Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26



This was the narrative the state tried to push.

However, no one could testify to seeing him open the safe or in possession of the gun. The only one who did say anything about it was a hearsay witness, in which case it has to be considered that the statement may or may not be true. Considering that it is also testified by that that he couldn’t remember covering that time frame, it seems it was not true, and the witness misspoke trying to get the point across that Barisone was in extreme fear.

It is completely possible that he opened the safe and there was no Ruger to be found because Lauren removed it when she was ninjaing around in the middle of night after getting them all kicked out of the barn. Knowing the Ruger was missing would certain explain the behavior and rush to the house that followed.


This is a mischaracterization of the trial testimony for any reader who may not already be aware.


??? Nikki made this comment in both the original and rerun. That wasn’t edited. Your post is quite confusing. Any edits made in the rerun make no difference to “the narrative”, whatever that is. The significant edit was the removal of Nagel’s smug announce Barisone was being sued and the jury was insane. All references to that super professional have been removed.


PSHAW! You know the only narrative and truth comes from The Kanareks! There are multiple versions of their narrative to chose from! /s


Hut, you are having the problem where you are saying something that is provable to be an X is an 8.

Your misquoting what MHG said. Here is the exact language from the trial about the text.

Mr Schellhorn (text from Aug 3rd): “and did you ask him why can we not say to Lauren and Rob and the father because still no one actually has we are evicting you you must leave no one has
said it”

MHG: That’s Correct

Mr S: and is his response to you online 9365 Monday morning?

MHG: Yes, that’s correct.

Key Words “we are evicting you.” Not: get out of my house like your dad told my lawyer you’d do, that same day (per Tarshis’s testimony.)

Key Note: Monday Morning, August 5th, she got the eviction notice.

And here is a copy of that thing that Jonathan Kanarek posted here admitting they were asked to leave.

So you, @hut-ho78 can be unbothered now because they were not being untruthful. You are just not willing to hear the real words.


I agree. It’s extremely unlikely that a movie deal has been struck, script written, and actors contracted. That’s why it’s evidence of delusions and grandiose thinking if Barisone told his psychiatrists that George Clooney had been cast to play him.

You probably have already gotten the inside scoop from LO and know whether George Clooney’s name was mentioned in the Krol hearing.


Darn, I was feeling special, you had quoted me twice.


OK, so if my memory is correct, we now have:

A completed trial, with no bombshells from the K crew.

A civil case with promised bombshells that was dropped via the K crew when exposure of LK and RG’s criminal charges/behavior and drug use would be brought to light
with prejudice so it is done for good.

2 episodes of 48 hours, mostly similar, with no bombshells dropped by LK or JK and in fact, refusal to discuss the case at all (which may have been on advice of their attorney as the civil case had not yet been dismissed with prejudice).

LK all over the internet in places she hasn’t yet been banned, trying to spin her story and often in direct conflict with her previous statements
and yet there are still no bombshells.

Methinks there are no weapons of mass destruction to be found. :wink: :bomb:
Just lots of hot air with no substance in any sort of truth.


Well, that is a nice way to say it


 no one has said that Michael has said that to the people ‘treating’ him at Greystone so it is not proof of anything.

The fact that someone joked about who would play who (that has happened here many times if you remember) does not make it such that Michael said that.


I’ll need to watch it myself to see if the edits are significant or trivial.

I just don’t think CBS would go to the effort to edit it to make trivial, insignificant changes.

Again the first time I ever heard/read this was from one of the unhinged ranting post from LK herself.

Maybe she was in a fit of a delusion and well grandiose thinking herself when she came up with that post.




Bold is me.


And Lauren Kanarek has been promising bombshells in the 48 hours episode for ages.

Note the last paragraph, from December of '21.



So this is you admitting that you are calling something you have not seen yet a significant edit?

Strange way to do things, no?

Things sounds like that whole police report thing.


Yes, CH I do remember suggesting that to you yesterday

Does this jog your memory at all?

Because honestly you are all acting like this


Whether or not the edits are “trivial” may be a matter of opinion. There’s no quest to be right or wrong there.

Now that we’ve circled back to the whole Clooney thing, I’ll ask again: does anyone know if MB said “Clooney is cast to play me in a movie” or if he said something like “it’d be cool if
” “Clooney would play me
” what was the exact wording. If you don’t know the exact wording, then drop the bone. If you do, please let me know.


Shrug. I called it a rerun because they chopped the same stuff up different ways. There were no new revelations or updates. I watched it. I commented on it on FB a couple of times. I’m actively interested in other’s knowing the facts and the truth. I’m not so egomaniacal or narcissistic as to presume that my use of the word “rerun” would discourage anyone from watching.

All of us, CH included, can see that Lauren herself is not happy with the end result, rerun or not. She’s not being held up as some poor girl who was bullied and trapped at the farm. The mirror that allllll the others who watched the rerun/not rerun are showing her is not flattering to her in the least, and she’s mad as a wet hen about it.


Wait wait, last time CH was on her high horse about not needing to watch it
.just reading the transcript was enough. Watching it would simply alter the truth and insert biases that just reading the transcript wouldn’t do.