Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Well, I know how to read, and I have read the articles that very clearly state that PRISONERS AWATING TRIAL WILL NOT BE RELEASED!!! This only applies to prisoners being released because of COVID-19
Since the prison is on full lockdown due to COVID-19, I don’t expect MB is in contact with too many people right now!


If we’re going to go gender neutral, I’d suggest “theydies and gentlethems.”

I’m hoping the courts are not on hold indefinitely so that everyone sitting in jail isn’t at risk for any longer than necessary. Hopefully in the past 8 months, LK is healed up and not at a much higher risk than normal but I’m not a doctor.


The recent photo of her does not look like a healthy woman and her law suit says she has life long damage. But, she also posts that she’s “training frequently” with hard core just do it trainers. I imagine her health is relative to what she wants to do, which is true for most of us.




Rumor has it LK and RG have left, or are very soon to be leaving, FL, on their way to Raleigh, NC with her horses. Some have guessed she’s heading to Matrix Stable, but I have no idea. NC is on a strict lockdown right now.

It should be easy for those who have active warrants for her in NC to be able to find her if this is true.


So a week or so back I posted something about, let’s move on with life and stop hating. I wasted some time today looking at replies which were on the line of “how dare you, this is my escape”.

Well, I do recall that many of you have been passing judgement on others for using escape mechanisms (ie shes drunk or stoned, whatever).

if your escape is filled with hatred, I feel sorry for you.

i am busy as a health care professional. As many in my family, working as er docs infected with covid19. My life is filled with meaning. Try it. It’s good. Be kind.

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Do you guys hear something?


Mme Melandri actually denies authorship on that one though:

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I’m not on facebook. Was she quoting someone else or did someone attribute it to her out of nowhere?

You can still see the post without having Facebook, I’m not on it, either. I can see it fine.

Francesca Melandri
Yesterday at 2:34 AM ·

Hi you all, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the loving messages flowing in from just about everywhere.

I am indeed the author of the “Letter from the future”.

Please know however that I DID NOT write the poem “We woke up etc…” , instead, and I havo no idea why I am being named all over the web as its author.

Stay safe


Well gosh, I hope whoever did author it comes forward. Classy of Mme. Melandri to correct the error.


Interesting. I wonder how the author was misidentified?


Here is a reply to her Facebook post:

Julia Mylonas
I know who wrote the poem! Her name is Ema Popaya. She is a Chinese medicine Doctor and lives in London. She first wrote it in our WhatsApp Group on April 2020. It would be greatly appreciated if this could be made extremely clear!

I checked FB and Googled Ema Popaya and found nothing relating her to the poem either. Lots of people are looking for the rightful author.

  But still in contact with his lawyers by phone, perhaps.

Maybe someone read it, didn’t catch the author but thought it was Mme. Melandri because of the style? It happens. She has the class to make it clear it was not her work.

***Then there is Stephen King who stole Robert Bloch’s quote and STILL lets people think he came up with it. The old guard of the SciFi world rightly tore into him. They are all dead now, so he gets away with it.

***This is in dispute. That is my recollection from periodicals I read in the 1980’s, possibly the 1990’s. I may be incorrect though and my thanks to a person who doesn’t post on this thread for bringing it up.


Hurray! May this be a big boost to her career!

That’s not what you said to us. It wasn’t “move on and don’t be hateful” it was you saying that we weren’t helping anyone. You tried to claim superiority. You failed. You’re no better than anyone else on this thread. You’re here, just as we are. And just because we are here doesn’t mean our lives are meaningless or our “escape” is filled with hatred.
The pedestal you’re standing on is just a piece of plywood.


Maybe time to shut this down.




Please ignore the trolls looking to cause trouble by saying this needs to be shut down. The majority here play nice and obey the rules.

If you are not happy here you have other options. Why not use them?