Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

So, question. Is it possible that SS hasn’t yet seen the evidence of LK stalking MHG’s children on which to act on? Last word was they were waiting for him to get out before interviewing him. They may not have received any of the evidence from the civil/criminal trials yet.


So what you are saying is MB filed a complaint with SS about himself/MHG that children were in danger.



She did use the word evict. She also testified that she did not know if MB ever told them to leave, that she told them to leave in a meeting with words to the effect of if you are so unhappy why don’t you leave. She also could not recall anyone else or any other time anyone told LK to leave during cross examination.

Tarshis did send the letter. If MB had waited and finished the eviction, it would have been over soon, very soon relative to everything that happened since.

No. That’s not what I’m saying.

Not hardly. Evictions can take months and meanwhile the trio could be stealing everything that could be removed and trashing the place.


Well be clear in your statements and stop beating around the bush.

Who do you think contacted SS and said anything about children?



I’m rolling my eyes at this one a bit. It was going OK for, what, a year? If that? Since there are claims that MB did not even want LK to go back to New Jersey with him at the end of Florida in 2019.

Perhaps when they use the words “a long time,” it has a different meaning than for most of us. Like the phrase calm and cogent, perhaps.


Indeed they did. HOWEVER, it was LK that instigated SS to contact CPS.

Somehow I don’t think MB or MHG would do that, do you?


Only LO would be in a position to comment on that, but it’s entirely possible that they have had nothing presented to them from the criminal/civil case discoveries. It’s also possible the Kanareks set conditions for the lawsuit dismissal that prevents him from sharing such things.


Oh heck, if LK has not learned after almost 4 years that her outbursts, threats and lack of knowledge about all things lawyery make her look bad, she never will.

She is a legend in her own mind.

Luckily, many of us saw right through her from the beginning!


If MB had filed eviction papers would that have appeared on LK’s rental history if she tried to rent another apartment?



I said LK and MB both contacted SS, filing complaints against the other. How can I be more clear?

It would appear in the court system, which would be flagged by tenant screening services. If there was resulting debt filed against her, it would show up on a credit report.


But that doesn’t answer my question.

I will try to be clearer for you on this.

OK so both LK and MB/MHG filed complaints about each other to SS.

Now out of that party, who do you think would be more likely to say something about children being in danger, to get SS to call CPS out to the farm?

Does this question make any sense to you?



If - If - If …

If only LK had not instigated and conducted a SM terror campaign against MB that threatened his reputation and his livelihood.

If only LK could have kept her green-eyed monster in check and not coveted MB and resented MHG.

If only LK and her manservant had not illegally recorded private conversations at the farm.

If only LK and her manservant had not unleashed town officials on MB, resulting in him and MHG and his barn staff being turned out on the street.

If only LK wasn’t getting Daddy Dearest to lean on MB to acquiesce to her wants and needs.

If only LK wasn’t sneaking around the place after hours, playing ninja while trying to get into the barn and do God knows what.

If only LK had not filed a false SS report against him that resulted in a CPS visit to investigate “concerns” about child welfare…

You know that old saying - If wishes were horses, beggars could ride. Well, guess who the beggars are in this situation? (Hint: It sounds sort of like Kanawhack). They will always be begging for attention, begging for respectability, begging for a seat at the table with successful people in this sport. But it ain’t gonna happen - they are in essence, anathema.


I actually don’t think anything was said in the Krol hearing remotely indicating Barisone said Clooney would play him in a movie! I have no idea where it began but I don’t believe it. I know one of the dudes thought he was being delusional when he mentioned Olympics and Colbert. How effing embarrassing to be revealed that Barisone’s history/file is not looked at by those treating him!


Everybody here knows that, or at least the vast majority who have been following along. A wee bit of a red herring to throw in that MHG and MB reported LK to SS while discussing SS notifying CPS about the children don’t you think?


Not deliberately, no.

From the reports from both LK and MB clearly indicating the tension and fear at HH, I’m not surprised at all that SS was concerned that any minors on the property were potentially in danger.

I don’t pretend to know the details of who said what and the exact reasons SS felt they needed to contact CPS. But SS would have learned of the extremely tense and dangerous situation from the reports of both LK and MB.

I have it DVRd and am watching now.
Did someone say LK was criticizing someone’s ears? Cause her dad’s right ear is pretty noteworthy.
But who actually cares? If his ears weren’t a bit big and odd, he’d still be someone to avoid. :woman_shrugging: