Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Right? That’s the problem for greystone to figure out.

Or reported to OCR, who fines and shames. And can sue too.


IF MB did in fact say something to the Greystone shrinks about George Clooney portraying him in a movie, my money is on Schellhorn being the snitch. I’m betting the shrinks passed that tidbit on to Schellhorn, who likely talked to them to get ammo to use against MB in the Krol hearing. And Schelly then passed it on to JK, who of course passed it on to LK. Who does that? :unamused:


I think that the only person who told LK about the George Clooney comment… was LK. She is on a roll right now with her posts - holding court, lecturing and sneering. In other words, the same old song sung off key…


LO thanked everyone that was there to show support.

Eggbutt seemed to indicate that she knew more than one person there. Eggbutt stated that there was a number of frequent COTH posters (nine?) who had a “vested interest” in the Barisone case. I’ve been wondering what the heck that meant.

At a minimum, LO was there. Eggbutt said she had not “spoken” to LO in weeks, but did not deny communicating with her.

I wondered why people were so outraged that the victim’s parents would attend the public hearing on the msn who shot her. It appears that one reason is so that LO can control the narrative of what happens at the hearings.

It was publicly reported that the issue with MBs release, according to the treatment team, is that he insists on relitigating the case, cannot be redirected, and has grandiose thinking.

It seems extremely likely that the doctors conveyed more than one example of grandiose thinking. The example, reported by LO, that MB said he hosted Colbert, is not a strong one. If there were other examples of grandiose thinking that were more valid, would LO disclose them? Seems unlikely.

I can’t speak for the Kanareks, but for myself, I don’t care about anyone’s identity. I’m not fishing.




:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: oh my no

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: oh my


Now @CurrentlyHorseless, like I have said so many times. I am not saying that you are Lauren Kanarek or anyone related to the Kanarek family or an insider.

But darn, your twisting skills and your ability to say something is something that it is not are right up there with Lauren’s lying and twisting skills!
You go girl. We all have to be good at something and you have found your strong point.

Saying someone did not deny communicating with someone when they have no reason to deny your silly assumptions and they have said nothing back to you about it is just pure Kanarek level gold twisting.

I will not bring up your spelling errors because I admit I make lots of those things myself. You are welcome.

Just going to say - Police report.




So you just assume Barisone has been abandoned by everyone in his life? That no one who showed up could have been anyone other than random CotH users who are nobodies angling to get something from Barisone when he gets out?


Its a bit early to start the drinking game, but after CH’s post I have quite the buzz. Now I wonder will I need a nap or keep the day drinking going…


No, it’s not. It’s reading between the lines instead of naively accepting the impression the poster wants to create.

It’s very important in interpreting the posts of skilled SM warriors like those on these threads.


So, your official answer to my question is some vague form of inferring that LO is either outright lying, or at best hiding something.




If only Judge Taylor had followed NJ’s rules regarding holding Krol hearings in camera, there would be no narrative at all, from LO, The K’s, Nancy Jaffer, or anyone because, alas, they would not have been allowed in.

Then no one would be sitting here interpreting which part of what should be Michael Barisone’s private mental health information is relevant to the rules regarding continued civil commitment in NJ.


I answered your question, not that I feel obligated to answer questions.

I do not think LO is outright lying. I think she is selective in what she reports in her updates. That is extremely understandable. I would probably do the same if I were in her shoes.

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But when we read between the lines of your posts you are offended.

Police report is a great example.

All posts must start with - Disclaimer for @CurrentlyHorseless, I have not thought of every way you can twist this to be something other than what I am saying so I am unable to dispute all of your made-up theories on what I am not saying.

I also do not know why it matters if @eggbutt has communicated with LO in some other way than talking to her. Why does this matter so much to you? Maybe they use sign language? Mental telepathy? But seriously, why does it matter?

So we are welcome to read between the lines and assume what you were really saying, got it. Thank you.

Thankfully we know for a fact that Lauren Kanarek IS lying in her updates.


If Judge Taylor did indeed violate the law on in camera Krol hearings, I would think Barisone’s lawyers would appeal his ruling that the hearing be public.

If it were held in camera, wouldn’t LO still be permitted to attend?

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Back to life, back to reality.
Back to the here and now, yeah


Last time you made a proclamation like this it kind of made you look silly because that is exactly what they are doing. So maybe that is exactly what they are doing again, and just YOU do not know about it.

Edit to add - reminder about your comments about the original Krol hearing and how it could not be true because if it was true Michael’s lawyers would be appealing it.


We don’t know that he didn’t. Remember how long it took to find out they appealed the first hearing? Appeal filed in November, we learned of it in March through the civil suit. Who is to say that they didn’t appeal THAT One being open, as well?

In Camera = closed. Maybe she and Michael could ask that she be permitted but closed is closed.


The Twilight Bark!