Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

However aware he was of LKs past actions, I would think he would be very surprised to hear she had been shot, given that MB did not have a known history of shooting at people.

The fact that it was pretty much just a string of insults that got deleted around 30 minutes after being posted tells me someone is taking pains to control her behavior. It’s pretty clear LK has no problem posting insults to SM.


Well yes but why now? One would think that would have happened prior. Especially since she admitted to not even remembering posting in the very first thread.


I’ve wondered that myself. She says on the tapes they talk about “doing it” (killing her) but if that were the case there would be more arrests. Conspiracy to commit murder is a serious crime.
My guess is that they never mention murder (what person talks about killing someone when they know there are recording devices?) so there’s no actual proof of the conspiracy she claims.


I almost completely agree, with the tiny modification of adding shooting “at” people. The only one we know of with that history is LK.


What I found most interesting about the deletion is I am pretty sure (not going to go look for it, sorry) LK has said in the past that she never deletes things so there is no reason to quote her.

To go from that to a quick delete seems weird.

It also makes me wonder if there are things that she has posted before, at the wee hours, that she removed before we ever saw it.


Because she does this. All the time. That’s just “how she is/how she talks”. It’s normal for all of them. It probably took them this long and the civil/criminal discovery process realize just how far out of bounds she got on this one.


I’m not totally buying that she can be controlled. I’m not totally buying that her getting shot was a magic wake up call to those who care about her.


Because posters are starting to get close? Maybe in her anger she gave away some clues? Maybe she has started riding a lot and it helps her to think more clearly?

IMO, if she is angry with everyone, and especially with MH, her most healthy form of revenge would be to blow everyone away with great scores and medals. If it were me, I would do exactly that. My best accomplishments out of life came out of being ridiculed or told that I can’t.


Well and that’s exactly what I think. I don’t think someone is reining her in. I think she got so spun up and then she realized she slipped up. Then the house guest rolls in to distract us.


She has always practiced “selective memory” when it suits her. Manipulation, partial quotes, etc. There’s more truth from her in the first thread than people think IMO.

Exactly, why would she need to record what was going on with a call to her lawyer?  That’s just something someone made up.

But that takes a lot of work - a lot. I understand from many posts here she didn’t really show up for lessons and riding and was even a no-show at competitions where her horse was already prepped and delivered to the venue as well as scratching from many classes.

Your plan is also the very definition of a long game and I think instant gratification has a lot to do with much of what we are discussing wrt LK. Waiting several years for success in the show ring through hard work doesn’t seem her style of revenge.


I don’t think “healthy” forms of revenge are her thing.


I’m with Denali on this one. I think she is having the thread monitored. For one thing, it allows her to step away from it and not be bothered by it continuously.

I suspect she and perhaps her family were surprised at the volume of information available to the public via the civil case briefs. Notice that she has been relatively quiet in this thread other than saying basically that lawyers lie for their clients and only go by what they are told in the briefs (same would be said about her lawyers too I suppose). And, of course, the truth will come out and you’ll all be sorry and I’m taking names and keeping files on particular posters. Got it.


I think this person was one of the three that LK said monitors the thread. I also think LK thought it would be a big enough squirrel to keep us busy for 20 pages.


Ah ha! So that poster, USEF, SS and LK are the four monitors. You solved it!


MH was within miles from her for the past few months and nothing was done. It is apparent LK’s grand plan when horribly, horribly wrong. MH is the only one who has walked away unscathed.


I would normally agree with you, but what made me say something to her was she sounded sober in the following threads.