Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Colberts name came up, according to the article from Nancy Jaffer

Humm Colbert / Clooney?

Could it be someone is trying to do the Twist?



And in thinking about this, Taylor is not acting appropriately as a steward of MBs medical information.


Is anyone familiar with the legal proceedings in Florida by which one has a psychiatric evaluation done to determine if a person is a danger to themselves or others?

The amount of crazy that LK spews on a regular basis, combined with her history, it seems if a concerned party were to file the right paperwork…well, perhaps people could finally be protected from HER and SHE could benefit from the psychiatric care she so obviously needs.

Speaking as a Paralegal (I do windows) who has years of experience with guardianships, I have seen necessary guardianships granted for people much more sane than LK.

In my opinion, LK is a danger to herself and to others.

At what point can we begin to call her lies delusions?

Within the State(s) I work, she would definitely make it to the required 5 page psychiatric evaluation phase with her history, and constant, continuous harassment of others. The sheer volume itself is strong basis for mental illness.


Hello fellow maintenance worker!

I agree with your post :100:


I have often wondered the same, but if the evaluation request isn’t made by a family member or someone with close association with the individual, I’m not sure it would make it to first base. I don’t think that requests by various random individuals would be likely to convince a judge to issue an ex parte order for such an examination.

FWIW, here is the FL statute regarding Involuntary Psychiatric Evaluations.

Yeah, why engage with a bunch of people who you feel have no credibility? :roll_eyes: (again, I don’t need the answer to that)


So, I’ve been wondering…do horses have a network like dogs have the Bark Network? If so, is it possible to ask Sidebar if they were present at the hearing and can clarify through the network?


@LilRanger made a good point above:

The point isn’t whether the Drs said it at the hearing, it’s that LK infers she got it from greystone “workers”, no mention of the hearing. That’s a black mark against greystone, her lack of specificity created the appearance they have gossiping workers.
That puts greystone in the position of having an alleged privacy breach.

We know from reliable sources that Clooney’s name wasn’t mentioned at the hearing, but LK claims she heard it from a Greystone staff member. If true, that means - as @LilRanger says - someone at Greystone is discussing MB with outside parties. Methinks someone needs to get an ethics investigation going against Greystone. I know MB already has/had a full plate of litigation, but I hope his connections win the lottery and are willing to fund a lawsuit against Greystone.


Oh my gosh, that would explain the random talking my horses do sometimes.

I totally get the bark network. I know my dogs are having a deep conversation with other dogs, probably on the other side of the country even.

I had not thought about the horses having a similar network.

Yes please, maybe sidebar knows what is going on.


Thank you for sharing that link.

“Close association” is exactly where I would begin.

There are plenty with LK experience that went friend to foe I can imagine, given her track record.

Personal knowledge of her mental health issues and exposure to them should not be that difficult to discover, considering.

That hill is not insurmountable. I choose to remain optimistic.

A brave soul with the right knowledge could be right around the corner.

She leaves crazy behind her like a breadcrumb trail through the forest.


Why what a novel idea as we know Sidebar is always present.

Behind the Judge
Looking over their shoulder
Looking out at the courtroom
Listening, always listening and watching.

Although I am not sure if I whinny down the lane how long it will take to get an answer back, if any at all.



It’s worth a shot! Thanks!


My question is this: How and why would LK be talking to any worker at Greystone?


Why would anyone be talking to anyone at Greystone outside of their reports/testimony for the hearings….


$$$$$ and to keep Michael in Greystone. None of it legal.


The comment in question narrows down which particular workers are possibly talking.

It’s not worth anything to any of us here to continue to ruminate on the accuracy of the statement or not. There are people who would know there is anything to it, and hopefully if it’s something that is actually a gross violation they can make something of it.


Because there is scant evidence that she’s not still obsessed with finishing the bastard?

And people do dumb **** on the daily for money. Y’all seen the headlines this week about donated cadavers being sold off by Harvard employees? Yikes.



What does an employee do with a cadaver?

this might need its own thread in off topic.


It has its own thread in CE.


If any employee or staff of Greystone spoke to a non party in violation of HIPAA laws, Greystone should be sued, that employee fired and lose any medical license they might have. If this came out I can well imagine MANY PEOPLE OF THE PUBLIC will insist on this outcome.

Behavior and violations like this are despicable and need to be dealt with harshly.