Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

I understood your post perfectly, @eggbutt.

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It’s been too easy to lose sight of the fact that Michael Barisone and Mary Haskins Gray were targeted by a bevy of grifters playing a dangerous game of intimidation and destruction, apparently all for the sake of a few bucks. It is obvious to me nothing has changed for these people, yet they are now public fodder and known to be major problems within the dressage area.

I wonder how surprised they were at the number of Barisone supporters at last week’s hearing. Obviously the in person support rattled them to the point of having their groupies attempt to ID those there. I wonder why? The identity of those in attendance at the hearing is not at all relevant except they represented a very small number of Barisone’s support. I predict his support will only increase as roadblocks are thrown in the way of his requested treatment. Everyone knows who the real victims are of this situation. The Kanarek continued presence and involvement simply illustrates that fact… they can’t let the destruction of Barisone go, can they?


What is your stand on SM Bullying again there CH?

Why don’t we start there.



I am guessing hosted as in you host a dinner party or hosted guests at your house. He had them at his farm for filming so he hosted Colbert and the crew at his farm.
Doctor took at as he was the headliner and show host for the night on TV.


So has the Barisone team’s position on having the hearings public changed?

If you think Taylor is handling the case unfairly, I would think the Barisone side would want the hearings to be public to shine a light on the process.

Given that they have been public, the Kanareks have just as much right to attend as anyone else.

Since LK did not plead NGRI for having shot someone, she is not the subject of these hearings. Barisone is. I think he’s the one who needs to acknowledge what he did and come to terms with it in order to demonstrate to the psychiatric team and the court that his delusions are cured.

The so called “Barisone supporters” continuing to relitigate the shooting in SM and continuing to say that LK is the perpetrator and Barisone is the victim feeds and supports his delusions.

Do you want to support Barisone or support his delusions?


I am opposed to SM bullying.

I am opposed to all bullying.


You think MB is sitting around at Greystone and scrolling through social media? Is that part of his treatment plan there? :thinking:


Scratching my head…how can Barisone acknowledge something he doesn’t remember he did? And lack of forensics surely did not prove he did what they want him to acknowledge or say he did.


Good girl, now let’s get you back in the round pen and work on a few of your other quirk’s shall we?



By being informed by his lawyers, his genuine supporters, and his doctors what the outcome of the trial was.

Are his lawyers (and LO) being honest with him and telling him the hard truth that he shot LK?


Do you have the long lost video from the security camera that the Ks removed from the house to prove that’s what happened? If so, please share it with the rest of us.


I betcha anything she saw it in one of those special Dear Leaders meetings via zoom.

What I want to know if it was before.or after they all went over the police report together.



I think MB is very well aware of the outcome of the criminal trail. That doesn’t mean he remembers or should take anyone’s word that he shot LK. He acknowledges he has been told he shot LK, go back and watch the 48 Hours episode. However, he still has no memory of it.

No forensics.

No forensics.

Nor forensics. :musical_score:


It would have maybe gone such a long way towards his acceptance if there was some sort of GSR, DNA or fingerprints….

Or even a video he could watch…or a recording he could listen to…

No, he just has the word of people who were laughing about making him homeless, damaging his property, forging his signature for some nefarious purpose, and searching for his ex-gf’s kids where-abouts and exploding bullets……


This. Were I in his place and I was presented with proof positive, then you accept it.

But I’m not convinced he did it. Not because of my Fandom but because of lack of credible evidence.

But in the absence of proof I wouldn’t apologize for it either.


What you are failing to realize is that it does not matter if Barisone recovers his memory lost to amnesia. None of that is conducive to recovering from NPD, OCD, or whatever psychiatric issue he may have.

It would be a delusion to presume to know what happened when memory has failed.

Just because you have some sort of underlying deep seated personal issue with MB and would like him to see him “confess” and admit fault, does not mean it’s pertinent or even relevant to his recovery.


Or we can look at this way.

Are the K’s and laundry boy being honest about what really happened?

Shame all those recordings are hidden away somewhere, somewhere. Oh illegal recording where art thou?

Oh snap there lays the rub.



I have caught up on the sealioning and responses. Really, it’s just exhausting to wade through. Anyways…

One thing that strikes me is that MB had, at the time of the hearing, perhaps 4 hours of individual therapy at Greystone (and Ann Klein).

Thinking back to my darkest days over 2 decades ago with my eating disorder (when I was not deemed a danger to anyone but myself and was an outpatient), I probably had that many hours (if not more) of individual therapy in the course of two weeks… plus several more group therapy sessions that consisted of more meaningful activities than coloring, all led by a licensed professional.

If a decidedly non-violent, outpatient troubled person can get more targeted therapy in 2 weeks than an involuntarily committed person whose entire freedom depends on receiving said therapy has gotten over the course of more than one year, we should all be concerned.

The goal of these mental health “professionals” at these institutions should be rehabilitation, if rehabilitation is possible. That means intense therapy, individualized therapy, and actually doing what tax dollars are ostensibly funding them to do. They should be tasked with clearing beds as quickly and responsibly as possible to address the backlog and need. That involves actual patient care, rendered consistently. That they are instead effectively warehousing patients is horrifying.

As for “re-litigating” the events of August 7… I am positive that during the course of my talk therapy, I have “re-litigated” many events. And I am positive that doing so has helped me come to terms with them, and what, if any, role I played in them. And/or helped me to process them. And that’s without the amnesia component. Talk therapy involves a lot of… talking, go figure!

At the end of the day, as I understand it… the question is not whether Michael Barisone accepts what happened, but whether he represents a danger to himself or others.

Does it really matter if he accepts that the events transpired as Schellhorn and the Kanareks say they did? I certainly don’t accept that, and I don’t think that makes me a danger to society. Maybe he did shoot her as described, but due to a lack of forensics, a lack of credibility on the part of the victim, and the plausibility of other scenarios it is difficult to say “yes that is what happened.” His inability to do so does not make him insane, and does not make him a danger to himself or others.

I hope that ultimately he is able to get the therapy he needs, has access to professionals who are not so clueless or biased as to think facts are “grandiose” or “delusions”, and can find a path towards his eventual freedom.


I believe that Schellhorn & Co are weaponizing this part of MBs recovering laying a trap by insisting he’s not releasable until he admits it. Then if he admits it, they’ll come up with some other component. It is THEY who are living in the past, not MB. They refuse to acknowledge what is NOW in terms of his recovery while they weaponize anything MB says or does in any punitive way they can. Schellhorn isn’t representing the state at this point. He’s representing the shootee. The State is not supposed punitive actions.

And everyone who was there saw it including Jaffers.


I suppose my whole point is that they aren’t necessarily correlated. The issue at hand, under the law, should be exclusively whether he represents a danger to society. I am not a mental health professional, but I fail to see how those two things cannot be separated. He can both not accept the state’s version of events and be not dangerous, IMHO.