Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

I honestly can’t imagine any of this. That is why it’s such a tragedy in my eyes. I can’t imagine any of it.


I’m with you, and I can’t imagine even letting it get this far! No matter what happens in the court cases, I sure as sh!t hope the dressage/horse community in that area has learned what sort of “benefits” LK can bring to a barn, and respond accordingly.


No one backed off, people just don’t keep rehashing things that are not in the documents filled with the court.


Uh-o, didn’t LK imply on this tread she can ride with any BNT she wants (paraphrased)? Really? I seriously doubt it. Many, many people in FL had no idea who she was when her name was mentioned but once they realized how the name was connected to others, red flags went up. (No, I don’t have proof, YD, I was told by others whom I trust.)


So what is your explanation (hypothetical is OK) of how there could be 1) a notice of uninhabitability tacked to a door, 2) such notices required residents to vacate immediately, 3) and LK was still living there? Not asking what you know to be true, just for an explanation that could be true.

The posters who “came off as victim shaming in threads I was not a part off” were also doing victim shaming in the threads I have been a part of. Some of the “grudge” could also be from the mockery and insults directed at me.

I also think Eggbutt was a major player in several threads as a houseguest alter, so I’m rolling together those two posters.

Thank you. Pretty scary someone would sleep with a loaded gun under their pillow.

Anyone else believe LK may think she is entitled to a different set of rules than common people?


This is horrific. How could they stay comfortable in the house watching everyone else sleeping on porches and in barns? That level of lack of empathy and decency seems pathological.

I’m esp sorry to hear that some of the people involved are still suffering from all this.


While I understand your position, I am trying to help you with the dialogue we are trying to have. All of us have been hammered on this forum. It happens. I was mocked in the first thread. No big deal.

Now to answer your question, a neighbor told the news about the sign and it was brought up in court as well. A local news article was the fist I heard about the eviction sign. Why would someone stay? That is the $64,000 question. After reaching out on Facebook for a place for her and her horses, why did she turn down the offers? Why did she stay in the week leading up to the shooting? Why did she stay after receiving notice from the town? I personally don’t know why LK does anything.

Do you have proof Eggbutt had an alter? That poster is not shy about saying what is on their mind. Let it go and stop being LK’s savior on this thread. LK knows the reaction she will get and quite frankly I think she enjoys it.


I am sorry. This is the first I have heard this about the barn. I knew they had moved out of the house. I didn’t know they had to move out of the barn as well.


I think she truly believes she is innocent in every altercation in her life. I honestly believe she thinks she is a victim. It’s sad really.


Keep in mind there were many more people at MB’s facility on a daily basis other than MB, MH, JH, RC, LK and RG. They ALL saw LK’s behavior and personality. ALL became concerned that she refused to leave and continued her antics against MB. Again, the big question for just one juror is why did she stay?


The time leading up to the shooting was horribly stressful, just one nightmare after another. Just try to imagine the stress level. There were still the normal everyday barn things that they were trying to take care of, students trying to prepare for big shows, people wanting to organize clinics and then this craziness on top of all of it, then the Fire Marshall comes out and takes away your already temporary, cramped living situation as well as the apartments for your employees, and THEN CPS comes out the next day!


Why would she stay? I think above is the best answer so far.

And for anyone who disparages other posters for being anonymous: given what is incontrovertibly true about LK (the rap sheet, the restraining order, SM posts with such vile repulsive language it is almost unimaginable that a civilized adult wrote them, and all the threats on here, who in their right mind would identify themselves if they are not willing to be a BFF toady?


That is a nightmare scenario. Why do you think she refused to leave? Sheer bloody mindedness? Might makes right bulldozing her agenda through? It seems beyond pathological. I mean, everyone has their moments of being an…oh, right, can’t offend delicate parties here…a real jerk. But when you see people including minor children sleeping in barns and outside, how can you STILL insist on your way? That’s supervillain-level callousness.


LK would not leave because she had an agenda. She wanted to destroy MB & MH any possible way she could. She wanted to take everything away from both of them, no matter the consequences or casualties (figuratively or literally).
There were 2 minors on site for some of the time, MH’s kid went home so there was just 1 minor left.


What was the reason for her rage do you think?


There is a difference between an eviction notice and a notice of uninhabitability posted by the fire marshal. Someone other than LK has said that the entire house was deemed uninhabitable by the fire marshal.

   So please explain how the whole house could have been deemed uninhabitable by the fire marshal, such notice requires it to be vacated immediately, and LK was still living there. 

    The issue is not “why someone would stay”. The question is how someone is ABLE to stay if the whole house is declared uninhabitable. Fire marshals tend not to fool around.  

The only explanation that makes sense to me is that the notice applied to a separate, different unit. Purely by coincidence, that happens to be Lauren’s explanation.

   So based on the facts I know, I conclude LK’s statement is true. It’s not that I assume the facts are what she happens to say.  The causality is running in the opposite direction. 

    No I don’t have proof that Eggbutt has an alter that she used in the threads that she did not appear in as Eggbutt. Given her prominence in the threads that she does appear in, including the last two that she started, it doesn’t strike you as odd that Eggbutt appears not at all in a couple of intervening threads?

I had a friend who was a malignant narcissist. I needed to get away clean, hard to do without extreme drama as we shared many, many friends and the barn. So I studied malignant narcissism to plan my escape. It worked.

This guy was a resource. He does a series of videos. Interestingly, they say he’s one too. Whatever. The videos are good.

So if you want to know why someone behaves the way they do, seek out the knowledge.

Check it out. He begins with the multiple personalities of the malignant narcissist.


Lord, that’s sad. My sincere sympathy to all involved.