Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

well that’s certainly a BNT!

So, I don’t care who LK is or isn’t riding with. What’s it to me, really?

I’m just generally speaking here in reference to the post made by Denali, but I’ve seen trainers take on bad reputation clients. The biggest reason: money. Or they think, “how bad can it be?” or “I’ll put up with it for the money” or “I can manage and deal with this person” and so on.

This happened at a stable where I kept my horse. They took the client on, but it was relatively short lived. She stirred the pot and sh*t talked the stable while she was in it. Eventually they said no money is worth this BS and she was sent on her way. So people will take people on for some of the reasons listed above, but it’s usually short lived.


Thanks for all the responses to my question.


I don’t have Twitter…what does this say?

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    SGF did not need to evict MB, as he was already gone. If MB made an oral agreement with LK that she could live there, without a written lease, they could have given her 30 days notice to vacate, then start eviction proceedings if she didn’t leave. No need to file an expensive civil suit when the legal eviction process is available. 

      Are there court documents saying that either MB or SGF   had started an evictions process?  I think the SGF civil suit was something other than eviction.

You can just click on it to see it even if you don’t have an account.


LK has talked about being in Deer Run and hacking to her trainer. There is really no way to hack from Deer Run to either of Helgstrand’s barns, so unless they were going to a farm in that area to teach, it would be impossible to hack to her lessons with them.


I don’t have twitter and I clicked and I see lots of things so I am not sure what I am supposed to be reading - which might stem from my lack of twitter knowledge.

Thanks. Posting a profile status like that doesn’t necessarily mean she is with them. I’m sure her horses aren’t and they have probably headed back to Europe by now. Just my not worth much thoughts.


I assume these people are in Florida which now has a stay at home order, so going to the barn is moot.


sorry–Twitter seems to cough up all sorts of extra garbage on the screen----it was just her March13 tweet of note.


Dated March 13 LK posted on Twitter: "Working with World Class trainers - makes World Class riders & horses! #moeller #moeller #helgstranddressage #JustDoIt


Did Ron DeSantis finally issue a Stay at Home order? Palm Beach County has many cases of COVID-19.

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Yes. Finally.


Oh don’t be silly! People are still going to the barn because “dobbin NEEDS me!!!” Unless the stay at home order explicitly says no going to the barn and no riding people are going to the barn and riding.

The restrictions are apparently confusing.


In Colorado, violating the order is punishable by a fine and jail time. The County that I live in issued the order before the State did.

Police aren’t pulling people over but they are on the look out for gatherings of people.


Loxahatchee is not Wellington. So I guess LK being at Welly World for the season was a bit of a stretch.


Even if MB was gone from the farm, LEGALLY if there are any of his tenants at the barn, the owners have to evict MB, because he sublet. And if the person isn’t there, that doesn’t necessarily mean that some of his things (or his boarder’s things) weren’t there.


OK. Fair point. But why would you need to go to the expense and trouble of a civil lawsuit, as opposed to just using the normal eviction process?

Not surprising. WEF is still holding schooling rounds.

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