Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

I think @atl_hunter may have misgivings about the manner in which this very real tragedy is being discussed, though I can’t speak for him/her.

I understand why the subject is of interest on this BB and why there is a discussion and there’s nothing wrong with that. However, I get the impression that some people are actually entertained by this, just as people are entertained by the re-hashing of actual crimes, produced by television and movie makers, for an audience.

There have been several people that have written words to the effect that they believe that this will make a great TV movie etc…
In my opinion it is unfortunate that many people find crime and the attendant drama surrounding it entertaining. However, they do, there’s no doubt about it.

I don’t find tragedy in the least bit entertaining. I know that many people, myself included, would be horrified if the murder of our 14 year old friend in the early '70s was turned into television entertainment.

There is quite a difference between murder mystery fiction and “true crime” that is packaged for entertainment purposes. Mental illness, personality disorders and violence experienced by real people is not at all entertaining to many of us.

It is good that no one died in this incident , but lives are in ruin and many of the people involved will be affected by this tragedy for the rest of their lives.

I realize that I am swimming against the tide. The popularity of “true crime” television and movies makes that very clear. It is however, for some of us, difficult to understand the entertainment aspect that some people seem to enjoy. To see it here, up close so to speak, is even more difficult. Perhaps that is the point that atl_hunter is trying to voice.


I’m thinking maybe the issue with the barn was that it wasn’t meant to be lived in. It was a clubroom, if I understand correctly. So I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t up to code for a residence. It was just a desperate move to go the barn to get away from LK and RG, not a plan to use it as living quarters.


Thank you for posting this; I had seen it before. I don’t take what Barisone’s lawyer said at the “bail” hearing as the absolute truth.

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Topic swivel: If I recall correctly, the next court date for Bilinkas and the criminal portion is April 6 (???). What are the chances of that court date be held via remote appearance or, will it be delayed because Bilinkas isn’t ready or COVID-19 causes it to be delayed.


We agree on all those definitions! Yeah!

MB & MH were staying in the clubroom. Above the clubroom there are 2 finished rooms with a shared bath for two of the workers. More rooms and bathrooms were being finished.


The vast majority of society has always been intrigued and entertained by death and destruction. History is full of deadly entertainment like gladiators. Beheadings were frequently public along with other forms of corporal punishment.
I find it fascinating that others find it fascinating (psychology student here). And I find myself fascinated because there’s no real identifier (biologically) for WHY.


So did LK call the the fire marshall (or the inspector) to file a complaint?

Nevermind…already answered. I’m a slow reader (I have a barn to run).


I don’t think people find this entertaining like they do watching a sitcom. I think people find the behavior interesting. Granted some maybe entertained but I think it is a minority.

It just really grates on my nerves (I know it’s my problem) when people jump into threads only to chastise posters with no thoughts on the actual topic.


I cannot say with 100% certainty because I did not see the report, but I do believe so. There is no one else that would have. And it was reported in one of the interviews with a LEO that she did.


That was eloquently articulated. Maybe that was atl_hunter’s point, but she chose the route of the common scold, which is never a good look and never well received. I don’t think her point was this well thought out. I think it was her own brand of Schadenfreude: feeling superior to anyone participating here (though misguided as here she was).The way you have laid it out I think will introduce an interesting discussion about this aspect of the situation.

If there wasn’t such a full court press of SM ranting steady on from a fortnight after the incident, I don’t believe anyone would be talking about it. It’s the personalities people are watching like a slow-mo train wreck.


I hope you are right (that few find this entertaining.) The posts by some people here seem disturbingly gleeful, the woman who was shot among them.
I’ve noticed many of the posters that frequent the threads on this topic are new to the forums and seem to post about this subject only.

I understand what you are saying. Abnormal psych is an interesting subject :yes: but to me, real life examples are not entertaining.


I don’t doubt some are gleeful, I don’t doubt some love the entertainment of it all. I think most are like myself who can’t quite wrap their head around it all.

Real life examples are all we have and this one just hits home in our equestrian community.


Thankfully we have moved on from gladiators, public beheadings, etc… though I wouldn’t be surprised that if they were still allowed by law, some folks would attend. I don’t think the majority of educated, civilized people are interested in that sort of thing.


Another big question - why did she go back after she got out of the hospital and stay there until what, December? That’s about as bold as you can get.


Also - in describing the stress of the living in the barn situation, then sleeping on the porch of the barn, I can imagine that by then, Barisone was also pretty sleep deprived. Sleep deprivation can do a number on your psyche.


I think you make a very good point about the social media aspect contributing to the continued interest in the crime and the speculation about it.

With the caveat that I am not a member of facebook and that my participation in social media is limited to the COTH forums, I would be surprised if many victims of violent crime are so prolific in their online posting as is this person, and
even though I don’t see the facebook posts that people refer to, what I have seen here on the COTH forum, posted by the person who was shot, seems excessive, unusual, and NQR.

I can only imagine the entirety of what is being posted across the web by the victim (obviously the defendant is not hopping it on social media) that is keeping peoples attention.

It may be fascinating for some folks to see people melt down online, but I find it cringe-worthy that the victim continues to engage with people online in a manner that is not in her best interest, and sad that none of her people seem to be able to stop her. I don’t understand it, but neither do I understand the people who appear on television and scream at each other about their disagreement over their child’s paternity. 15 minutes of infamy?

Again, I found Barisone’s statement when he was arrested to be indicative of a very troubled mind. I hope that the court or jury, will find a fair judgement. You just can’t go around shooting people, though the law has progressed enough to allow the “battered woman” defense which, in my opinion, is a good thing.

I’ve read these threads only because I remember laughing at Stephen Colbert’s “dressage lesson” and I thought Barisone was a good sport about the whole thing. Looking back at that video is very sad now.


We still have executions. People are still interested, just in a more civilized fashion. Horror movies are incredibly popular, that movie about Ted Bundy with Zac Efron in it was popular, Dexter had several seasons, Game of Thrones, etc.


“We” don’t still have executions. Many states have a moratorium and many people are opposed to the death penalty.

I don’t doubt that people watch programs about Ted Bundy for entertainment. I just find it disgusting. People also watch people behaving horribly on reality TV and for some reason get a kick out of it.

Thankfully, I don’t know those people, don’t hang out with them, and never will.
So, I have hope that the people that drive the TV ratings are actually the people that have nothing better to do than to watch horrible programs on TV.


Excuse my ignorance but what is SM?