporting evidence.

Also, and maybe the lawyer types can chime in…if there are tapes, legally usable tapes, that actually have MB, MH, JH, and RC concocting a plan to murder her and RG, as LK claims they explicitly do…where are those conspiracy charges and arrests? They have the tapes, they have MB in jail, they arrested RC for the gun, but if they conspired to commit murder and it is all on tape, why are the other three not in jail? Both the defense and prosecution now have about 20 tapes they are planning on using for this trail. They wouldn’t do two separate trials on MB for different charges, they’d do all of them at once. They do group trials so everyone would be up at once. It has been 9 months since this supposed murder plot was concocted and acted on, supposedly with all the incrimiating evidence on legally sound recordings, where are the conspiracy charges for everyone?

 Please read the recent post from the ACTUAL moderator. Unless you want to get the thread shut down. FTR, I did not alert the moderator this morning, just noticed the thread was getting into the bickering mode.

After reflecting on the deleted post and the recently posted theories, we might have hit a nerve with discussing JK. Maybe we are all wrong but something is definitely there.

As far as multiple people/entities keeping tabs on this thread, well are we surprised? I figured that has been happening the whole time. One doesn’t need to be a member to read the dressage forum. Also the appearance of our house guest to admonish us after the discussion of JK also makes me think there is something there.


Yeah, I have a girlfriend by that last name from Depew. She is definitely not related to LK or Manson’s attorney. We used to joke about her “Uncle Irv”. LOL!