Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

thank you


I will add a third question to your questions

Does anyone know that Michael said that at all?


The bombshells in the trial were (to me):

  1. It was SS, not LK, who alerted CPS.

  2. CPS was there to investigate MHG for neglect and not MB for sexual abuse.

  3. It was Tarshis who finally conveyed to LK that she had to leave on Aug 5, after MB himself failed to tell her to leave. He was trying to scare and harass her get her to leave, but did not want to evict her even on Aug 5 (per Tarshis’ testimony).

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This is not what Schelly said on 48 hours. You can read it in the transcript if you do not want to watch the show.

No, Mr. Tarshis told them about the eviction, a very specific thing. Before that she was told to leave. Even your beloved Jonathan Kanarek says that.


The fact that these 3 specific things (if this is an exclusive list) are what you considered “bombshells” from the trial actually says a lot. Hm.


For any new readers of the thread, these are mischaracterizations of the testimony from the criminal trial.

CH clearly doesn’t understand how CPS works. And number 1 should have been obvious from LK’s postings.


Well said. And how she came across - how she chose to come across - was all on her. As was her sad performance on the witness stand - where she admitted she was out to destroy MB and his business.

Ssssshhhhh now
 too many facts are confusing.


Here’s one for you. Who then, based upon what you wrote above, contacted SS about the children and had CPS go out?



Your “bombshells” are more like sparklers or maybe smoke bombs.


I guess no one can say anything tongue and cheek anymore.

I mean, REALLY, you all need to clean up your acts, you are ALL Delusional!!!



And she definitely knew SS would have been 100% urgently obligated to contact CPS if she even hinted at any child abuse of any kind.


At least 48 Hours realized that the events are not clear and that there were no forensics


Under her alter she was arguing with us all and insisting that the only logical scenario (and I was making it all up/lying when I suggested it was in the safe because that was most logical) was that Micheal was keeping it in a drawer in the office. You know, a place where anyone could have run across it
.which echoes her “endangering 12 year olds”. Which, in theory she knew was a lie. Wonder if that was something she dropped to SS?


I wonder if LK was so thoroughly off the rails after the rerun because she assumed 48 Hours would show her in a more positive light after Nagle apparently contacted them to remove him from the program and she had dropped her suit against Barisone because she wanted him to be successful and get well without the suit hanging over him?


Because, LK filed a SS complaint. IF LK had never filed that SS Complaint, CPS would have NEVER gone to HH to investigate whomever.


those fizzeling out snakes


Question. And apologies if this has already been covered (I’m behind again).

Who made the statement during the recent Krol hearing that MB had said that George Clooney was set to play him in a film? Was it one of those three Greystone mental health professionals who have done such a stellar job (/s) with MB’s therapy program?

And did they recount his comment accurately? Given the fact that they completely misconstrued and discounted his statement about hosting the Colbert show, I wouldn’t be one bit surprised if what MB actually said was something like, “They said they were trying to get George Clooney for my role.” Or, “I was told that my role might be played by George Clooney.” Or, “They have sent the storyline to George Clooney’s agent to see if he would be interested in playing my role.” Or perhaps the agent actually told him that Clooney would be playing his role, in an effort to entice him to give that particular agent’s client the rights to the story - as in, “Sign with us, dude. We’ve got George Clooney lined up to play your role.”

IOW, color me suspicious that those jokers on the Greystone staff didn’t insert their own biases against MB into their interpretation of what he said.


Both Barisone and LK filed reports with SS concerning their complaints against other.
