Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

:clap:t2: :clap:t2::clap:t2: :clap:t2:



Ask me how I know.

And once again, CH & HH - you have zero idea of what it is like to be in the middle of that kind of situation.

At that time, this farm consisted of 2 adjoining properties… the big boarding barn and house (where our LK was dug in for a while) and arena up the hill and the smaller barn & arena and BO’s house down here. The big barn had no security gate as boarders came and went - but this smaller farm did. Our LK - the TrainerB****FromHell - charmed the BO at first and so was given the code to the gate - and anything else she desired.

I came home one evening after dinner with friends and TBFH was down here in the little breeding/foaling/retirement barn at 11:00 pm… up on a ladder looking up in the rafters. I asked her what the hell she was doing - she said she was making sure there were no cameras… and she said it with a smirk.

One night around 10:00 she just marched a boarder’s horse down here - a boarder who correctly stood up to her attempts to take over the barn and manage it and force the boarders out - and turned him loose on the lawn. She had tossed his halter and lead in the garbage can.

Just two mild examples of many twisted episodes.

When they suddenly decided they were leaving as the eviction process was beginning - they trashed the house on their last day. They took the refrigerator. They took the fireplace insert - claiming it was theirs and they installed it. Nope. They “accidentally” broke the garage door by “accidentally” backing their big F350 into it. The took apart the box stalls in the little barn next to the big one - claiming they had built them and that was their lumber. Nope. Those stalls had been there ever since the barn was built.

If they had had more time and waited for the eviction process to become final… they would have done far worse.


No. It’s not a red herring at all.

I think based on both reports, SS learned that the situation was really bad and understandably was concerned about any children who were present.

So you are saying the box checked YES on the SS report form of LK’s report was done by MB or MHG? Wow!!! Dang!!! That is extremely serious. SS needs to be investigated for allowing others to add to another’s confidential report.

EVEN SCHELLHORN SAID LK WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR CPS COMING BASED ON HER SS REPORT! Talk about weaponization! I can’t believe SS hasn’t taken action against her already!!


So wittingly or not he was doing her a favor by not filing papers


So now you are claiming to know what was in the SS report.

That is interesting. Very Interesting.



Wha, WHAT?

How would SS even know there where children at the farm if LK hadn’t said anything???

MB and MHG’s SS complaint was about LK. Not children being in danger on the farm.

Really. Stop.


What??? No.

I’m saying the box was checked by someone at SS , after hearing the horror stories of both MB and LK.

Some need to revist the definition of what a red herring is, but that’s none or my business sips tea


SS, as a mandated reporter, does not get to determine if a situation is bad or not. They are mandated to call CPS. That means they don’t investigate it, they automatically have to turn it over to CPS regardless. And what did CPS find?
Nothing. Zilch. Zero. Nada.
It was all LK trying to do her best to be vindictive and cause harm to MB and MHG.
There should be strong penalties for false accusations.


@CurrentlyHorseless you really need to step away and take a break from grasping at straws trying to defend the Kanareks. It really isn’t a good look.


By asking, “Are there any minors present?”

When adults are behaving badly, SS is focused on the effect on the minors that are impacted.


Schellhorn himself at the criminal trial stated CPS came due to sex allegations made to SafeSport and that was admittedly made by LK.


But if it’s without prejudice - doesn’t that mean that there is no NDA - both parties can speak freely regarding what happened? Sorry if this was already answered

Yet we know that the daughter was a camp and the son was sent back to his father.

So NO children were at the farm.


There is no evidence she made a false accusation.

She filed a complaint of MB bullying her.

You’re right that SS is mandated to report to CPS is they have basis for concerns about minors.

From the descriptions of the situation from both sides, it’s easy to see why SS would have concerns.

That is giving LK way too much credit. She has zero understanding of what Safe Sport is for. She was too dumb to even look it up before calling them. I think she made up the child neglect claims only on the fly when the SS rep told her that SS only deals with minors and LK’s fake whines about adult body shaming were not going to get her anywhere.


We were told it was with prejudice, which means she’s off the hook for pretty much everything, and he can’t get any relief from her madness.


Yes, I read posts by Lauren where she talked about this point. I am pretty confident she went back & deleted them.


Which they did by asking LK, who responded YES