Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

   The document you reference is NOT the suit filed by SGF on Dec 6, 2019 and dismissed by the court on Jan 1.  It is the response of SGF, as a defendant, to the civil suit filed against them by LK.

Sounds like she is training with ULF Moeller

Wrong. It was simply a case without a jury. Landlord tenant cases are just that. A non jury trial means that a judge, not a jury, determines the outcome.


OK, thanks. So you think it was just a standard eviction proceeding? In any case, the SGF suit was dismissed without prejudice by the court on Jan 2. As I read it, the nonjury trial was canceled before it happened.

ETA. Was LK still living there as of Dec 6 when the suit was filed?

John and Bonnie Lundberg conveyed their interest in the property of 411 West Mill Rd, Long Valley, NJ to Sweetgrass Farm, LLC for the sum of $10 on December 23, 1999. Sweetgrass Farm, LLC consists of John and Bonnie Lundberg and Michael Barisone.


Most likely a standard eviction. Don’t get hung up on the world trial. My court scheduled trials all the time. Maybe 1 in 5 actually happen.


They did that to rid themselves of personal liability. Now the liability rests with the LLC solely. Smart move.


OK. Thanks. Fortunately, I’ve never been evicted!

Thank you.


Law people:

How can the LLC file a suit against MB if he’s part of the LLC? I speak psychology, not legalese.

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KM thinks it was filed to evict people from the farm. The defendant was Michael Barisone Dressage, not MB himself, plus RG and LK.

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Each is a separate entity. Each has its own interests.
Michael Barisone is a person. Michael Barisone Dressage LLC is a corporation. 2 different entities.


Further to the trainer questions, in late December LK said she was going to spend three months in Florida to train with Beny Konstantinova, though I don’t know if this ever took place.


Great. :rolleyes: Keep it on that side of the pond please! :lol:


For those with knowledge in these areas–does NJ require permits or licenses of any kind before a house can be divided into apartments? And was it truly divided that way, or was it more like two separate “suites”–i.e., sleeping area, bathroom, and maybe sitting area in each suite? If the two groups shared a common kitchen and other areas (as indicated upthread), then would it meet the definition of being an apartment building?

I am wondering if the building didn’t meet the legal definition of an apartment building, or it didn’t have the necessary permits to operate as such, wouldn’t it then be legally considered a single dwelling? And the fire marshal directive would therefore apply to the entire structure, no matter what door they tacked the notice to?


Good question.
Often, egress is a critical factor when a single family home is divided into apartments. I wonder if that came into play.


No thank you! But she will be in for a big surprise, considering there is a lot of nutty european trainers out there also. A danish trainer was murderer on her farm earlier this year/last fall, its still being investigated.


Long time reader, infrequent poster but I could not resist. The farm is for sale. (hopefully this is not forbidden to post)


It has been listed since October.


My job is mission-critical In a fixed location, and I’m about slightly shy of $2M, but otherwise that’s my kind of place. The first thing I’d do is start digging for “the buried dead bodies”. But not if they are under one of the arenas. It would be a shame to ruin the footing.