Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

@YankeeDuchess Why? Why even post? We KNOW how you feel! We know your level of support. What contribution did your post make other than to restate your tired opinion?

MANY of us believe her actions led to the events of August 7, 2019, as horrible as they were. They ALL had choices.


But along the same lines, it appears LK had no desire to politely bow out, even if she knew better.

It appears her goal was to stir the pot, and stir the pot, and stir the pot- until it boiled over. What she did not plan on was that when it boiled over, she would become a gun shot victim.


Not trying to argue with you. Just pointing out thousands of people are fascinated by death and destruction.


I agree. I think what boiled over was when Barisone stopped being dazzeled by her - when his attention waned, when he realized despite her money/buisness she wasn’t seriosu about learning, or wasn’t going to be the protoge she came to him to be, or else, maybe he always knew that, but he stopped giving her the boosts or admiration she craved because she just wasn’t putting in the work.

When she wasn’t getting the promotion and attention any more, and saw MH getting it, she began to act out, and create the drama which would transend everything, a ‘just’ punishment for abandoning her need for his attention, and “ruin” him. the grander, and more grandios she could make her drama, the better. She would take him down, take his farm, his horses, his family, and do it in a public venu where all would see the “surprises” she had in store for him. She’s a true malignant narcissist. She is mediocre and unacomplished, and failed to bring glory and admiration to herself through him, so destroyed him.

    If the civil suit of Sweetgrass was filed to get LK off the property, why was Michael Barisone Dressage also a defendant?

I didn’t say they were.

   A poster stated that I was defending LKs character and behavior, and I wanted to clarify that I was not. Again. 

   I’ll stop restating my position when people stop misconstruing it.

LK does possess the traits of a malignant narcissist. Anything that challenges what she perceives as true is a threat to her and she seeks to destroy it. No narrative but her own is her reality. I’ve heard rumors that some of her former instructors are terrified of her and refuse to speak publicly about her.


Just a reminder y’all that many of us are home doing our part to keep others safe by social distancing. Social distancing can work great on this thread as well, especially when certain people are trying to poke the proverbial bear to get it to charge!

It is not worth engaging if it gets the thread shut down!


I was at a schooling show that she had entered and her trainer at the time showed up with her horse…LK never arrived. Trainer said that was typical. I’m sure LK will dispute that but I heard it directly from the trainer and I find her infinitely more credible.


Unfortunately, I agree.

Some of her characteristics I see in a former friend of mine. She somewhat seemed normal, but claimed she couldn’t work. Luckily, her husband worked very hard. She misread a lot of business relationships as personal relationships. Well, her hubby got hurt at work and money stopped. She tried suing almost everyone possible, in the meantime having no income. Eventually, there was a lawsuit, she won a lot of money, then began 2 more lawsuits when things went poorly for her. She uses the money to sink into professionals, no intention to improve her riding, but to make “friends”. The trainers see her as someone who will be a sponsor, supply them with decent horses, pay for fancy dinners or going on trips etc. She now has a fancy lifestyle, but no real skills.


Reminder that the mods have asked us to not make mental health diagnosis of people.

This thread has brought out some new information that has been enlightening. Do not want to get it shut down by people over stepping that line again.


WRT being involved in the personal life of her trainer, that is common in the horse world. Maybe not so much in Dressage but there are many many threads on this BB of the professional lines being blurred when it comes to trainers and boarders or students.


That gives her power over the life of the trainer.


Can someone from the area explain to me how she is still able to find a trainer? So many people have had extremely awful run ins with her and she seems to keep to NJ, NC and FL. So how was she able to still find training and board?


Not from the area so only making a guess - Lots of trainers are not overly active on social media. If they do social media at all it is limited to stuff around their barn and their program. They do not take the time to bother with the gossip of what other trainers are doing with their clients. Add in the attraction of someone who claims to have the money, desire, and ability to be a financially beneficial client and most trainers would say yes to her moving in.


Snippet from post 103 by La-la:

“In all seriousness, all of your “predictions,” wrt me “finding a trainer,” & “being unable to board all my horses, after this “ & so many other ridiculous predilections have been wrong. I promise, the day I’m unable to hire the trainer I want or find myself “unable,” to board all my current horses & any new horses, I will send you a message in Morse code. I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you. But… you are right in that, my original plans to bring at least 4 of my horses to EU or stay in Fla past June have been temporarily halted due to COVID -19. Of course, the post about going overseas in the first place, was made over 2 months ago. The post re: being unable to go… was made last week. Maybe your “friend of a friend of a friend,” should sharpen his/her reading skills??”

No one knows for a fact she is “training” with anyone. Maybe a lesson or two from random foreign trainers but no one of MB’s caliber. Maybe she will enlighten us publicly. Remember, she must have the top FEI BNT trainer available. “Rumor” has it several BNTs turned her down in FL - quickly.


If you have leased a farm to a lessee, and that lessee sublets one of the houses to someone, you cannot evict that renter (even for like-kind exchanges) without evicting the original lessee. At least, not in my state. Where I currently live, you can’t even include a clause that allows the owner of the property to have any sort of say as to who can be in that extra house.


Because like the corona virus people think it is a hoax, overblown or won’t happen to them. So they go out socialize, shop etc… because they don’t have symptoms, they are young and healthy and therefore don’t social distance.

Many people do not show symptoms of mental illness or being a manipulative b***ch the first number of times you meet them. They seem like they are all sweetness and light. The trainer/BO figures they are smarter than those that came before them and will not make the same mistakes and so they don’t social distance until it it too late. Or they figure that the HO is healthy and the issue was the former trainer not the HO.

I am sure there is also the whole blame game of it is really allergies not a virus/cold. In the riding world the HO says the other trainer was charging me to train the horses but his WS/assistant was riding or he wasn’t riding at all. So new trainer is like oh I won’t do that so it isn’t a problem.

Having one client that has a number of horses in training to boost the bottom line can make desperate people make stupid decisions.