Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Social Media

Thank you, LOL, I thought I was missing a specific site for the crazy!

I know. For the longest time I kept thinking, no, not SM, her initials are SW, and she’s almost as batsh*t as LK, but she doesn’t have anything to do with this thread, why keep bringing up that old wannabe? Then I was…oh, social media.


@skydy I think a lot of the interest too is both parties had so many opportunities to do something different. Speaking for myself, it’s hard for me to comprehend HOW the situation spiraled down hill like it did.


Imagine feeling trapped, threatened, losing control of your own business, life and family, being pushed around by a wannabe and her supposed Marine boyfriend, no sleep, called in every resource you can think of and all of the sudden CPS shows up. Something was going to blow and regrettably MB had a weapon with him. I wonder what would have occured that day if the gun wasn’t there. Would they have beat him to death? Who knows???

Edited to add, the situation spiraled down hill because LK refused to leave and continued her agenda of harassment. Call that victim shaming or whatever label you want to put on it but that is the fact. Any “claims” she insists she had could have been resolved by her huge legal team. She enjoyed the torture and dangerous game she was playing.


Executions are not public entertainment.

Also so many people in the industry have direct connections to one or more party.


Again from beginning to end I would have made different choices. By beginning I mean the start of the rider/trainer relationship. I can’t imagine all describe. That’s my point.


You said before that you knew for a fact that RC had the weapon, and was sleeping with it under her pillow in the barn.

If they had “beaten him to death” LK and RG would probably be sitting in jail now on charges of murder, so probably they would had the self control not to take that ruinous move. Who knows?

Having read some of the responses to the COTH Facebook post that the last thread was about it was very obvious that at least some of the major players in LK’s life seem to agree with her use of social media. They were right there along with her posting stuff.


And could very well be right here along with us posting stuff.


If MB had come up to the house to confront them about the systematic campaign and torture they were perpetuating on him and his family without the gun, I have no doubt that LK and RG would have beaten him to death. I personally am very suspicious that he even did and that it is LK’s gun and she has turned this around on MB. That’s my personal view, and I could be wrong about that, but I don’t believe a single, not one thing LK says. If she opens her mouth, its a lie. She has no self control. They, or she, have delighted in torturing this family; a woman who shoots a boyfriend or his bike, who stands outside the family’s windows screaming crazy sh*t at them at night, lies about him right and left, lies about her boyfriend, lies about herself, lies about the medals she’s NOT achieved, Laughs about torturing people and threatening people on facebook with equally mentally ill sycophants, like a teen girl looking for attention, and can’t even keep her story straight does not have any self control, and likely has a very serious mental illness. Your continuing to defend her behaviour and character is bizzarre. No, she shouldn’t have been shot, but there isn’t any single thing about LK’s behaviour or person which is defensible.


I do have to agree with you there. Even if I let a client live on my property, which I would NEVER do, because i know how relationships can go south, including, or especially, horse people relationships, and how tenancy can become complicated very fast even with the best documentaion, If I saw any kind of personal interaction with my girlfriend (were I a guy) such as LK displayed, the jealousy, the opinons about her “color choices”, the criticism about her being in MB’s life, and about the attention she perceived MB was paying to his GIRLFRIEND, or fiance, That relationship would be severed right then and there. She had no business interacting with the family, other than horse related and politely, much less this crazy jealousy stuff. If LK wanted more attention from MB about her riding, she could work harder and earn it, or, if that didn’t work, take her toys and go home. Different choices? From the very start, I would have made different choices.

Its possible that MB really got sucked up into LK’s projection of herself, initially, but I suspect knowing how she wasn’t working hard at her riding and showing would have informed his understanding of how serious she either was or wasn’t and I don’t know what persuaded him to expand this professional relationship with her. Combining a dubious tenancy with her and an equally dubiously qualified boyfriend’s work on the house, which probably isn’t even his, actually, but I suspect belongs to SGF, was an entanglement which made this worse. Would I have done differently? I would never have gotten that far down the rabbit hole with her myself, frankly, having seen the vials saying “Drink ME” that are inevitably at the bottom of those things.

Why anyone would bring their professional relationship into their personal life is beyond me. But he did, and I’m sorry for it, and for his family and him. But to ascribe “self control” to LK? Not in this universe. Not after what she herself has described she’s done.

And, as Eggbutt said, she enjoyed the torture and dangerous game she was playing. Its not even like, “oops, I went too far”. She was on a runaway train of power over a man, his business, his property, and his family, and she was delighted, on top of it, and even in her civil suit, all she can talk about is worry about weather he will sell his horses before she can get her hands on them. Not about wether he is going to sell property he owns, or liquidate other assets, but those horses. I have no doubt she wanted his horses and his farm.


We’ve all been in relationships that were toxic. Some times you just don’t see the problems until you are so far in you don’t know what to do. Most of us really don’t have experience in how to end relationships. Humans are social, we bond. It usually takes time and a lot of energy to get rid of someone, especially a toxic person who needs the drama.

After having been through my own bad relationship, I think of folks who act like LK acts as emotional vampires. They take and take until you haven’t got anything left to give them.


I’m not even sure they are just “emotional” vampires. They want what they want, and they are going to get it no matter what. It doesn’t matter if it is a house, a car, a horse or a relationship, they will do everything they can to satisfy their wants.

These people are scary, and they are also chameleons, who can change everything about themselves to fit in.


Its all about their “narcissistic supply”. After she was done with Barisone, she came BACK to his property after being in the hospital, saying the owners of the property wanted her there, which is obvious that they didn’t; witness the lawsuit trying to get rid of her in the tenancy court (which was dropped in January after she finally did leave). She continues to torture or talk about it on her facebook page, ,with her sycophants hooting and hollering her on, which gives her her “supply”. She has the cases in front of her, angling and coaching her “team’” to prevail against him in the ultimate power trip people like her love, Court, to continue her narcissistic supply, until the cases are over, and she has nothing left of this situation. People like this look for damage they can take from others as satisfaction. She did it to Girl Joey and, according to MB’s atty, at least 12 other individuals or entities, that he knows of. I doubt this is the last person she’ll do it to.


Yeah I really don’t know why LK would think MBs personal business is HER business. I don’t see how a rational person would think that their opinions matter AT ALL or why they would even use them as a justification as LK has repeatedly done.

IT WAS NOT HER BUSINESS who MB was dating, screwing, etc. And then to offer it up on SM again and again shows a stunning level of disconnection from reality.

I have a trainer. I don’t get involved in their personal business other than support them in things they choose to make known to me. Other than that I don’t meddle or inject myself. I don’t comment on their relationships with other people.

So I don’t get where LK thinks she has a RIGHT to comment on anything at that time.


That really threw me, in the beginning, when she was ranting about MH, saying MB didn’t care about her, and she was fooling herself, and a bunch of people jumped all over that saying none of your freaking business! That baloney about her taking photos of piles of cat feces on children’s beds. Her ranting about how MB was proud of the riding and work MH had done, and the classes she had done well in. Who was going to go to be "elevated’ to national prominance because of his attention. Wow. Noneya.

I have a wonderful trainer, or did, in CT (Im in a different part of the country now) and so admired her and her husband, and what he did for a living, and his love of sailboats and how i also sail and her wonderful barn apartment I dearly would have loved to rent. I didn’t even begin to impose myself on the family, or their personal space. She offered their swimming pool to anyone on the property on hot days, and I dove in, once, when horses and work was done, feeling uncomfortable on their personal space. Socially, she had many gatherings and a traditional large Xmas party. Clinics held on the property were actually private affairs, by invitation. There was a sense of her control over the property and her business that one could devine or ferret out, even though she is a lovely, magnanomous, generous, and kind person, who invites you in to learn and contribute to her art.

Just because MB didn’t know how to, or realize the gravity of Kanarek invading his personal space means she had the right to do it. She should have known better, and when any of them became uncomfortable with her, she should have politely bowed out and gone elsewhere. This was, after all, an elective in her life. she has money and places to live and go, people and friends, there was no reason for her to have to remain on that property, as it was a temporary arrangement at any event. She could only have meant to hurt and destroy people.


I’m not sure she is done with him yet. She did not achieve her ultimate goal, whatever it was. I can’t imagine that getting shot was that goal, and getting shot made her fall short getting what she wanted.

I have wondered if she was obsessed by either MB or MH, as well as where her boyfriend/ finance/ lackey played into all this. Was the obsession romantic, lifestyle, the dressage world, the beautiful farm(s)?

Another thing that has perplexed me is for all the financial resources LK has bragged about having, why not buy her own farm? Real estate is usually a pretty good investment. For anyone boarding 5-6 high end horses, having a home base would make a lot of sense not only financially, but logistically as well.


I believe I understand your point. I am NOT defending her behavior or character. I have been trying to convey my opinion that however repulsive her SM persona may have been, or still is, and even IF her behavior prior to the shooting was highly aggravating, she should not be blamed for the fact that she was shot.

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