Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Thank you for clarifying.


We had a rental property, very nice in a nice area. People stopped paying rent. It took us 6 months to evict them through the court system, and by then, they took a crowbar and ripped out and smashed all of the kitchen cabinets, pooped in all of the closets, let loose thousands of roaches inside the house, and then flooded the whole house by smashing the pipes. We couldn’t even walk into it when the police arrived for the eviction. We had to hire a HAZMAT team to go in and clean it up, ripping out all carpets and drywall. Then we had to refinish the inside. It was horrible. Insurance covered a lot of it, but we still had to kick in a bunch.

     OK. Let’s not rely on anything LK says. 

     In the most recent hearing on the criminal case, Barisone’s criminal lawyer said that LK had made FALSE claims that Barisone had attempted to commit insurance fraud over the burst pipes, and that that was defamatory. 

     Based on that, I think that LK has made an ALLEGATION of insurance fraud. I don’t know whether it is true or false. Barisone’s lawyer says it is not true. 

       Given that Barisone’s criminal defense lawyer as well as the counterclaim in the civil suit both make reference to the fact that LK ALLEGED insurance fraud, it seems important to the case. 

     Again, I DON’T necessarily believe LK to the effect that he was attempting insurance fraud.

The fire marshall was out on Tuesday August 6th, the day before the shooting. The house and the living quarters in the barn were condemned because they needed to be brought up to code. This meant that no one could sleep in the clubroom, or the apartments in the barn as well as the house, or even in the barn aisle.
Imagine THAT stress, nowhere for ANY of the employees to sleep, after already not sleeping well due to all of the craziness that was going on every night!
LK & RG didn’t care though, they had no intention of leaving the house!


So are you going back to the claim that Ruth Cox was sleeping on a mattress outside her horse’s stall with a loaded handgun under her pillow?



Here’s the thing. We aren’t trying to figure out what LK has said. We are trying to figure out what is potentially true given the court filings in the civil case.

WE ARE AWARE of what LK has said since she seems to have a chronic case of diarrhea of the mouth.

We are now looking at the statements made in the documents and bouncing them off of LK’s statements. I (and it seems others as well) am trying to nail down a time line because lord knows I need a flow chart at this point from all the threads.


My BIL went through a somewhat similar situation. It took him 6 months to get deadbeat tenants evicted. He was living overseas at the time and was worried to death that the tenants would do the same. Fortunately they left him with only minor damage to handle.


So where did they stay?

Hear me out for a minute. If I was a tenet and the place I was staying in needed to be brought up to code and therefore I was told to evict, BUT my landlord stayed, I don’t think I would be so quick to leave either.

I get there was way more going on than that in this particular situation and this is a basic scenario.

Is there something on FB in which she claims not just insurance fraud, but also that he himself had someone cause the pipes to burst? Back in January 2019 when they were all getting along well?

I have not seen anyone say that she was alleging he caused the damage, and it’s easy for pipes to freeze in January in NJ.

Reverse that:

if she has not, does not, will not leave, … because who exactly can make her leave… Then, how can he?


LK & RG stayed in the house, everyone else slept on the porch of the barn because THAT was allowed.
As stated many times in this thread and previous threads, MB & MH had left the house at least a week prior to the fire marshall being called out.
I am not trying to sound bitchy, so I apologize if I do, but this has been gone over so many times.
This is a horrible situation, and there are many people that are still living this nightmare.


I meant in a general sense not this particular situation. This is the first I’ve heard the barn needed to be brought up to code as well.

I do not have a response to your question because both LK and MB acted in an irrational manner at a level I have never reached. I can’t really speak to why they did or did not do a particular action.

That’s exactly what I have been doing all along [pause for predictable derision].  I look at documents and reported facts, see if I can understand them in a logically consistent way, and evaluate the validity of LKs statements by seeing if what she says is consistent with known facts. 

   For example, her statement that the uninhabitability order applied to a different unit in the house is consistent with LK still living in her apartment, the sign being posted, and KMs statement that once a dwelling is deemed uninhabitable, the residents are out pronto. 

  What is you alternative explanation that fits the facts?

That “claim” is from the original threads, if only you would read them.


When we ask questions about things, its with the knowledge of what LK has said. We don’t need you to tell us. So answering our questions with “LK said…” is not helpful. We have questions because of what LK said.

It is also not helpful to carry a grudge against those posters who came off as victim shaming in threads you were not a part of.


“Fascinating” thought…IF RG was the super 5-star bath renovator that we’ve been told he was; and, IF the condemnation was due to shoddy work as was put forth in earlier threads, I guess he gets a minus 5-star rating for this job. Someone even imagined in the original threads that RG sabotaged his work and called inspectors in order to condemn the work as another jab at MB. We’ve seen LK herself state they were frustrated with MH’s constant interruptions to be sure the bath was suitable for MH’s mother. It seems logical to believe this would be another vulnerable point to attack for LK.

And guess what? I verified through friends that the bath renovator RG worked for actually DOES renovate kitchens too…same location, separate offices, different company name. Oopsie.

Of course, all this is pure speculation, right?


Actually me too, on the barn not being up to code.
Maybe it got lost in all this tail chasing bologna.

I can’t imagine not leaving either, when it was ordered by the FM, when my relationship with my trainer fell apart… When I felt that the people I was working with we’re worthy a call to safesport, CPS, and allegations of abuse or neglect of cats,…
I can’t imagine the attraction of staying, at that point. That’s not even half of it either according to her.

  Yes, and I thought people backed off from the claim that she was sleeping with a loaded gun under her pillow. 

   If all you’re saying is that at one point in an earlier thread, someone said that Ruth Cox was sleeping with a loaded gun in the barn, and you have no idea whether it’s true or not, cool. 

   When you brought it up, I thought you were asserting it as a fact that you knew to be true.

I know it to be true. If you haven’t figured it out by now, if I don’t know something as fact, I will always say, I suspect or my opinion or rumor.