Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

ED BILINKAS [in court]: Did you have a plan to destroy Michael Barisone?

LAUREN KANAREK: At some point, yes.

Dr. Steven Simring : She played with his reality.
Dr. Charles Hasson : And she enjoyed playing with him. … Toying with him.

Dr. Steven Simring : And he cracked under that pressure.


I have watched the rerun 4 times now…very carefully. I’m now watching the original (available on Paramount+, scroll to episode #2) and I’m finding @CurrentlyHorseless was correct. There ARE significant changes! It is impressive she knew so quickly the original had been so edited. The edits aren’t huge, snippet here and there. More like the original has been condensed. Fascinating what they edited.

Oh look! The pearls she always wore to the barn when in NC!


Ed Bilinkas : She drove Michael Barisone crazy. … Who does that to another individual. Michael Barisone is a victim.


Are they plastic?


Exactly. [LK] talks about how bad MB was but totally misses the point about how she was insisting that he be the one that trains her. If he was THAT bad why was she there? She is so busy bashing him in the places she is still allowed to post (youtube and FB), which not only reinforces that she is unhinged but also that he was her target. Not a good look for her. I hope she is able to stay at her current barn as I have a feeling that there arent many other options available for her.


Michael Barisone : I want everyone in this whole thing to go on and have beautiful lives. Everyone. I only want everyone to do well with the dreams that they have.

What a contrast between LK and MB.
One as quoted above and the other that continues her rein of terror.



Remember when [LK] went on and on about how relieved she was to be finally able to tell her story in reference to 48 Hours? And her bowing to her new BFF. Oh wait, couldnt control the narrative so now 48 Hours has to be bashed? There is a theme.


Clearly being honest is something the whole Kanarek family struggles with.

Not sure why they find it so hard.

And I am sorry @CurrentlyHorseless, you are going to have to decide if Jonathan Kanarek was being honest when he posted here (in that time frame where you have said you believed him totally) or in what he said on 48 hours. Tough spot he put you in.

Jonathan Kanarek in December '21


Jonathan Kanarek on 48 hours




Her postings on FB are really beyond belief. Talk about listening to a crazy person ramble on and on. I guess for some people, normal will never be something they embrace. Good to see other posters are giving it back to her.

On another subject, why are the 2 LK fans on here not on FB arguing with the people over there? Maybe they are. It would give us all a break from them.


Likely what will happen is after a bit Lauren Kanarek will realize that some of her outbursts are not making her look too good and she will go back and edit them or remove them, just like she did to old posts here.


I think the PR Person/Internet Scrubber will have his/her hands full for some time.


Yet another reason to just pack up your trunks and horses and go.


A much bigger indicator to me was that rope system that RG came up with that had her strapped onto the horse. That looked hideously unsafe to me.

And that’s just the one thing where they posted a picture. Knows what else goes on there?


Fact check: Zip ties I recall.


Yes @CurrentlyHorseless usually is correct.

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So weird that you say this right now, with so many recent points where they are proven wrong.

I don’t think anyone lied on the re-run being different topic, not even Lauren Kanarek. There does appear to be several versions out there and depending on which version you watched, you might have a different answer.

It appears all the versions have Jonathan Kanarek not being honest in them.


No, no she isn’t and you know it. My comment was wondering how she knew so quickly it had been so edited since she said she hadn’t seen it!


She has zero reason to delete anything any more since she negotiated the drop of the last lawsuit.


The original and rerun I’ve watched several times over the past two days are on Paramount+, 48 Hours, Season 35, episodes 48 and 2. I can’t imagine they are modifying the streaming versions once posted.