Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

6. Respect other members.
As members are often passionate about their beliefs and intentions can easily be misinterpreted in this type of environment, try to explore or resolve the inevitable disagreements that arise in the course of threads calmly and rationally.

If you see a post that you feel violates the rules of the board, please click the alert button (exclamation point inside of a triangle) in the bottom left corner of the post, which will alert ONLY the moderators to the post in question. They will then take whatever action, or no action, as deemed appropriate for the situation at their discretion. Do not air grievances regarding other posters or the moderators in the discussion forums.

Two can play your game. Seriously, if you have an issue with the discussion, as has already been said, use the report feature and take it up with the mods.


Or do not even open the thread. No one is forcing anyone to be here!


Yeah this point has been made hundreds of times on earlier threads.

I get why NJ moved to this system. But I still find it really shocking. Where I live most prisoners are not held in prison until their court date which might be several years away.

When exceptions are made and people held until their court appearance they mostly get time and a half or double time served already off their eventual sentence.


In this instance I am referring to prisoners being released due to COVID-19, not NJ bail reform. If you had read the comment I was responding to, it may have made that more obvious.

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I appreciate the reinforcement of the forum rules posted for us all to refresh ourselves. It is ironic I suppose that one of the worst offenders has gone AWOL (I agree that is the best thing for her to do), yet we are chastised for continuing what is an obviously uncomfortable thread to others.


Not a game. Thanks for the advice. This thread is full of grievances regarding other posters, there is not enough time in the day to flag them all. I merely posted the rules as a reminder, that you can post a reply or opinion without insulting the person or adding a snide remark. YD is very good at remaining civil, in spite of the heat she takes. Others can’t seem to post anything without adding a dig. As far as putting the topic to rest, it just seems to me the original topic has been fully covered. My opinion.
Yes, and I know I can “go away” so you don’t have to tell me.

I haven’t told anyone to go away at any point in any thread - but I do get a kick out of you putting words in my mouth, while in the same breath bemoaning snide comments made by others.

And I wouldn’t touch your comments about YD’s civility with someone else’s 10 foot pole.


I don’t understand why people don’t let threads fizzle out on their own. Threads don’t have to be closed by the mods to end. Everyone eventually walks away and finds other things to do. If you’ve lost interest, move on and leave others to carry on. It’s just that simple.


Amen to that!


Just out of curiosity, do you check other threads to see if, in your opinion, the topic is fully covered and should be closed? Like, is that a thing? It seems quite odd.

I’m not sure I understand the motivation to enter a thread you are not contributing to, give it the once over, make a judgement about where you think the discussion is and then if, in your sole opinion, it is “fully covered” push for it to be closed regardless of the fact that the active posters of that thread are still actively posting and interested.

I’ve been on several BBs in my time and I’ve never seen anyone fill this role so I find it curious.


If there weren’t a quarantine, I’d be marching to your house with a bottle of wine right now.


I’ll bring several excellent cheeses and then it’s a party!

And some alfalfa cubes for your horse. To follow the letter, if not the spirit, of the forum rules


I’d be right behind you with some good cheese and crackers.


I’ll bring Bloody Marys, crudites, fresh warm baguettes, and beautiful deli meats. What time!!!


My apologies, it was meant to be “you” collectively so to avoid the responds, “ if you don’t like it here just leave.” But also to be clear I said “you don’t have to tell me “, not that you did tell me earlier. It was not meant to be snide at all, but I am glad you got a kick out of it.


Just out of curiosity, do you check other threads to see if, in your opinion, the topic is fully covered and should be closed? Like, is that a thing? It seems quite odd.

I’m not sure I understand the motivation to enter a thread you are not contributing to, give it the once over, make a judgement about where you think the discussion is and then if, in your sole opinion, it is “fully covered” push for it to be closed regardless of the fact that the active posters of that thread are still actively posting and interested.

I’ve been on several BBs in my time and I’ve never seen anyone fill this role so I find it curious

Finally–someone is bringing bread.


Oh, so it was a direct response to me, but you weren’t making an assumption about me, you (you, Dragonfly90, you - to be clear) were painting the collective “you” with a broad self-aggrandizing brush? I get it now. I’m so glad you clarified. Do you want to come for wine with the rest of us and take a break?


I am not going to get into an argument with any of you over who I am, when and where I post, and what I post. Enjoy your feast.