Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

It is about her staying. Would you stay on the property of someone who you thought would harm you after people told you they had a place for you and your horses? Regardless of the uninhabitable space, would you have stayed in that situation with several options to leave?

If we are to believe LK and what she posted about MB in the weeks leading up to the shooting staying and declining people’s help makes no sense. If we are to believe people close to the situation, staying makes no sense. No matter who you believe, STAYING MAKES NO SENSE.


I’m not disparaging anyone for wishing to remain anonymous. I wish to remain anonymous. But some posters have let slip enough clues that, I think, their identity is not hidden.

It’s also pretty clear that LK knows who Eggbutt is IRL, so that bird has flown.

Wow, that video. A lot makes sense. The bit about in the drama space the MN gets approval, adoration, etc. reminded me of Shelly or Lily or whatever and all the fawning “my BFF” etc. at the level of a tween. Also the bit about how the MN doesn’t see the drama as embarrassing or humiliating.

When I read the stuff she’s written, been involved in, the rap sheet, the first-person accounts, I feel embarrassed just knowing about it. I cannot imagine a world in which I wouldn’t be utterly mortified to be associated with even one of these incidents let alone all of them. I would hide it, not actively flaunt it.

But that video makes it more understandable. Without a sense of some sort of propriety or decency and without a sense of shame I guess all of this can be made to seem okay, even legitimate (I was sticking up for my friends! I won’t take any crap! I fight back!) when all it really is is trashy and sad and crazy and destructive.

Sometimes I think of one of my favourite songs in which the singer says: Just out of spite; I confess I ruined three lives; Don’t sleep so tight; Because I didn’t care till I found out that one of them was mine


In my opinion, fire marshals don’t mess around, so I personally think that if the whole house had been declared uninhabitable, they would have removed them in handcuffs if necessary.

Are you now agreeing that her unit was not deemed uninhabitable? As she said? Or are you saying she successfully fought off the fire marshals?

They showed her up, somehow. She wasn’t “winning” is my guess.


Good lord way to ignore the whole post. No matter who you believe, the posters saying it was the whole house or LK, the question of why didn’t she leave still goes unanswered. Pre-Fire Marshall LK was posting she was in fear of her life and still didn’t leave. The Fire Marshall doesn’t matter.


They didn’t give her the praise and attention she thought was owed.


Jealousy and blind hate for people that have things that she doesn’t, like drive and talent.
Someone with drive doesn’t cancel lessons, or only ride for 15 minutes once a month, or scratch 75% of the classes entered at shows.


The question is whether it was WHOLE HOUSE or the unit that WASN’T Lauren’s.

If the whole house were condemned, including her unit, do you believe that LK was PHYSICALLY able to remain there, even if she wanted to?

I think NO. Therefore I take the fact that she was still there evidence that it was not the whole house, but just the OTHER unit.

Actually “the big question” (if diminished capacity is the defense) will be, was his mental state such that he was incapable of forming intent? It is the basis of the battered person defense.

Unlike the insanity defense, which is a claim of not knowing right from wrong and is a true not guilty plea, diminished capacity is often used to convince the jury that lesser charge is warranted.

The D.A. may reduce the charge when presented with discovery and the defense may settle, or the defense might take a chance on the jury, depending very much on how much of the victim’s bad behavior they believe will be allowed into evidence.

Whatever the stratagems , this will take a long time.

The defendant’s statement when he was arrested absolutely strikes me as something uttered by a person that could use the diminished capacity defense.


Whether the issue is NPD, HPD, or something else, it is quite clear that this individual has some serious issues. What is not clear is why so many people insist on jumping on the trash pile and egging this on thread after thread after thread. That I cannot make sense of. Schadenfreude isn’t really an American thing, but it seems to be alive and well on the COTH. I’m embarrassed for this community.


The ENTIRE house was to be evacuated. Had there been more time between the time the fire marshall came out and the shooting perhaps action would have been taken, but since the shooting was the next day, we will never know.
So am I an alter as well because I chose to remain quiet for some of the other threads?
That will be my one and only comment to you, as you are a bore going on and on about the same things of which you really know nothing about.


Ok. And? Why does any of this matter?


LK thinks she knows a lot of things, doesn’t she? Her credibility is somewhat lacking. Remember, LK thought I admitted to actually being in the back of MB’s dually rather than the actual sarcastic post I dredged up just for her benefit. Funny, she never said anything about that after I spent all that time searching for it. I’m sure her attorney spewed his morning coffee when he received that “confession”!

BTW, I think I know who you are IRL, but does it make any difference whatsoever in the scheme of anything? You are so very focused on identity and alters and stirring all sorts of pots. It is bound to get confusing at times.

I advise knitting for you too YD. It is useful and productive. Maybe knit a few masks!


All the above, and there was some speculation on the hundreds of posts on the other few threads, that she intended to take the farm from MB. Get the use of the word “speculation”.


Oh gee whiz guys this poster is right! We should not be discussing recently filed court documents related to a BNT/R on a Dressage discussion sub-forum. Thank you for showing us the light as the H/J forum NEVER has train wrecks.


And yet, here you are and condescending into the bargain. Why not rise above and let us roll about in the muck?

  I was not aware that the notice from the fire marshal was posted only the day before the shooting, and with that additional fact, I can see that perhaps she had simply not yet moved out, thank you!  

  I have no idea as to whether you used an alter in previous threads. The phenomenon of houseguests has been well established, though.

Hey FitzE there’s some lovely muck down here!:yes:

You have frequently speculated on my IRL identity on these threads, although you were never correct. 

Advising people to take up knitting is patronizing, which is probably as you intended it.