Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Can we PLEASE take this to the CE forum?


Geez, hang around here long enough and learn it is a bad thing to take out a mortgage!

Funny thing, because for many, many years in the U.S. one the ultimate signs of being an adult is/ was owning your own home.

As of this year, 63% of U.S. homes are mortgaged, so GirlJoey has worked hard to be in the approximate one third of our country without a mortgage, and I think that is incredible!

As far as what the house is, who cares if the owner is happy and it is paid for! I have owned in everything from a single wide to a condo to a town house and 3 various sized farms over the years. I bought the first two while I was a cashier in a grocery store. I usually worked every Sunday because it paid time and a half and it helped make that mortgage payment every month.

Nothing wrong with hard work, and the rewards it brings. Many people cannot even qualify for a mortgage, let alone pay one off.

Would we want to take bets if Princess Lollypoop could get a mortagage without Daddio on the Patio? With no work history or verifiable income? :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Edit: Added holding at the request of @jvanrens!


Say that louder for the people in the back! :crazy_face: :laughing: :rofl:


How is this @jvanrens???

Now, let’s remember that Princess Lollypoop gets her money from Daddio on the Patio, who gets it from the bank.

I will bet she can’t even finance a small Slurpee from the local 7-11!!! :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


:grin: :laughing: :rofl:

Much better!

:grin: :laughing: :rofl:


Oh look, Lauren is failing at facts again.
Darn it, those pesky facts.
Such a nuisance when they don’t match the story she wants to babble to the world.



Lauren Kanarek must have a special calendar because on the real calendar August of 2021 until April 12 of 2022 is not two years. Heck, it is not even one full year.
She also has a special calculator where $371,000 is a small percentage of $530,000.

And look at what Lauren Kanarek wrote, the bank of Dad is paying interest now…


Very special bank.



I wonder if the bank does calculations the same way that Lauren Kanarek does.

Eight months real world = two years in Kanarek time.

This time calculation is even more off than the intubated/ICU time calculation that Lauren Kanarek tosses around.

70% ($371,000 loan, $530,000 house value) is not a significant portion?

If we use significant this way then it was even more off when used to describe the changes to the 48 hours episode.


Only in Lollypoop Land can $371,000 out of $530,000 be a very small percentage. That is 71%, which is greater than 50%. 50%, being half according to what they teach in first grade, as well as all the higher learning institutes that I am aware of!

But let’s remember she also could not comprehend the barn at Hawthorne Hill was less than 1/4 mile from the house when she insisted it was a 1/2 mile away.

Among other things, math is not Lauren KANAREK’S strong suit! Kinda like her 87D chess game!


So basically I think her word salad post was trying to brag about a high yield savings account.

Which apparently only a very special bank gives out while you nap and earn in some time warp.

Well ok then .

But I am just a horse of course.


But…what interest rate is accruing on the loan? If it’s higher than her very special bank account, well, oops.


Hay math class is hard.

With that I say I have to go take my time warp nap and earn now.



Is this still in the 48 Hours preview YT or somewhere else?

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Yep. Sure is!


Maybe this could help Princess Lollypoop to understand if we spell it out very, very clearly.

The “< “ means the number to the left of the symbol is less than the number to the right of the symbol.

The “ > “ means the number to the right of the symbol is less than the number to the left of the symbol.

371,000/ 530,000= 71%

71% > 51%

51% > 50%

50% = 50%

50% > 49%


I must be looking at the wrong one then. I’ll have to look a bit deeper on my phone that has the VPN on it., and give my DD heck for not putting the VPN on my laptop as well.

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This should be it. Sort by new.


Thank you! I had to log in to COTH on my phone.

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I love the “I paid for my house in cash” part. No, your daddy paid for the house in cash. I have no respect for people who consider themselves above others, especially when the others are hard-working people being productive members of society and making their own way in the world. Her shallowness, arrogance and narcissism are on full display in these messages.


Not having a mortgage makes you very susceptible to home title theft. I had a lady who called the court when she was kicked out of her house because someone fudged a deed of sale as if she had sold the house, but she hadn’t. I referred her to Suprene Court. When you have a mortgage thieves can’t forge documents from a bank so mortgaged homes tend to be safe. I have a home title lock on mine.