Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Because if the tenant does not move out when you give them notice to quit, the next step is to file a lawsuit so you can get a court ordered eviction. The New Jersey eviction process is described here


Any case that goes through the courts is civil if it didn’t involve someone being arrested with the opposing side being a prosecutor. So eviction, divorce, custody etc. are all considered civil cases.


Probably as a preemptive tactic, in case she planned on suing them (or as a counter to a lawsuit that was going to be - or already filed - by Kanerak). If preemptive, it’s a good way to find out what’s on LK’s mind, and settle (maybe). Only the People involved know.

I agree that the standard eviction process goes through the civil courts. I had thought the civil lawsuit by SGF against MBD, LK, and RG was something other than a simple eviction process, but perhaps that all it was.

Yeah I can see that. When we hear civil lawsuit we typically think suing for damages and such not necessarily eviction.

Also I haven’t seen the documents of SGF’s suit. I’ve only heard about it. Did I miss it in the list of filings?

So back to LK’s supposed new barn. A. quick look at the sight gave me the impression that the rider training is more of an academy. If you have the money and I assume a level of proficiency you can go. Like college.

The only think I know about Helgstrand is that they are a big sales barn.


Same county means the same thing right? :lol: I’m kidding.


Or maybe she went to a clinic with Dr. Moller? He does give clinics. My impression was that she was with the same trainers that she sent her horses to in Aiken, before season.

Loxahatchee is close enough to Wellington that people don’t make much of a distinction.


I actually don’t care about her enough to know where she went or who she rides with. I was just curious about what she tagged on twitter because I always thought Helgstrand was a sales/training barn with no lessons per se

Eventually she will run out of states and terrorize Europe.


I thought the farm was owned by the LLC, of which Barisone was a partner!


You got it.


If you read the order, it allows any exercise where you can social distance - biking, hiking, swimming, hunting, etc. Not much different from before.

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I clicked on the tweet to see who liked the tweet. LK liked her own tweet. Who does that?

As far as the civil suit against MB, LK, and RG, it seems likely that it was dropped because she finally moved out, but I can’t find any specifics as to why it was dropped.


I find it interesting that she doesnt actually say that she worked with them.


I really hope people are taking it seriously. Many people have underlying conditions that aren’t as evident as advanced age. Or even being very young. Infants and children can die too and they have. Please be aware and careful.


In NC all non-essential businesses must close. Board barns and riding instruction are considered nonessential. Vets, farriers and feed stores are considered essential.


The SGF civil lawsuit against Michael Barisone Dressage, LK, and RG was the supposed topic of the “That’s a twist thread”.

Apparently if you go to the NJ court site, and look under “special civil” cases, the documents should come up. At least a list of documents.

In that entire thread, no one brought up the possibility that it was just standard eviction proceedings, so I was assuming it was something different, but perhaps that is all it was.

Another possibility is that it was a CYA move by SGF, and possibly the content of it ended up as the cross complaint in Lauren’s suit.

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There is nothing listed under special civil. All the documents are under Civil.

The case number with information from Sweetgrass Farm’s attorney is LCV2020418066. Interesting read beginning on page 9.

By the way to our legal eagles…what is the Doctrine of Unclean Hands?


I found a case under “special civil” that was a case filed by SGF against MBD, LK, and RG. It was filed on Dec 6, on Dec 7 a nonjury trial was scheduled for Jan 3, but on Jan 2 the court dismissed the case without prejudice, and it is closed.

While the case was dismissed prior to the trial happening, the fact that a trial was scheduled suggests to me that is was NOT a standard eviction. Whatever it was, it was dismissed by the court without prejudice less than a month after being filed.

I don’t know. I read somewhere (maybe not here) that the farm was owned by an older couple, but that was also a part of the LLC. There’s a legal difference there. I thought the LLC leased it from the owners. I could be wrong. And I don’t remember where I read it, but I do remember that one of the owners’ picture and name was in the article.