Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

(I believe previous threads, news articles, etc have included these dates as well.)

I find if you read to comprehend, instead of being in a hurry to say what you want to say, with a jab at someone on the way,… You end up with less egg on face.
But then it is a good pore tightener.


Just as your BFF advising others to take up yoga.

I haven’t said one word on this thread about who I think you are and don’t intend to. It simply is not important to the thread.


And how would I know that the building had been condemned on Aug 6 as opposed to weeks before?

You loudly endorsed the notion that I was Kirby Kanarek in this thread; in this post you’re implying that that I’m a friend or SM friend of LK. 

 Obviously it is also patronizing when LK tells people to do yoga!  You’re both patronizing.
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Can we call for a cease and desist on who we all think each other are? Myself included.


Absolutely…I will sign on to that! It makes no difference. Period. I know the real-life identity of probably 10 of the posters on this thread. Their identity is not significant to anything they are posting in any way whatsoever and there is no way I would ever “out” their identity. It isn’t my place nor anyone else to disclose who someone is.


@YankeeDuchess This is post #724. I brought up the Fire Marshal issue. This was a response to one of my questions about it.


But police sources told The Post that Barisone was in the process of evicting Kanarek and her unidentified fiancé from the farmhouse they were leasing on his bucolic 53-acre Hawthorne Farm, where they also quartered horses.

“He wanted them out of there,” a police source said Friday — adding that Kanarek had gone to the township several times to complain about coding violations at the house."


My bold

Now that I HAD forgotten, that it was LK complaining to the FM about the house. (According to this article).


Again, more questions about why LK didn’t leave!! She was only interested in bringing heat to MB and his business.


And it sounds like she was the reason for the Fire Marshall to begin with.


"Simms said Kanarek and Goodwin refused to obey fire marshals who came to the house and told them to leave. Calling Kanarek a “grifter,” Simms contended she is “more of a villain than a victim,” and asserted the couple was harassing his client.

He noted the altercation took place after an investigator from the state Division of Child Protection and Permanency came to investigate a call about possible abuse involving two youngsters, the children of Barisone’s girlfriend, after the agency was contacted. Simms believes that call was made by Kanarek.

As for the abuse charges, Barisone’s attorney said “there is no substantiation whatsoever to that.”

Simms said Barisone, his girlfriend, who is also a trainer, and her children were living in the house with Kanarek and Goodwin at one point. But noting Barisone felt “extraordinarily threatened” by Kanarek and Goodwin, Simms said his client moved with his girlfriend and her children into a barn office/apartment away from the house."

Jaffer article., May…court-hearing/

Recent Jaffer article

You see, if you READ rather than fall for the BS of a party with an agenda…you learn info that is helpful.

And there you have it LK and Bob the Builder refused to obey Fire Marshals.


Sam Vaknin & H.G. Tudor are problematic.

Go with Robert Hare, Ph.D instead.


Yup, the other stuff -CPS, etc, -was then heaped onto this code issue that it appears LK wrought, the Safesport thing, and whatever else she had done.

Reason to shoot someone? No
Reason to be distressed and out of your mind (on top of tired and not thinking straight due to poor sleep)?


I’m good friends with the owners of the company RG worked at and can confirm they do bathrooms and kitchens. It’s a family business with brothers at the helm. I believe it’s structured as one does kitchens and the other bathrooms but I didn’t ask for a layout of their business plan. They’re excellent people who work hard and honestly.
And boy do they have stories.


Fire Marshals order mentioned here…ge/1989157001/

Simms characterized the couple as “squatters” who did not pay rent and began to harass Barisone and his partner. He said Kanarek and Goodwin refused to listen to fire marshals who responded to the residence and told them to leave.

  We went through this on the previous thread, and the mod has stated that speculating on someone’s identity is not a violation of forum rules. 

  If you need to rely on someone’s generosity and good will to refrain from speculating on your identity, it would have been better to think it through going to town with the mockery, insults, and patronizing comments.

Pedant: a person who is excessively concerned with minor details and rules or with displaying academic learning.

Obtuse: annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand.

Exasperate: irritate and frustrate (someone) intensely.


I came out swinging with my identity because my posts were clearly going to point to me anyway. But that was my choice (both to identify myself and to post what I did). Considering all of the threads about this incident, I don’t blame people for wanting to be anonymous. The more outspoken members could easily find a target on their backs in the form of a SLAPP suit (because honestly there’s no real legal discourse here)


You’ve hit that nail on the head, for sure.
why discuss the details of the topic when one can poke another about minutea unrelated to the topic in any way…

shell get her way, thread closed.
Why that seems to be her objective, who knows.
Hopefully we can all agree going forward, that she has no interest in the facts of this case, however.


Oh boy. Catching up on this one took longer than I would have anticipated. Some very lengthy posts. Also some new info…had no idea the barn living quarters were condemned.
The twists and turns this story takes are just…flabbergasting.