Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Yes, but he is the one who put Michael there, even after the professionals said it was not the right fit.


It’s probably bad enough to have the whopping student debt from med school, much less the money from a civil suit.


When did LK say she got information from some random worker at Greystone?


In a comment, (edited to remove source as i don’t remember if it was fb or yt) LK said something to the effect that workers at greystone told her MB said Clooney would play him in the movie.
She didn’t say which workers, or how she’s heard it, so from a privacy perspective that’s a glaring liability.

Edited to add: since Lk didn’t specify who but did say “worker” told her, I’m going with random, since i have to assume she would say if it was a Doctor.


Looks like that fish got away.


So, CH, probably a stupid question you won’t answer truthfully, but since you’re so fixated on whom may be talking to whom and identifying who may know anything more from behind the scenes……

…… if anyone actually reported getting x,y,z info from LO, and told you that you were wrong, would you even believe them?


I think she said “Apparently MB thinks …”

My guess is that the doctor on MBs treatment team used that as one example of grandiose thinking in the Krol hearing.

It’s not a privacy violation if it’s part of the doctors’ testimony at a public hearing.

I was not at the Krol hearing.

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The stating of that which I’m sure was captured in a screen shot can be problematic for Greystone and I would hope that MBs attorneys cause an order be issued barring Greystone from releasing such personal, protected health info from being gossped to outsiders by Greystone staff. To me that’s a HIPAA violation. And gossip can be assessed criminally as a FELONY.

25 Likes,s%20individually%20identifiable%20health%20information.


I think it’s significant that no one has come on and said, based on info from someone who was there, George Clooney’s name never came up in the hearing.

It was a public hearing, and anyone who attended would know.

ETA: Re question in bold. If someone just said “You’re wrong”, I would not be convinced. There’s too much room for dissembling.

If someone very clearly stated that LO was adamant that George Clooney’s name was never spoken at the Krol hearing, I would believe them.

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They did.


And the McCarthy Hearings begin.


You’re reading to much into it. Or are you just stirring the pot?

You don’t need to answer that.

Better yet, someone that was there did say that.


Good morning/afternoon everyone, and welcome back to The Art of… Well, you get it!


Reeks of desperation in here. I wonder why?

Spoiler alert: I do not wonder.


I wasn’t at the hearing either, but I did read the post. The point isn’t whether the Drs said it at the hearing, it’s that LK infers she got it from greystone “workers”, no mention of the hearing. That’s a black mark against greystone, her lack of specificity created the appearance they have gossiping workers.
That puts greystone in the position of having an alleged privacy breach.

So my point was only that Lk says she wants MB to stay in greystone, but she’s doing her damnedest to get him released.


I don’t. More fishing from you and the K’s. First, there is no reason to believe that random people from CotH, and not Michael’s family, friends, and colleagues, even showed up in order to come back here and report back.

Care to explain why you are so insistent that CotHers were there? Did Lauren tell you that? We all know she stalks people and we all know she has a hit list for certain user names. Even if a CotHer was to have shown up, I doubt any one of them would admit it so LK can try to stalk them more. As for me, well, LK can cross me off that potential list. I only talk Barisone here.

Oh, and I’d like to note, you didn’t answer the question asked. You attempted to fish some more.


You don’t believe us when we do say something so why would we bother to say it, again, for you?


The search function isn’t awesome, but it does work. Presumably it isn’t a locked box to someone who knows how to become a member of an online forum.

Or am I too hopeful?


Interesting. I heard from two separate (and very reliable) sources who were there that there was no mention of Clooney’s name by ANYONE, at ANY POINT in the hearing.

And it certainly says a lot about you that you just keep on believing the delusional serial liar and her equally obfuscative father. :roll_eyes: