Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

You are right, you never used those exact words. Kind of like the whole police report thing…go for it, say you did not say it because you did not use the exact words.

So using your logic here, it is OK to say that Michael shot Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark even though the jury said he did not even assault Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark. But then on the other hand you have been insisting for how long that the world must believe that the jury says Michael did shoot Lauren Kanarek.

In other words, Jury good when you decide the answer means what you want it to mean, Jury bad when do not believe Lauren Kanarek and Robert Guy Goodwin and find straight Not Guilty.

So confusing. I guess we could use that word creative.

And the rest of us are who should not be believed?




Not only that, she was angry that she wasn’t being trained by “The Name On The Door”.


How do you explain away the fact that Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark is not a client? He is just the tagging along servant of Lauren Kanarek.


Raise your hand if you give your horse treats with your fingertips rather than flat palm!! It’s a wonder she has any fingers, especially giving treats to strange horses as she did! Such an experienced horsewoman!



My horses, I give my horses treats that way all the time.

Other people’s horses, not so much.


Who apparently, according to some rant of hers somewhere, was a nobody anyway. His peak was being an alternate for the team (that he allegedly drugged per LK). After that, he was a nobody. I’m surprised he was worthy of her time!


Wow! I am impressed. My ill behaved chow hounds would have taken my hand off if I tried that! :rofl:


Honestly, and I’d say this about anyone who behaved this way around horses, so this isn’t specific to LK necessary, but she is the example here, it reeks of someone who isn’t all that horsey. There are people that ride and/or own horses, and then there are horse(wo)men. The latter also ride and own, but there’s a difference between the former and the latter.


Yes, that is another new claim. Someone might add that to their spreadsheet.


I have horses who are very good about taking treats.
Now, I have a friend whose horse is …well, like Rosie. Snappy and bitey and all teeth when it comes to food. Must use flat hand for that horse.
My horses are generally all lip.

But again, I do it that way because I know these horses. I would never do it that way for a strangers horse.


I mean, we also all get lax on things, so I don’t want to lambast anyone too badly here. So if it were just the treat thing, I would’ve thought, meh, I’ve even slipped up or gotten stupidly casual about a thing or two, but it’s more than that.


From 48 hours transcript.

Lauren Kanarek : So, a trainer needs to be someone that you can trust. And … has the best intentions for you.

It was a different kind of competition — with Lauren and Mary Haskins at the center of the contest.

Jonathan Kanarek : Jealousy. … Not romantic. You know, just didn’t like Michael giving his attention.

But Barisone’s time wasn’t the only issue. There was that $5,000 the Kanarek’s were paying him every month.

Jonathan Kanarek : Michael wanted his money and he wanted to keep his girlfriend. He had a problem.

Lauren Kanarek was upset and wasn’t going to be quiet.



As usual, most of your characterizations on my posts are incorrect.

Re bolded: I’m trying to cut down on reading bilge spewed on the internet, including yours.

So she went through all this drama to be trained exclusively by MB the name on the door who was a nobody Olympic alternate who drugged horses anyway?


So glad you said this. The number of times I’ve wanted to say this to you is infinite :wink:

Glad you know how it feels! We can relate to each other. Cool.


I do also.


They went over that on 48 hours (watched it again) and his defense mental health experts gave hearsay testimony. It was accepted by the judge, LE, defense, prosecutor, and jury.

My “characterizations” are based on your words and your claims and your assertions. I do not go to great lengths to create elaborate new versions of anything - as LK does.

And if you simply stick your head in the sand and refuse to see LK doing what she does best all over FB - and joyfully so… then your analysis and assumptions about the entire situation are severely lacking… and rather skewed.

That is not bilge on my part - it is called discussion.

You left out the part where he begged her to stay when she announced she was leaving as she is now claiming… no doubt with tears in his eyes. Strangely enough, I do not recall that being part of her FB rants when she howled that she was being bullied and was scared and had to get her horses out immediately and then LOLed and refused all offers of help. She had zero intention of leaving.

The current posts on FB are not helping her in any way but she never seems to care about that - she still thinks she is playing 5D chess and can change her stories and no one will notice. She is so much smarter than everyone else, after all.

It is all very sad… does no one care about her enough to step in and say halt, halt?? They just stand back and let her set things on fire?


Yes, it is crazy isn’t it. That rant is so long and all about how inept and horrible Michael is and how he was a nobody after he was an alternate in the Olympics.
That was 2008, when Michael became a washed up nobody, according to Lauren Kanarek.
But for some reason when she met him 2018 she thought he was still amazing and wanted to train with the name on the door, so much so that she refused to leave, 10 years after his Nobody-ness had started.

It seems like a person should think about what they are saying when they make a rant like that.


Interesting. 2008 is when she started treatment for her heroin addiction.

Again projection.