Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

There’s another quote. I’m still wondering how you know what’s in the report.


There was also the allegation about teaching the boy to undo girls bras or bikinis or something to prove he wasn’t gay. That sounds sexual to me.


At this point, I’m sure that many of the allegations of inappropriate behavior and personal conduct contained within Lauren Shay Kanarek’s rants are simply nothing more than anecdotes pulled from her own personal history and that of people she has known, be it from her youth in the cesspool of the NJ/NYC metropolitan area or her first or second go-round as an addict in northern NC.


Regardless of what it says in their guidelines, I have seen many, many, many horses get drug tested at USEF horse shows over the years.

I have never seen or even heard of a human getting drug tested once at any solely USEF competition.

For sure they test the riders at the FEI level. I don’t know how they determine where and when, but I believe the Canadian show jumping team lost their slot at either the last Olympics or the previous one after one of their riders flunked the drug test at one of the team qualifying events.

And those lab results take a little time, so that probably made it even harder to swallow when the news came out.


48 Hours - latest full version minutes 27:00 - 29:05. Watch Schellhorn’s eyes looking to his left and to the ceiling…textbook signs of lying.


I’m sure HIPAA rules would apply…and being tested for drugs isn’t something to announce publicly & be proud of…but I’m sure the word would get out somehow…especially in the horse world. It sure is interesting though!

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I was looking for that screenshot. I think that was on my old laptop.


I’m not sure HIPAA rules apply with a drug test for sports or employment. When I worked 911, we all knew who was pulled to be “randomly tested” and then we knew who was suspended immediately afterwards.


You’re 100% correct! I had a major brain fart moment…maybe not enough coffee!
I need a coffee I.V…STAT!!!


How is this drug testing talk pertinent? LK will never be showing FEI.


That entire link is one hot mess of LK’s raging rants! And she continues on for several more posts. Amazing.


I may be wrong, and I have asked a friend for verification, but I believe a TD can request a drug test of a rider if cause is shown at a show. Her screaming fits of rage at RG at most shows was never normal behavior for any competitor other than LK. I doubt she will ever set foot inside a recognized USEF/USDF/FEI show again. Just my opinion.


The YT is up to 582k views and 3,358 comment. I’ve seen several comments where people say they hope she is reading so that she knows what others think of her and her behavior.

Knowing Lauren, I just want to say, if only you knew……


KarenK, who is not familiar with the horse show world, asked for clarification on the drug testing rules for riders. That’s all.


Still a LIE. Schellhorn said as I posted.


I think the point @BrownDerby was trying to make is the drug test will never be relevant as LK will never show at an FEI show.


That may well be true. However, KarenK asked for clarification on the rules, and the conversation went on from there.


I am not sure I remember seeing that. Can you provide a screenshot or link?


Yes, I’d be interested in seeing that statement as well. My connections tell me they don’t recall any public statement.


I’m taking a break from yard work - it’s 91F outside and my old body can no longer take hard physical work in that kind of heat. :slightly_frowning_face:

So I pulled up the 48 Hours transcript and searched for the word “abuse.” It was used 8 times. Here is a compilation of those references.

Baptiste: How did Child Protective Services end up at the farm?

Schellhorn: Child Protective Services was contacted by SafeSport.

Baptiste: SafeSport is a watchdog group authorized by Congress dedicated to ending sexual and other abuse in sports and Lauren had filed a complaint with them.

Schellhorn: Lauren Kenrick had made a report to SafeSport about some of the bullying that she was experiencing by Michael Barisone and by Mary Haskins Gray.

Deininger: You know how you destroy someone in that community? SafeSport.

Baptiste : This is Lauren’s [SafeSport] complaint. She alleged Barisone was being a bully and body shaming her.

Baptiste: The SafeSport form asked, “Does this report involve allegations or concerns of child abuse or child sexual abuse?”. Lauren said “Yes.”

Baptiste: She said the abuse was verbal not physical. (**See my comment below.)

Bilinkas: The breaking point is when Child Services show up.

Baptiste: The caseworker was there to check on the welfare of Mary Haskins’ two children. But by now, both were gone from Hawthorne Hill.

Baptiste: Nothing worse than being accused of harming a child.

Bilinkas: The worst thing that anyone could ever be accused of.

Baptiste: Did you ever see any sign that Michael in any way abused Mary’s kids?

Jordan: No. I know absolutely not. He loved them and they really adored him.

Baptiste: Have you ever seen any evidence that Michael Barrisone abused or neglected Mary’s children or any children?

Schellhorn: I don’t think there’s any direct evidence brought out of that.

Baptiste: But a suggestion of possible child sexual abuse was too much for the Olympian to bear.

Schellhorn: He jumped to the conclusion that they were to investigate him for sexual abuse. He acted emotionally and decided that he was going to get the gun and end it by killing Lauren Kanarak.

Baptiste: There’s not much worse than being accused of harming a child.

Schellhorn: Perhaps being shot.

**What is not clear is when Baptiste said: “She (LK) said the abuse was verbal not physical,” did she mean that was indicated on the report itself, or did LK claim it in a conversation or posting at some point?

And even though LK may not have DIRECTLY stated there was sexual abuse of minors going on there, she absolutely had to know that SS was going to check that box on the form the minute she even hinted that minors may be at risk. And that it would trigger a call to CPS, something she wanted to happen but was loathe to initiate - and probably because she didn’t want to be that intimately connected to a CPS investigation whereas she knew that an SS investigation would afford her much more protection as an informant and at the same time, would accomplish her main goal of ruining MB.