Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Sorry, I just hate when people try to make themselves into some kind of idol. That “I’m holier than thou” attitude always makes me bristle.


Well you would have, if you had read the links the rest of us all read. Once again, you are making up and entire magical scenario in your posts, you wouldn’t have if only you read the conversations here on the threads. You can only be doing this on purpose. You can’t be that ignorant.


My apologies for missing that link!

Have the courts associated with this posted any information about when they think trials will get back? I am guessing not. Just wondering.


Not that I have seen. I am guessing not until June at the earliest. It depends on whether the governor pays more heed to Dr. Fauci or to someone else.


2. Conversations in horse-related forums should be horse-related.
The forums are a wonderful source of information and support for members of the horse community. While it�s understandably tempting to share information or search for input on other topics upon which members might have a similar level of knowledge, members must maintain the focus on horses.

3. Keep conversations productive, on topic and civil.
Discussion and disagreement are inevitable and encouraged; personal insults, diatribes and sniping comments are unproductive and unacceptable. Whether a subject is light-hearted or serious, keep posts focused on the current topic and of general interest to other participants of that thread. Utilize the private message feature or personal email where appropriate to address side topics or personal issues not related to the topic at large.


I am not sure how it can be more horse related than one of our Olympic Riders.


I have a feeling that they will close it soon. Then you can go on your happy and merry way.

I don’t care whether or not they close it. Their forum, their call. If I don’t like the content, I scroll.


Are you using an alter , or have you always posted as Dragonfly? Are you actually presuming to lecture everyone here about the COTH forum rules, when you have been a member for less than 7 months?

Most of us know the rules. If you object to a post or a topic, bring it up with Mod1. :yes:


I suppose they have probably been in contact with the lawyers involved in cases.
It just seems like an important enough detail that they would have a plan, even if that plan is ‘we are waiting until XYZ official says ABC’ to go back to scheduling trials.

I do not see what this has to do with anything. And the whole topic of ‘are you an alter, who are you really’ is part of what gets these threads in trouble.


Exactly. Nothing more useful then coming in and saying this thread should be closed. Uh, ok. I’m quite sure that the Mods determine that. You can of course flag posts to bring to their attention.

The other thing is, Dragonfly appears to only post in Barisone related threads (you can definitely correct me if I am wrong, I don’t keep tabs on anyone). I don’t know, I find it odd when a newer member only posts in these threads. They’re free to post wherever, I’m just not sure that I’d specifically join a forum for CF, but to each their own. So when people suspect an alter, I don’t think they’re totally off the wall with their speculations. They may or may not be right.


I asked , not wanting to know the person’s identity, but because I wondered why they felt it necessary to recite the COTH rules to people that have been here for years.


They may, but what with the squabbling between states, plus between the federal government and the states, they may simply laying low and waiting to see how the pandemic proceeds.

Once you declare a date, even with a caveat, people tend to hang their expectations on it. Better to be officially undeclared. For anyone who is interested and hadn’t sought it yet.

Meanwhile, I hope people are doing well.


Very good point!
I had not thought of that.


I did post snippets and links to the early news reports.
i mean if you’re not going to go look yourself, I did do the work for you… and still. Nope.
That’s choosing not to be knowledgeable.


According to Lauren’s public posts, she and her horses are on their way to Raleigh, NC. NC is shut down pretty tightly with new restrictions going into effect weekly it seems.


I suspect that the sudden spate of posts about how posters here are bad and wrong or with helpful copy-pastes of the forum rules is as good proof as any that this thread is going well and following the rules. Even with posters who post only to obfuscate and periodically report to the mods. Because everyone has been well behaved they now need a different tactic to get it shut down. That’s my theory, anyway, which is mine. Just curious how the judgmental post and the out of nowhere ‘time to shut this down’ post have recently surfaced without any provocation.


Agreed. I have learned so much from this thread about legal issues that I never considered before. Even with the occasionally confusing rantings of some posters, I think it has stayed fairly well focused on the topic of legal matters and what was presented in the briefs by the attorneys. For sure, those briefings have been very interesting, to say the least.


“Discussion and disagreement are inevitable and encouraged; personal insults, diatribes and sniping comments are unproductive and unacceptable”

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I am reminded of another Python sketch–the Department of Redundancy Department.